Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 17 This is to kill Feng Wu!

Chapter 17 This is to kill Feng Wu!
"Drink, drink!"

In the private room, Qin Ge smiled lightly, and said to Han Tan.

At this moment, talking with Han Tan, I had the feeling that I graduated from college and had a skewer at a food stall.

Seems like deja vu, a thousand years at a glance.

It's a pity that even if Qin Ge glanced at Wannian, he could never go back. After all, he is a person who is out of place in this era.

At this moment, Qin Ge fell into memory.

After all, in that world, there was a beauty that touched Qin Ge's soul. Even if he missed it in the end, he still couldn't forget it in his heart.

What's more, the eternal family affection made Qin Ge feel guilty.

Coming to this world means that you owe something to the past.

"Mr. Feng, there is someone in the private room, why don't I change it for you with the younger one, the location is very good..." The clerk laughed again and again, with an extremely humble look on his face.


The young man yelled, and kicked the clerk away: "This private room belongs to me, so cats and dogs can enter it. Can you take care of me getting dirty?"

"Tell the people inside to get out quickly and kneel down to apologize to our young master..." The dog leg behind the young man spoke arrogantly, showing a tendency to disregard the people of the world.

The sound outside was too loud, interrupting Qin Ge's memories, he couldn't help but frown, a wave suddenly appeared on his pretty face, like a changing situation.

"Young master, shall I go and see?"

"Need not!"

A look of coldness flashed across Qin Ge's eyes: "I want to see who is so awesome and speaks loudly, even Fusu can't compare to him."


At this moment, the disciple of the private room was opened, and the clerk begged Qin Ge with a bruised nose and a swollen face, and said, "Young master, I have changed a private room for you, please come with me!"

"Young master's consumption today is our restaurant's!"

"it is good!"

Qin Ge glanced at the buddy, unwilling to make things difficult. After all, it is even more difficult for these low-level people to make a living in this world, so he nodded and said, "Take us there!"

"My lord, this way please-!" Seeing that Qin Ge was willing to change, the clerk said with a smile on his face.

"and many more!"

The young man took a step forward, took a look at Qin Ge, and said, "Did I let you go! Kneel down and admit your mistake, or you'll lose a hand!"

"Presumptuous, do you know..."

Han Tan spoke angrily, and Qin Ge interrupted him with his hand. At this moment, Qin Ge didn't want to leave, looked at the young man opposite, and said.

"Who are you, so powerful?"

There was a smile on the corner of Qin Ge's mouth, but the smile at this moment was cold and icy cold.

Hearing this, the young man was full of arrogance and his nostrils turned to the sky: "I am an existence you cannot afford to provoke, now kneel down and admit my mistake, otherwise you will not be able to leave here completely!"

Taking a look at the young man, Qin Ge's eyes were slightly cold. At this moment, a golden light flashed across his eyes, and a huge amount of information appeared in Qin Ge's eyes.


Letting out a breath, Qin Ge glanced at the wine jug on the long table, picked it up, and put it directly on the young man's head.

"Peng, Peng, Peng..."

"Bastard, stop, my father is Feng Quji!" The young man struggled, his heart furious, and he couldn't help shouting.

For a moment, the boy was bloody and bloody, fell to the ground and yelled nonstop, Qin Ge's fierceness, for a moment, frightened everyone, and the scene became quiet for a moment.

"Han Tan, send him to the hospital, don't let him die!" After ordering, Qin Ge walked out of the restaurant.

When passing by Han Tan's side, Qin Ge said softly, "Remember to take back his saber—!"



Walking on the street, Qin Ge's eyes were slightly cold. He knew in his heart that no matter who the young man was, after this time, he must have offended another great enemy.

It's just that Han Tan was not strong enough at that time, if he hadn't suppressed the young guards, he might not be able to leave the restaurant today.

He acted recklessly, but Qin Ge didn't care.

Ever since he drew his sword in the music workshop, he has never been willing to be humiliated in his life. He has already been beaten. As for how to end it, he can only leave it to fate.

"National Art!"

Qin Ge was also a little shocked by the sudden information. He knew in his heart that although there were no Qi practitioners in this world, there were ways to train strength.

Among the families of generals, there must be ways to exercise strength, and there are also methods among the royal family.

In the memory of the original owner, the method of exercising strength can make a person healthy and powerful. In addition, knight-errants are prevalent in this world, and killing techniques emerge in endlessly.

However, because Qin Ge was poor at a young age, his family had no resources to exercise strength, and no one to guide him, so he missed the best time.

Later in the Qin Palace, Ying Zheng had no choice but to sigh secretly.

But at this moment, the national art appeared in Qin Ge's heart, and he saw hope.

Guoshu is the art of killing the enemy!
Although Qin Ge has obtained the method of cultivation at this moment, he also knows that the national art is difficult, even if the national art is perfect, it cannot escape the cycle of life and death.

From the information that suddenly appeared, Qin Ge already knew that the national art was just for strengthening the body, but at this moment, Qin Ge needed the national art.

He knew in his heart how difficult this era was. Whether it was the Great Qin now or the chaotic world at the end of the Qin Dynasty, strong people emerged in endlessly.

Without any self-protection power, even if you are doing business in the world, the road will be difficult.


"Young master, you have already been sent to the hospital and taken away by the Feng family's guards. This person is Lord Feng Quji's fifth son!" Han Tan was a little worried and couldn't help but said to Qin Ge.

"Han Tan, do you know medical skills?"

Qin Ge's eyes were deep, and an idea came to his mind, so he talked to Han and said.

"Young master, this subordinate doesn't understand!"


"Where's the saber?"

Hearing this, Han Tan gave Feng Wu's saber to Qin Ge, and said, "My lord, this is Feng Wu's saber. It was taken back by my subordinates in panic at that time."

Holding it in his hand and weighing it, Qin Ge suddenly drew his sword and stabbed at himself.


The long sword pierced into the flesh, and severe pain swept over. Big drops of sweat appeared on his forehead. At this moment, Qin Ge's body trembled and his face was pale.

"My lord, what are you doing!" At this moment, Qin Ge's sudden action frightened Han Tan.

Looking at the trembling Han Tan, Qin Ge trembled: "Send me to the medical clinic, then sue Ting Wei's mansion, and tell them that Feng Wu wants to kill me!"

"Be fast, before the Feng family..."

Han Tan was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he was about to cry: "My lord, your injury..."

"I can't die!"

Qin Ge smiled wryly, and instructed Han Tan, "Don't dawdle, hurry up!"


At this moment, Han Tan was terrified.

He didn't expect Qin Ge to be so crazy that in order to deceive Feng Wu, he would resort to such a trick of killing one thousand enemies and harming himself eight hundred.


(End of this chapter)

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