Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 16 In the future, the son will be dispatched, and Han Tanwan will die!

Chapter 16 In the future, the son will be dispatched, and Han Tanwan will die!
Qin Ge is a person who is afraid of death.

Especially those who have experienced one death are more afraid of death.

As a former bigwig in the business world, and now a son-in-law of the great Qin Dynasty, Qin Ge did not pursue the idea of ​​a higher price for love. He knew in his heart that capital and power are the rules governing the operation of this world.


Sometimes it is really touching and makes people yearn for it.

However, sometimes in love, farts are not!

Qin Ge doesn't have too many demands on women, all he needs is to find a warm person and live his whole life. The kind of love where the sky can crumble, the earth can split, and we hold hands is too expensive, so it's only suitable to appear in the script middle.

And Qin Ge is a realistic and selfish person.

Therefore, for Qin Ge, living comfortably was better than anything else.

Of course, on the premise of living comfortably, it is not impossible to push this era forward.

But the premise of all this is that Qin Ge can live comfortably.

Even at this moment, Qin Ge sentenced the anti Qin thugs to death.

At this moment, Qin Ge thought of a sentence, and a picture appeared in his mind, a eunuch walked up the steps step by step, making a deafening sound from his mouth.

"I want to climb to the top step by step, I want to be Zhao Gao!"

At that moment, Gao Yao's ruthlessness and sadness moved Qin Ge's face. It's like this in this world, the law of the jungle has never changed.


Shaking off the emotions in his heart, Qin Ge regained his composure. Compared with Gao Yao, Qin Ge's start is pretty good. Although he is a son-in-law, he has no chance of changing his fate against the sky.

Moreover, as long as the first emperor survived, Qin Ge's life would be safe.

And when the first emperor died, Qin Ge would have the ability and means to protect himself.

"My lord, where are we going? Are we just wandering around like this?" Han Tan was a little puzzled, he didn't think Qin Ge came out just to see the scene in Xianyang city.

Qin Ge's trip must have other purposes.

"Isn't it good to spin around?"

With a chuckle, Qin Ge pointed to all kinds of people on the street: "This is life, without fireworks, you are not a human being!"

"Go to Shangshangfang and experience the gathering places of merchants in this era!"


Shangshangfang was originally the world-renowned city of the Six Kingdoms in Xianyang. Although the Great Qin unified the world, it had little impact on this place, and it was still full of traffic.

Shangshangfang corresponds to Changyang Street Qin City, but Qin Ge is more interested in the Shangshangfang where the survivors of the Six Kingdoms are located. After all, these people must be in constant fear in Daqin after their country is subjugated.

Such a person is more eager to seek protection from a powerful force. Others look down on him, but Qin Ge does.

Although he is a son-in-law, for these people in Shangshangfang, it is an opportunity.

Walking in Shangshangfang, looking at the endless stream of people, Qin Ge raised the corners of his mouth, turned to Han Tan, and said, "Find a restaurant, go eat something, I'm hungry."


Nodding his head in agreement, Han Tan said softly, "My lord, there is Bashi's restaurant not far ahead, do you want to go?"

"Change to another family, Bashi leaves it to Han Yigeng!"


In Shangshangfang, the most indispensable thing is the restaurant. Within half an hour, Qin Ge and Han Tan walked into a well-decorated restaurant.

"A private room, a pot of tea, a pot of wine, and two special dishes!" Han Tan ordered, and then followed Qin Yue up to the second floor.

"Guest officer, please!"

The clerk walked into the private room and opened the window facing the street. A ray of sunlight poured in and fell on the long case, half of which fell on Qin Ge.

The afternoon sun shone on my body, it was warm and very comfortable.

"Han Tan, sit down and have a drink with me!" Qin Ge pointed to the seat opposite, and said to Han Tan.

"Young master, how dare your subordinates take a seat in front of you."

At this moment, Han Tan was very moved, but he knew that he was a servant and could not take the seat, or else he would be disrespectful to the young master.

"I'll let you sit!"

Glancing at Han Tan, Qin Ge said softly, "Wouldn't it be a lot less fun for me to drink alone, and in the future, unless it's an important occasion, there's no need to follow the rules so much."

"You are the first person in this world who doesn't despise me because of my identity. I don't know many people. Except for my father, you are the only one."

"Although you are my subordinate, in my heart, I regard you as a friend, maybe the only friend, so don't be restrained in front of me!"

To Qin Ge, he was too boring.

In the vast Qin Dynasty, there is no one who can talk to him in the whole country. Looking around, there are high-ranking officials and nobles, and ordinary pawns. There is only one servant, Han Tan, who may be able to talk about it.

In front of the whole Daqin, he was out of place after all.

Qin Ge has the perspective of God. He despises the people of this era, and also keeps himself out of this era. However, Qin Ge at this moment is not clear, even if he is aware of it, it is impossible to understand it.


At this moment, Han Tan's eyes were red, and the depths of his eyes were full of emotion, which was a kind of determination that was willing to die for it.

After drinking a cup of wine, Qin Ge said silently, "Han Tan, what do you think about the future?"

"Marry a wife and have children, and continue to serve the son!"

Han Tan's expression was solemn, and the depths of his eyes were full of determination. At this moment, Qin Ge was a little surprised. He had always believed that Han Tan was an eunuch and was barren.

"Can your servants also marry wives and have children?"


Han Tan's face turned red, and he explained to Qin Ge, "Subordinates are only outside servants, and are not qualified to enter the inner circle. Only those who enter the inner circle and become servants in the harem will be purified."

"This is also the reason why my subordinates have been taking care of the young master on the outskirts of Liyang Palace. Only after many tests and approval from the higher authorities can they complete the last step of cleansing!"

Hearing Han Tan's words, Qin Ge's eyes flashed surprise, he reached out and patted Han Tan's shoulder, and said: "This is a good thing, your future is limitless in the future, as for marrying a wife, I will take care of it for you , you just need to do things well!"

"Although my son's position is not high, it is not difficult to marry a wife for you, as long as the status gap is not too big!"

"Thank you, Mr. Han Tan!"

Han Tan choked up and drank the wine in the wine cup.

At this moment, Han Tan was extremely grateful to Qin Ge. He had lived a very difficult life from birth to now, but Qin Ge's words warmed his already cold heart.

Because of this, Han Tan turned his heart to Qin Ge and was loyal to him.

His life in this life is Qin Ge's.

After thinking up to this point, Han Tan bowed solemnly to Qin Ge, and said very seriously, "Young master will be dispatched in the future, and Han Tan will never hesitate to die—!"

(End of this chapter)

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