Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 15 tells the art of planning, and mentions the princesses of the six countries.

Chapter 15 tells the art of planning and mentions the princesses of the six countries.

Three days later, Han Tan's distant nephew arrived at the mansion.

Qin Ge's plan began to kick off.


Seeing Han Yigeng, Han Tan took a look at the four directions, and said earnestly, "Yigeng, your son is extremely talented, this opportunity is something I have been begging for for a long time, old man."

"You can't embarrass me, old uncle, and this is your only chance to change your destiny. Otherwise, in this life, you can only farm in Songlingou."

Han Tan Qian exhorted, Wan exhorted.

He knew how important this matter was to Qin Ge, and asking him to find someone was because of Qin Ge's trust in him, so naturally he couldn't live up to this trust.

"Cousin don't worry, nephew can save it!"

Han Yi was even more excited. Compared with entering Qin Ge's mansion, it was far better than him farming. Moreover, once he entered Qin Ge's mansion, he did not need to do labor.

Such a job, safe and rich, is really hard to find.

"Follow me to see the son, and be careful when you speak, that person is someone who dares to hate even the eldest son!" Han Tan was afraid that Han Yi would not be in awe of Qin Ge even though he revealed a little rumor.

Hearing this, Han Yigeng was shocked. They naturally knew that the eldest son was the young master of Daqin. After thinking about it, Han Yigeng was even more in awe.

After being silent for a long time, he turned to Han Tan and said, "Cousin, don't worry, my nephew will be cautious in his words and deeds—!"

"Alright then, let's go!"

"My lord, this is Han Yigeng, my distant nephew, who works at home all year round and can read and write!" Han Tan changed Han Yi into a suit of servant clothes that fit him, and led him to see Qin Ge.

"You look talented, young and full of vigor, it seems that this looks like Han talking about you!"

Qin Ge glanced at Han Yigeng and said, "Han Yigeng, you have two choices here, my lord. One is to be a servant with peace of mind. As long as it's not against the law, my lord will keep you safe."

"The second one is that my son established the Tianxing capital. If he wants to do business in the world, he needs someone to replace me and stop.

"My lord, the villain chooses the second one!"

They are all young people in the prime of life, and Han Yi naturally doesn't want to wait for death. It is obvious that the latter is more suitable for his development and has a brighter future.

After all, the first one is just a servant in the mansion, and the second one is Qin Ge's spokesperson.


Nodding his head, Qin Ge was silent for a while, and said to Han Tan, "Give him a sum of money and let him go around the restaurants and chambers of commerce in front of him, and let him know how to be a good shopkeeper."

"In three days, I need you to give me an answer sheet. If I am satisfied, let's talk about other things!"


Han Yi is too young and honest.

Such a person is like a blank sheet of paper. In the big dye vat of Xianyang, it will surely glow with a brighter brilliance. Qin Ge knows that with his own talent, even an incompetent person can create a Huge chamber of commerce.

However, he hopes that Han Yi will become more talented.

He hopes that everyone under his command will become talented.

"Mei Luo, let Qin, Chess, Calligraphy, Painting and Landu come here, and I will teach you how to plan—!" Seeing Han Tan and the others leave, Qin Ge's eyes flashed, he turned to Me Luo, and said.


Hearing this, Mei Luo was overjoyed, she knew in her heart that Qin Ge's treatment of them meant that they were still useful, so that they would not die.

"Sisters, the young master has a call!"

After a while, a group of Yingying and Yanyan walked into the study and saluted Qin Ge one by one. Qin Ge waved his hand, looked at the six people, fell silent for a while, and said, "You are all princesses of the six countries. There are people serving."

"However, today is different from the past. You are all prisoners, and the princess of a subjugated country is not as good as a commoner!"

"My son said so much today, not to humiliate you, but to tell you, don't do things that are too outrageous. His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor is powerful all over the world, and the Great Qin Ruishi overwhelms the world. If you have the heart to restore the country I think, once this young master finds out, I have a lot of white silk and poisonous wine here, and I will give you a ride, this young master can still do it!"

"Actually, you are far luckier than others. In my son's house, you will not be unable to survive, nor will you be looked down upon by others, and you will not be short of food and drink."

"I hope you can recognize the reality. The fate of you in this life is closely connected with this son, and also with each other. According to the laws of the Great Qin Dynasty, if one of you has the idea of ​​restoring the country, everyone present will die."

"My son can let you live a peaceful life, but this requires you to take charge of this place and forget your previous name, as well as the pride and glory you once had."

Qin Ge's words made the faces of the six people change suddenly, turning blue for a while, and red for a while. These words were very unpleasant, but they knew that what Qin Ge said was their situation.

It was already a kind of grace to send it to Qin Ge's house.

After thinking up to this point, the six of them turned to Qin Ge and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Qin, the maidservant knows!"


Nodding his head, Qin Ge waved his hand and said, "Since everyone understands, I will teach you the art of planning today, which can be regarded as preparing a skill for making a living in the future."

"I don't support idlers in my son's mansion, all expenses require labor!"

"I have waited to thank you son!"

Under the eyes of the six girls, Qin Ge handed them the Arabic numerals, and at the same time explained the addition and subtraction within ten. As for the multiplication and division, it was too advanced for their beginners to master.

"You're going to practice here, I'm going out for a while!"

"Young master, walk slowly."

Walking on the street, Qin Ge and Han Tan looked left and right, as if they wanted to see all the flowers in Xianyang at a glance. Now Xianyang is the largest city in the world, clean and tidy, and extremely safe.

In Xianyang, due to the Qin Law, it is forbidden for rangers to gather here. Because of this, Xianyang is much safer than other cities. This is also the reason why Qin Ge can travel around without a guard.

"My lord, there is something I don't understand!" Han Tan said to Qin Ge while walking.


Hearing this, Han Tan was silent for a while, and said, "Why don't you teach them the art of planning?"


With a chuckle, Qin Ge said, "They belong to the subjugated princesses in Daqin, which means that no one thinks highly of them, and they are bound to be loyal. Moreover, teaching them the art of planning is also to help me do things!"

"Han Tan, remember that those who don't plan forever don't plan for a moment!"

"This majestic Great Qin, the water is too deep. I have already been lying in the muddy water this time, and I can't get out. It seems that I need to apply to my father for protection—!"

(End of this chapter)

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