Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 18 One case involved too much.

Chapter 18 A case involving too much.

On Shangshang Street, I found a medical clinic, and Qin Ge performed a simple bandage.

Then, Qin Ge sent someone to the mansion, and Han Tan went to the Tingwei Mansion to file a complaint. The division of labor between the master and the servant was clearly for the sinner.

"My lord, are you still in pain?"

Lan Ya's pretty face was full of worry, Ruyu touched the bandaged wound with her little hand, she was so distressed that she was about to cry.

"I'm fine!"

Qin Ge frowned, turned to Lan Ya, and said, "Among you, who is familiar with Qin Fa?"

At this moment, Lan Ya blushed and said: "My lord, we are just reading Qin Fa for the first time, and we haven't mastered it yet, let alone familiarize ourselves with it!"

After thinking about it, Qin Ge said: "Let Han Tan immediately go to the most famous litigator in Xianyang, my son wants to sue Feng Quji for committing murder, and his son wounded someone with a sword!"


Watching Lan Ya leave, Qin Ge ordered, "Let the others wait outside, I'm tired!"

"Young master, please rest, the maidservant knows!"

Lan Ya is gone!

Qin Ge let out a long breath, slowed down his body, and lay on the bed, trying to relieve the pain a little.

Unlike Han Tan and the others, Qin Ge knew in his heart that his injuries had completely avoided the vitals. Speaking of which, they were just flesh wounds.

Among the martial arts, there is the most detailed description of the human body. This is Qin Ge's confidence to dare to attack, and there are several prescriptions recorded in it, which can heal the injury without leaving sequelae.

If it wasn't for this, even if Qin Ge was given a thousand courage, Qin Ge would not lay hands on his own life. After all, the sterile conditions of this era simply cannot be met.

With Daqin's medical conditions, once infected, death may not be far away.

Han Tan found a lawyer, and directly sued Feng Quji and Feng Wu into Tingwei's mansion with a lawsuit.

"dong dong dong"

Li Si frowned when he heard the sound of the grievance drum outside. These days, he was busy with the establishment of the Great Qin State and the title of the emperor. It can be said that he was so busy that he was dizzy.

"What happened to Ting Weicheng?"

Wang Qing looked solemn, and handed the lawsuit sent by Han Tan to Li Si, saying: "Tingwei, the son-in-law sued the prime minister Feng Quji and his son Feng Wu, saying that the prime minister's zongzi committed murder, and Feng Wu injured him with a sword, so I ask Tingwei The government ruled, punished by the Qin law, and let him make the decision!"

"Consort, Feng Wu?"

Upon hearing these two names, Li Si's head grew dizzy.

Feng Wu never made small mistakes but never made big ones, he was a frequent visitor to the Xianyang Order, although he had never been to Tingwei's Mansion, but Li Si and his father were ministers in the same hall, so naturally he understood.

And son-in-law Qin Ge!
This is another tricky figure.

At the court that day, Li Si knew that Qin Ge's sharpness was on display, and the doctors in the doctor's palace were speechless, but he retreated to advance and became the lord of the doctor's palace.

Such a person is not easy to provoke.

With a flash of thought in his mind, Li Si said in a deep voice, "Ting Weicheng, but do you know what happened?"

"My lord, the left supervisor went to the place where the incident happened and Feng's mansion, and the right supervisor went to the son-in-law's mansion!" At this moment, Wang Qing's expression was tangled: "However, at the place where the incident happened, a guy in the restaurant said that the son-in-law First, we ate wine in the private room, but later, Young Master Feng Wu threatened that his son-in-law took over his private room, but the assistant had no choice but to ask the son-in-law to change."

"The son-in-law agreed, but Mr. Feng Wu is not angry, he thinks the son-in-law has tarnished the elegant room, and insists on making the son-in-law kneel down and admit his mistake, otherwise he will make it impossible for the son-in-law to leave the restaurant safely."

"Then the two had a quarrel, and the son-in-law held the jug and severely injured Mr. Feng Wu."

"However, the strangest thing is that the son-in-law was wounded by a sword, and the wound was consistent with Feng Wu's sword according to the medical officer's verification. However, the sword wound was very strange, and it was only three points away from the heart. Flesh wounds, there is no fear of life."

Li Si felt that it was awkward for Wang Qing to say this, so he looked straight at Wang Qing and said, "Ting Weicheng, did anyone in the restaurant at that time see Feng Wu stabbing the son-in-law with a sword?"

"No, the guy just said that he was so scared and stupid at the time, he couldn't remember what happened afterwards! The rest of the diners also said they didn't know."

"So, some people saw the son-in-law beating someone, but no one saw Feng Wujian stabbing the son-in-law?"

Thoughts flickered in his mind. At this moment, Li Si felt that this matter might be troublesome.

One side is the emperor, the other side is the prime minister Feng Quji, and the other side is the son-in-law, and the other side is Feng Wu. It is precisely this kind of case that is enough to sue the court.

"Ting Weicheng, pass on the two people and the guys in the restaurant!"

After pondering for a while, Li Si decided to open the trial, and he would not offend anyone.

After all, whether it is Qin Ge or Feng Quji, it is not easy. Although it is Feng Wu, it is no different from Feng Quji.


"Emperor, something has happened!"

Dun Ruo hurried into the study, facing Ying Zheng who was sitting upright, said: "The son-in-law and Feng Wu were fighting in the restaurant, Feng Wu was seriously injured, and the son-in-law was wounded by a sword. Tingwei Mansion."


Ying Zheng looked puzzled, looked weak, and said, "Could you tell me about the specific situation?"


After a while, Ying Zheng took a sip of herbal tea, frowned slightly, and said: "So, Feng Wu insulted the son-in-law, and then the son-in-law was injured, and the sword wound on the son-in-law was stabbed by himself?"

"To the Emperor, that is exactly the case!"

After pondering for a while, Ying Zheng asked, "Dun Wei, if Li Si interrogates himself, what will be the final result?"

"According to the Qin law, Feng Wu and the others couldn't find any evidence that it wasn't Feng Wu's attack, and Feng Wu's sword is enough to prove that the injury on the son-in-law was caused by Feng Wu!"

With a dignified expression, Dunwei turned to Yingzheng and said, "Once the lieutenant Ting personally interrogates Feng Wu, I'm afraid this time he will suffer a big setback, and he will also implicate Prime Minister Feng. After all, the son-in-law sues the prime minister for his son-in-law's murder!"

"I know, you go down!"


Nodding in agreement, it became clear that only Ying Zheng could decide on this matter.

After all, this not only involves the son-in-law and Feng Wu, but also the prime minister and the master of the doctor's palace. This matter is neither big nor small.

"Zhao Gao, tell Feng Quji and the son-in-law that this matter is over, and let them not be ashamed!" Suddenly, Ying Zheng smiled and said.


For Ying Zheng, such a small matter is not worthy of his concern.

Moreover, if this matter is serious, both Feng Quji and Feng Wu will be severely punished, and the same son-in-law Qin Ge is no exception.

If this matter involves ordinary people, that's all.

But this incident was not only the children's act of Qin Ge and Feng Wu, but also involved the Palace Master of Dr. Daqin's Palace and Prime Minister Zuo of Daqin.

No matter what the purpose is, Yingzheng must suppress such disputes, and everything will focus on Daqin.

 I finally signed the contract. From tomorrow, there will be two updates every day and three updates during the PK period.

(End of this chapter)

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