Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 14 Tianxing Capital, Nine States have fallen since then!

Chapter 14 Tianxing Capital, Kyushu has fallen since then!
The meeting is over.

The national title and honorary title have been determined, and the rest is handed over to the doctoral school.

A court meeting that was supposed to be vigorous ended in depression, and all the officials were a little stunned.

A son-in-law is against the sky.

After the court meeting was over, the officials left, while Qin Ge and the three stayed in the study.

They haven't finished explaining their affairs, and a king as discerning as Ying Zheng will never let it go.

"There is no one now, can the three speak!"

Hearing this, Qin Ge glanced at Zheng Guo, and signaled Zheng Guo to say first, after all, Zheng Guo is one of the nine ministers here, with a high position and authority, and it is most appropriate for Zheng Guo to speak.

At the same time, her husband also looked at Zheng Guo and signaled Zheng Guo to speak first.

At this moment, Zheng Guo glanced at Qin Ge, then turned to Ying Zheng, and said, "It's still up to the dean of the doctoral school. After all, the son-in-law's tongue-in-cheek is such that even those who are full of knowledge are willing to bow down."

"Qin Ge, tell me!"

Seeing the three pushing and blocking, Ying Zheng pondered slightly and said.


"Father, my son has nothing to do in the mansion. By accident, I was lucky enough to have a wonderful idea. I improved Zhili and called it Quyuanli."

"I experimented with the two lords, and the results were gratifying. I discussed with Zhili Neishi and Shangfang Gongshu, and took this opportunity to promote Qu Yuanli to the entire Great Qin."

"Among the income, [-]% of the income is labor and materials produced by Shangfang, [-]% of the income is in charge of the promotion of the Zhili Nei History Office, [-]% of the income is taken by the ministers, and four of the cities belong to the father."

Qin Ge smiled all over his face at this time, looked up at Ying Zheng, and said, "Father, forty percent is a bit too much. If father is in trouble, thirty percent, or twenty percent will do!"

"Zheng Guo, how much is this [-]%?"

Ying Zheng didn't respond. After Qin Ge's previous performance, he didn't believe this good boy, especially Qin Ge's smile was obviously treacherous.

Zheng Guo hurriedly said: "I told the emperor, it is about a quarter of Daqin's income, and this is still under the condition that the price is not high and I don't compete with the people for profit!"


As the Lord of Great Qin, Ying Zheng naturally knew how big this amount was, and with a twinkle in his eyes, he scolded and said, "Gu thinks that forty percent is not enough, thirty percent, Qin Ge, are you going to take food from Gu?"

"My son dare not, my son is terrified!"

Facing Qin Ge's playful smile, Ying Zheng also smiled helplessly, and said, "This matter can be done, the one who belongs to the lonely, leave it to Zhao Gao!"


Nodding in agreement, Qin Ge hesitated for a while, and said to Ying Zheng, "Father, can you change the doctor's college to the doctor's palace?"


At this moment, everyone turned their attention to Qin Ge. They were a little surprised by this change. After all, changing the doctor's college to the doctor's palace did not change substantially.

Ying Zheng's eyes were full of surprise, he couldn't help but take a look at Qin Ge, and said, "What's the difference between Doctor's College and Doctor's Palace?"

"no difference!"

There was a hint of amusement in Qin Ge's eyes, and he said: "Well, I just think that the dean doesn't sound like a palace lord, and he looks very tall——!"


The laughter stopped after a while, and Ying Zheng said helplessly, "Okay, I will listen to you, Palace Master Qin!"

"My son, thank you, Father!"

At this time, Ying Zheng seemed to be the richest man in the world, but he was actually a poor man. The wealth in his hands was not enough to support his grand ambitions.

Yingzheng was overjoyed when he heard about a quarter of Daqin's income.

When the three of Qin Ge left, Ying Zheng looked deeply and said, "Zhao Gao, what do you think of Qin Ge?"

"I report to the emperor, I think the son-in-law is talented and intelligent, after all, he will become one of the best new stars in the Qin Dynasty!" Zhao Gao said solemnly to Ying Zheng Youyou, "It's just that the son-in-law seems to be keen on merchants, and the relationship between the son-in-law and the eldest son."


Ying Zheng also felt a little bad: "The relationship between Qin Ge and Fu Su, I'm afraid it will be difficult to improve—!"

Although he was feeling emotional, Ying Zheng didn't blame Qin Ge. He knew in his heart that Fu Su had been taught badly by those Confucianists, forcing Qin Ge to stand up without drawing his sword.

"Let Heibingtai pay more attention to Qin Ge and Fusu!"


Both Fusu and Qin Ge were in their fledgling years. At this time, there were too many things that could be said to disagree and draw their swords. It was precisely because of this that Ying Zheng was worried.

Only by looking at the black ice platform can he feel at ease.

Back in the mansion, Qin Ge has been thinking about one thing, that is how he will do business in the world.

"My lord, you're back!" Lan Ya came over, saluted Qin Ge, and said.


Nodding his head, Qin Ge said, "Go to the study to study ink, I will be here in a while!"


Qin Ge was a bigwig in the business world in his previous life, so he naturally knew the structure and troubles of establishing a company. He needed to write a plan and then move forward step by step.

And he needs a great businessman to run around for him.

At this moment, Qin Ge finally realized that he had no connections in Daqin. In desperation, Qin Ge went back to the study and wrote the plan on the parchment.

It's just that there is no money yet, which makes it difficult for Qin Ge to be a smart woman.

Turning the pen in his hand, Qin Ge's eyes flashed again, a message appeared in his heart, and the corner of his mouth smiled slightly.

The accumulation of wealth will start from this moment.

At this moment, Qin Ge picked up a pen and wrote down the four characters of Tianxing Capital on the parchment. He believed that one day, Tianxing Capital would become the most dazzling existence in this era.

Wealthy world!

"Lan Ya, go and call Han Tan over—!"


A while later, Han Tan came in a hurry, and said to Qin Ge, "This subordinate has seen the young master——!"

"Han Tan, do you know where the largest restaurant in Xianyang City is?" Qin Ge's eyes were dark, and he knew in his heart that at this moment, he had no money to make a fortune and could only buy things.

However, Qin Ge knew that he couldn't come forward in person, he had to find someone who had nothing to do with him but was loyal to carry it out. Most importantly, he was very strange to this world and knew almost nothing about it.

"My lord, the largest restaurant in Xianyang City belongs to Ba's in Shu County!"


Qin Ge pondered for a while, and said: "By the way, Han Tan, do you have someone you can trust, someone who has nothing to do with the mansion, and who has a clean background?"

In desperation, Qin Ge could only make a breakthrough from Cong Han Tan. He knew in his heart that he could only stand behind the scenes, not in front of the stage.

Hearing this, Han Tan was silent for a moment, and said to Qin Ge, "I have a nephew from far away, who just turned [-] this year, and has a clean background, but he is a country boy who only knows how to farm!"


Nodding his head, Qin Ge chuckled and said, "It's just that he is capable and wants to live a good life. Let him come to the mansion as quickly as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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