Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 13 I'm 8 this year, I'm high-spirited!

Chapter 13 I'm eighteen this year, I'm full of energy!

"If I lose, I won't be an official in this life, and I would like to be a big country and a small citizen, and never appear in front of the lords—!"

Qin Ge's words, upon hearing it for the first time, were full of arrogance and domineering, but when the officials were quiet for a while, they couldn't help but gasp. Under the domineering, there was boundless self-confidence.

He is confident that the country name he has set is better than that of a talented doctor. He is confident that the country name he has set is exactly what the emperor intended.

At this moment, Qin Ge was eighteen years old, full of vigor and sharpness.

As soon as this remark came out, the officials were dumbfounded.

Such a bet is too heavy.

Whether it was Qin Ge's victory or the Doctoral Academy's victory, it was destined to be a miserable victory.

The book says: When two tigers fight, there must be an injury, which is to describe this moment.

As soon as Qin Ge's words came out, Ying Zheng, who was sitting at the top, looked straight at him. He couldn't help but take another look at Qin Ge. Compared with before, he didn't talk much and kept himself, but at this moment, Qin Ge showed his sharpness. Sharp as a knife.

At this moment, Qin Ge is like a heavenly knife, possessing the peerless power to kill everything, even Ying Zheng is looking sideways at him.

Young, talented, sharp-edged young man, such a person is too dazzling, peerless.

"Emperor, in the words of the son-in-law, here today, I will compare with the son-in-law!" Afraid that Ying Zheng would refuse, at this moment, Chunyu Yue hurriedly opened his mouth, blocking the way for others to intercede.

Ying Zheng's eyes were dark, and when he thought of Qin Ge's plan to do business in the world, his eyes flashed, and he said: "This time, I will testify alone for the bet, I don't know which one of you will come first!"

"Dr. Chunyuyue is getting old, and my servant originally wanted to let Dr. Chunyuyue come first——!" Qin Ge's words were sharp, and he said that Chunyuyue was getting old.


With a cold snort, Chun Yuyue said, "The old man grows old, but he can still eat three bowls. He has good hearing and eyesight. It's not that you are a son-in-law who is vulgar and uneducated. You should come first, lest people in the world say that the old man doesn't love the young!"

"Since the doctor said it, Qin Ge will do his part!"

Qin Ge stood up, bowed solemnly to Ying Zheng, and said, "I think that the title of the country should be the Great Qin Empire. If it matches the emperor's supremacy, it will last forever."

"The Great Qin Empire?"

At this moment, the officials were extremely quiet, chewing on the name in their hearts.

They knew that whether it was the name of the emperor or the name of the Great Qin Empire, Ying Zheng had to nod before it was approved.

On the throne, Ying Zheng's eyes flashed, and he said, "Qin Ge, what does the word Great Qin Empire imply?"

Hearing this, Qin Ge's eyes flashed with hotness. At this moment, Qin Ge's body exuded a mighty aura, which is the self-confidence and calmness of the people of a big country.

"Father, the reason why I call it an empire is because an empire is an upgrade of a dynasty!"

"In my son's view, an empire must have three basic characteristics. First, this country has a vast territory, and no small country can be called an empire."

"Secondly, in this country, the emperor alone reigns supreme. In the whole world, is it the king's land, and the shore of the land, is it the king's ministers!"

"The third is the strong military expansion capabilities. My son believes that without expansion, there is no empire."

"Looking at my Great Qin, it is extremely clear in these three aspects. Great Qin is an empire that only respects the father and emperor, not an ordinary dynasty."

"This is some of my son's thoughts, I ask my father to make a decision—!"

At this moment, all the officials were stunned.

Many people were even secretly scolding Chunyu Yue. At the beginning of the court meeting, Qin Ge asked to leave on his own, but it was these self-proclaimed guys who stopped him, so that his face was swollen by Qin Ge.

Moreover, the people present were all the top wise men of Daqin, so they naturally sensed Qin Ge's sharpness, so they couldn't help showing a wry smile.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the whole study was weird, and all kinds of eyes were looking back and forth at Qin Ge, Chun Yuyue and the others. It was very meaningful. They all knew that at this moment, the battle was not over yet.

Qin Ge, who had finally gained the upper hand, would not let it go.

Sure enough, a look of amusement appeared in Qin Ge's eyes, and he said to Chun Yuyue and the others who were staring at him, "I've made up my mind for ignorant people like me, but have you made up your mind for the learned disciples of Confucius? "

"If not, I'm afraid that you will disappoint the emperor. After all, even a son-in-law, an ignorant person can't compare with him, a dignified Confucianist, a disciple of Confucius, and nothing more!"

Qin Ge's words made Ying Zheng's eyes deep, and made all the officials dumbfounded and surprised.

Of course, it made Chun Yuyue and the others turn red, feeling extremely ashamed and ashamed.

A doctor who is famous all over the world has studied countless times in his life, but he is not as good as an eighteen-year-old boy. At this moment, Chun Yuyue only feels that he and others are living like dogs.

Chun Yuyue's eyes were deep, and he saw Ying Zheng's expression from the corner of his eye, so he naturally knew that Ying Zheng was very satisfied with the title of Great Qin Empire.

No matter what he is, it is impossible to surpass.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Chun Yuyue's eyes flashed, and he said to Ying Zheng, "I lost this round. The emperor will resign as the dean of the doctoral college from today onwards!"

"I think the son-in-law is very talented, and it would be more appropriate for the dean to have a son-in-law—!"

Retreat to advance!

At this moment, Chun Yuyue represented Confucianism, and naturally he would not surrender without a fight. This was not in line with his style, let alone his personality.

As the representative of Confucianism above the Great Qin Dynasty, Chunyu Yue has his own arrogance.


As soon as Chunyuyue said it, the whole study room was in a commotion.

Such a battle is becoming more and more uncontrollable. The officials were surprised and couldn't help looking at Ying Zheng, who was above the throne. Ying Zheng, who was on the throne, also frowned slightly. He didn't expect that a court meeting would turn out to be Was disturbed by Qin Ge.

However, Qin Ge finally won.

However, Chun Yuyue and the others were too aggressive, which made Ying Zheng very dissatisfied, and thoughts flickered in his mind. When he thought of Qin Ge's desire to do business in the world, Ying Zheng suddenly had a thought, and said, "Qin Ge, for the post of dean of the doctoral school Are you interested?"

"Since father and emperor hand-picked it, this son-in-law should take care of Daqin—!"

Contrary to anyone's expectations, Qin Ge agreed without fear of death. Even Ying Zheng, who had some thoughts in his heart, was slightly taken aback, somewhat unable to understand Qin Ge's thoughts.

"Qin Ge, have you thought it through?"

Facing Ying Zheng's gaze, Qin Ge chuckled, not caring about the cold gazes of Chun Yuyue and the others, and said: "Isn't it just a place where a group of people with whimsical ideas stay, I have figured it out——! "

Since they had already torn their skins apart, at this moment, Qin Ge didn't retreat in the slightest. Anyway, at this time, Ying Zheng would not punish him, and even wished he could make a fuss.

(End of this chapter)

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