Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 19 Meet Feng Quji!

Chapter 19 Meet Feng Quji!

Qin Ge's injuries were treated by the imperial physician sent by the palace.

Before leaving, the Imperial Physician Ling sighed to Qin Ge repeatedly: "My son-in-law, this sword is too subtle. If it deviates by an inch, it will be the heart. Immortals cannot save it!"

"Luck, luck!"

Qin Ge chuckled, and attributed all of this to luck. He has mastered the inheritance of national martial arts. Although he didn't practice it personally, in theory, his medical attainments are not inferior to those of the imperial physicians of this era.

If he is not the top of this era, but he is not weak, he also knows a thing or two about his physical condition, and because of this, he is not worried.

"My son-in-law, the old minister has to go back and report to the king, so I'm leaving!" The imperial physician Ling smiled at Qin Ge, and then walked out of the mansion.

"Walk slowly!"

Qin Ge motioned to Han Tan: "Han Tan, send me the imperial physician's order—!"


Although Qin Ge is a modern person, when he reaches his position, he often attaches great importance to etiquette, and vulgar people are often hated by everyone.

"My lord, is your injury better?" Melo walked over and smiled at Qin Ge. The sun was setting and it was shining on her face, like a fairy.

At that moment, his smile was astonishing, like a plum blossom in full bloom.

Even Qin Ge, who had slept with countless beauties, was a little surprised at this moment.

Sometimes, every move, every frown and smile is touching.

The book says, once you look at Qingcheng, then you look at Qingguo.

Such extreme beauty really exists, but there are very few such people.

Confidante, often unlucky!




Concubine Yang!
Chen Yuanyuan!
Rushing to the crown as a confidant!

Things like this happen all the time.

Flashing the thought away, Qin Ge chuckled and said, "It's okay, it's just a small injury!"

"Have you mastered what I taught you?" The corners of his mouth were slightly pursed, with sharp edges and corners. At this moment, Qin Ge exuded a unique charm.

Because of his special experience, Qin Ge's temperament is not only majestic, but also demonic.

"Mastered, but not proficient!"

With his palms down, he crushed a piece of mulberry leaves. Qin Ge pondered for a while, and said, "I'll give you a few questions. If you do it right, you've mastered it."

"In the study room, under the "Shang Jun Shu", there are questions on the parchment. The six people each copy a copy, and then answer each, and give me the answer within a quarter of an hour."



"My lord, Lord Zhao Gao has arrived!"

Hearing this, Qin Ge's eyes flashed, and then he felt relieved in his heart. He knew in his heart that it must be his own scheme, and Ying Zheng saw through it.

At this moment, Qin Ge thought of a lot.

"Go back!"

Swiping back from Han Tan, Qin Ge looked at Zhao Gao who had already entered the mansion. For this treacherous minister, Qin Ge had already sentenced him to death.

Great Qin must continue, and any factors that can threaten the stability of Great Qin must be eradicated.

And Zhao Gao is the biggest one.

"Zhao Gao, I have seen the son-in-law!"

Qin Ge's eyes were calm, even though his body was injured, he didn't look sick at all: "Zhao Gao, you came to my son's house, what advice do you have?"

"I don't dare to give advice, I'm ordered by the emperor to tell my son-in-law, this matter ends here!"

If it was before, Zhao Gao was naturally not afraid of Qin Ge, but since he showed his sharpness at the court meeting last time and silenced a group of doctors, he was not very willing to offend Qin Ge.

It's like a hedgehog, no matter what it does, it will stab people.

Smiling at Zhao Gao, Qin Ge waved his hand and said, "Say hello to Emperor Father for me, I know what he means!"


"My lord, why did Zhao's servant come here?"

Han Tan appeared behind Qin Ge, his expression was full of worry, living in the Qin Palace all year round, Han Tan's fear and awe of Ying Zheng could be said to come from the bottom of his heart.

"It seems that the emperor's control over Xianyang has been underestimated!" Qin Ge glanced at Han Tan and said, "Go to Tingwei's Mansion and withdraw the lawsuit!"

"Young master, is it the emperor?"

Nodding his head, Qin Ge walked towards the rear.


Heaving a sigh of relief, Han Tan hurriedly drove towards Tingwei's mansion, the emperor dared not neglect to make a move, otherwise, just a few heads would not be enough to cut off.

"My son-in-law, my master invited my son-in-law to have a talk in the private room that day!" The middle-aged man who followed Lan Ya walked in saluted Qin Ge and said.

"Feng Quji?"

After thinking about it, Qin Ge nodded: "Lead the way!"

The moment he lifted his foot, Qin Ge's eyes narrowed slightly. If someone observed carefully, he would find that at this moment, a golden light flashed in Qin Ge's eyes, which disappeared in a flash, but it really existed.

"Made, could this book be Baidu Encyclopedia?"

Thoughts flickered in his mind, but Qin Ge was helpless. After so long, he didn't know anything about the origin of this book.

It's not that he hasn't thought about investigating, but the book didn't respond. Only at critical moments, it will send some information to Qin Ge, which is equivalent to a triggering Baidu Encyclopedia, but in Baidu Encyclopedia, there is no way to practice martial arts.

After thinking for a while, Qin Ge still couldn't figure out what it was, so he stopped thinking about it.

At least this thing is not harmful to him, on the contrary, it has helped him a lot, and it should be regarded as a golden finger that a traveler must have.

Anyway, as long as he doesn't die, he has plenty of time to investigate this thing, not to mention, in this life, he just wants to live a more exciting life.

"My son-in-law, my master is in the private room, please—!"


Slightly nodding his head, Qin Ge went up the stairs.

"Young master, do you want to eat wine or..."

"Someone has an appointment!"

As soon as the words finished, Qin Ge was already standing at the door of the private room and walked in.

"This is the right minister?"

Seeing the middle-aged man opposite, Qin Ge was a little surprised, then chuckled at Feng Quji, and sat down by himself.

"Qin Ge, you are very courageous. You hurt the old man's beloved son. Aren't you afraid that the old man will kill you?"

Feng Quji's expression was indifferent, and there was a murderous intent raging deep in his eyes, as if a fierce tiger would break free in the next moment and devour people's lives.

"You do not dare!"

Qin Ge glanced at the wine cup on the case, poured a cup on his own, and drank it all in one gulp: "A Feng Wu is too small, it's not worth betting the entire Feng family, is it?"

"Rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry, son-in-law, you are too trusting!"


Laughing loudly, Qin Ge shook his head: "If Prime Minister Feng is so ignorant of the importance and choice, he would not be able to sit where he is today."

"In the Great Qin Dynasty, there are so many talents, as many as crucian carp crossing the river, and the right minister, except for His Majesty the emperor, is the only one in the country. It is no longer a minority."

(End of this chapter)

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