Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 121 Three Sichuan Governor Li You

Chapter 121 Sanchuan Governor Li You
Li You!

In fact, this person has a little relationship with Qin Ge. If they use the same language, they are brother-in-law.

Qin Ge married the eldest princess Liyang, and Li You married the third princess Shiman.

It's just that Qin Ge is younger and has been married for a shorter time.

The most important thing is that Li You's father was an important minister of the First Emperor. The current Ting Wei and the future Great Qin Prime Minister Li Si are naturally different from Qin Ge, who is married.

Li You is marrying the princess, while Qin Ge is marrying.

There is a world of difference between the two, if Qin Ge hadn't been born out of nowhere, I'm afraid the result would not be much more popular than the green hat Wang Fang Yi.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Qin Ge chuckled lightly, and said: "I want to meet this brother-in-law for a while, maybe it will be useful in the future!"

In history, Li You was a loyal minister. Qin Ge admired such a person very much.

It is the duty of a courtier to die for the country and to be loyal to the king.

The world has been favored by the country, and when facing the danger of Daqin, he stood up and did not avoid the danger.

Especially this time to promote Xiaozhuan and Qin Yan, and Li You is the first to bear the brunt, which can improve the relationship, and now his relationship with Li Si is cooperation.

There were so many thoughts in his mind, at this moment, Qin Ge thought of a lot.

In the future layout, Li You is a very important part. After all, Li You is also the son-in-law of the Great Qin Dynasty, but a son-in-law with relatively high dignity.

However, no matter what, they are all Daqin Consorts, and they are the same kind of people.

"Young Master, Xingyang has arrived, and after half an hour, you can reach the army shogunate."

Glancing at Tie Ying, Qin Ge waved his hand and said, "Please send someone to inform Li You, let him make preparations, and don't be a villain."


Among the army shogunate.

Since Li You served as the governor of Sanchuan County, he has been staying in Xingyang, and he has not built a luxurious mansion, but has been living in the army shogunate.

He is a general, so he is naturally used to being in the army.

What's more, his wife is far away in Xianyang, so it doesn't make any difference whether there are family members in Xingyang or where they live.

Although he was marrying a princess, she was Princess Daqin after all. It was not easy to take a concubine, and he did not dare, or in other words, his father Li Si did not dare.

"General, Emperor Qin Ge has arrived!"

Hearing Jun Sima's words, Li You instantly stood up from his seat. Li You didn't know much about this man, but he also knew that the present was different from the past, and Qin Ge today was no longer what it used to be.

"I will go to meet you!"


"Li You, governor of Sanchuan County, has seen the emperor's envoy!"

Glancing at Li You, Qin Ge jumped down from the cart: "You don't need to be polite, let's go to the shogunate first—!"

This is not a place to talk, Qin Ge naturally didn't want to stay here for too long, as for the relationship with Li Youla, he had to stay in Sanchuan County for at least half a month, he had plenty of time.

"Emperor, this way!"

The moment Li You saw Qin Ge's guards, his heart was shocked. He naturally knew that the guards in front of him were the famous Iron Eagle warriors in the Great Qin Empire.

With the end of the war, this famous army became the first emperor's personal guard.

At this moment, Qin Ge was accompanied by Tie Ying Rui Shi, and Li You naturally understood in an instant that Emperor Shi Huang's favor for this man in front of him had reached the extreme.

He knew very well that even the eldest son, Fusu, did not have such an honor.


Entering the army shogunate, Qin Ge sat down on his own. In the whole shogunate, there were only two people, Li You and Qin Ge.

"Brother Li, sit down!"

Seeing that Li You was a bit restrained, Qin Ge smiled and said, "Don't brother Li welcome Qin Ge?"

"How dare you dare!"

Quickly apologizing, Li You sat down opposite Qin Ge and poured tea for the two of them: "Emperor Envoy, I don't know why you came here this time, what is your majesty's order?"


With a chuckle, Qin Ge shook his head, and said, "Father ordered me to patrol thousands of miles of rivers and mountains outside the pass. Under the county guard, I have the privilege of killing first and playing later!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Ge threw the edict to Li You and said, "Brother Li, take a look first!"

"Also, you and I are not that unfamiliar, just call us by name. Logically speaking, brother Li should also call Qin Ge brother-in-law!"

Li You opened it and took a look, then returned the edict to Qin Ge, and said: "If there is anything that needs to be done, just order it directly, and Li You will fully cooperate!"


Nodding his head, Qin Ge said, "Brother Li must have also heard the news that the father started to consolidate China. This time, Qin Ge came here to promote Qin Yan and Xiaozhuan!"

"For half a month, the officials in Sanchuan County must learn Xiaozhuan and Qinyan. After all, the rest of the counties still need to go to implement it. The matter is urgent, so this is the only way to go."

Hearing this, Li You hesitated for a moment, and said, "Have you been a little nervous for half a month?"

"not nervous!"

After taking a sip of herbal tea, Qin Ge smiled wryly, and said, "To tell the truth, brother Li, the emperor only gave a three-year deadline, and two months have passed. Now in the counties outside the pass, even three full years are not enough."

"Half a month is already the limit, and you also know that the resistance of the other counties outside the pass is far from what Sanchuan County can match!"

Speaking of this, Qin Ge smiled at Li You, and said, "Brother Li, tell all the officials that Qin Ge is in charge of this matter this time, and only needs to have a good result to report to the emperor."

"I have no grievances with them in recent days, nor have I had any enmity in the past. Although the Emperor Sword has shown its sharpness, Qin Ge does not want to kill people, but also hopes that they can cooperate. In Sanchuan County, I don't want the Emperor Sword to be stained with blood, and I don't want Brother Li to be in trouble."


Li You knew that what Qin Ge said was the truth, three years to implement Qin Yan and Xiao Zhuan, the time was too tight.The counties outside the pass have just been unified, and there are many opposing forces in them. It is naturally more difficult to implement Qin Yan and Xiaozhuan.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is difficult to move an inch.

He is a general, so he naturally knows how many opposition forces there are in this world, and Qin Ge is still a civil servant, so his deterrent power is low.

No matter how prosperous Qin Ge is at the moment, Qin Ge's identity is still a son-in-law, and they will not watch Qin Ge ride on their heads.

Before Qin Ge went there, Li You had already met the situation that he was about to meet next.

"Qin Ge, I'm afraid this trip will be extremely difficult. Whether it's the survivors of the Six Kingdoms, the hundreds of schools of thought, or the old families from all over the world, they will all become your enemies. Be careful and bring Iron Eagles with you at any time."

After all, he and Qin Ge had a relationship, not to mention they were ministers in the same palace. Li You didn't want to see Qin Ge die outside the customs.

"Don't worry!"

Qin Ge drank the tea in the teacup in one gulp, his expression was sharp, like a sword out of its sheath: "I have the emperor sword in my hand, I don't mind killing the world and bowing my head—!"

(End of this chapter)

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