Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 20 Shaking hands and making peace, but hiding a knife in a smile for future!

Chapter 20 Shaking hands and making peace, but hiding a knife in a smile for future!

"It seems that everyone underestimated you!"

At this moment, Feng Quji was extremely emotional.

Qin Ge's performance was not at all like a young boy who had just entered the political arena. Whether it was the response or the plan, it was just right, but the method this time was too rough.

"However, methods such as the son-in-law's are too rough and cannot withstand verification at all!"

After taking a sip of wine, Feng Quji looked straight at Qin Ge, his eyes were like cold pools, cold and quiet.

The eyebrows suddenly became sharp, Qin Ge said in a low tone, "So, today's Prime Minister Feng is here to warn me?"

"What's more, to be in Japan is to make your son speak badly."

Feng Quji's eyes were sharp, and he warned: "My son-in-law, have you ever thought about the consequences of offending the truth?"

"Ha ha."

With a sneer, Qin Ge looked directly at Feng Quji: "Then, has Feng Xiang ever thought about the consequences of making you offend me?"

The two competed against each other.

The tone of the voice was full of fighting spirit, and the murderous intent was even more vigorous.

Feng Wu insulted Qin Ge, and Qin Ge's action also slapped Feng Quji in the face and made him lose face.

The two of them were not speculative, so they didn't talk directly, Feng Quji said in a low voice, "The emperor has an edict, let's let this matter go, how can the son-in-law let Feng Wu go?"

Hearing this, Qin Ge smiled indifferently: "My son is generous. It is enough for Feng Xiang to pay for the medical expenses. If you send it to the mansion as soon as possible, the matter will be cancelled!"

"it is good!"

Feng Quji stood up, and when he walked past Qin Ge, he said in a concentrated voice, "My son-in-law, although Daqin is very strict, accidents are easy to happen. I remind my son-in-law, be careful when you go out in the future, and watch your way! "

Frowning slightly, Qin Ge smiled, looked at Feng Quji, and said, "If that's the case, Qin Ge doesn't mind sending Xiang Feng's family to hell, and pray for me, Great Qin!"


After finishing speaking, Qin Ge laughed and left.

If someone really looked up to the sky and went out laughing, how could we be as chic as the Penghao people?

Shaking hands and making peace is just forced by the situation.

Both Qin Ge and Feng Quji knew that at this moment, they were just hiding their swords behind their smiles to prepare for the future.

"Shuzi is hateful!"

After cursing, Feng Jie just turned to Feng Quji and said, "Father, this man is just a son-in-law, and he is too arrogant, he doesn't even give father face!"

After drinking three cups in a row, Feng Quji suppressed the shock and anger in his heart. With a solemn face, he said, "Don't underestimate him. It's better if this person doesn't get up. Once he gets up, he will be a big threat to us."

"Prepare [-] yuan and send it to Qin Ge's house!"

"Father, ten thousand dollars is needed for a single sword wound?" Feng Jie was shocked, but he knew that ten thousand dollars was not a small amount.

"The emperor knows that this sword wound is worth tens of thousands of dollars!"

Feng Quji naturally knew that compensation was not a small amount, not to mention that [-] yuan was just a small amount to the Feng family. Now that the six countries have merged, it is the best time to fight for power and profit.

A mere ten thousand dollars is nothing.

What's more, Qin Ge's identity is not only the son-in-law of the Great Qin Dynasty, but also the master of the doctor's palace.

Feng Quji thought it was funny when he thought of those people in the doctor's palace who actually handed over the position of palace lord to others.

Although everyone knows it well, the doctor's palace is just like that.However, when the lord of the doctor's palace is his enemy, the mood is still not beautiful.

With this in mind, Feng Quji told Feng Jie, "Don't forget, he is not only a son-in-law, but also the lord of the doctor's palace, and he is favored by the emperor."

"Currently is not the best time to deal with Qin Ge, the future is long, just wait!"

After leaving the private room, Qin Ge slowly walked towards the mansion.

He knew in his heart that at this time, he was in the very center of the vortex, and his safety was the most guaranteed.

Qin Ge scoffed at the handshake with Feng Quji. He knew in his heart that this was only due to the pressure from Yingzheng, and it was also because the Great Qin was first established, which was a period of power vacuum.

The former prime minister was not necessarily the prime minister of the Great Qin Empire. At this time, even Feng Quji did not dare to act presumptuously.

Although Feng Quji is powerful, he is not on the same road with him.

Qin Ge and Fusu were at odds, which meant that the two of them could only be enemies. Even if Qin Ge helped Hu Hai in the future, he would not help Fusu. Just because he thought so, Feng Quji was on the opposite side of him.

It has nothing to do with right or wrong, just because of different positions.

"My lord, the Feng residence has sent ten thousand dollars!"

As soon as Qin Ge entered the gate of the mansion, Han Tan, who was guarding the gate, greeted him and told him what happened just now.


Nodding his head, Qin Ge's eyes flashed, and he said, "Han Yigeng, are you back?"

"My lord, I'm back in the room right now!"

Qin Ge walked out towards the study, and a faint voice came: "After letting him rest, come to meet me in the study, then prepare your car and go to the Zhili Nei History Office!"


"My lord, you are back!"

Lan Ya saluted Qin Ge with a smile on her face. After living in the mansion for so long, they also got to know Qin Ge, and the uneasiness in their hearts disappeared, giving off new vitality.


Flipping through the study for a while, Qin Ge frowned slightly. He didn't expect that for such a simple question, the six of them were princesses of a subjugated country, and their education was not weak, so they kept making mistakes.

"My lord, are the maidservants not doing a good job?" Melo said with some uneasiness on her pretty face, she couldn't help but look at Qin Ge.

"A lot of mistakes!"

Putting down the parchment in his hand, Qin Ge knocked on the book case: "Keep practicing, the more you practice, the more proficient you will be, and the mastery will be!"


Although the six of them failed to achieve their goal, Qin Ge was not in a hurry.

Skyline Capital is still an empty shell, and there is still a long way to go when the six girls are needed.As the saying goes, development needs to be done slowly.

"Young master, this is the experience of a villain!"

Han Yigeng walked over and handed the parchment to Qin Ge respectfully with both hands.Then he stood aside, anxiously waiting for Qin Ge's comment.

Looking at the thoughts on the parchment, Qin Ge shook his head and nodded.

"It's rough, but since it's your first contact, it's not bad!"

Qin Ge nodded, turned to Han Yigeng, and said, "This is a volume of Tianxing Capital's preliminary plan drafted by Mr. Ben. Take it back and have a look, and get [-] yuan from Han Tan later."

"In the city of Xianyang, it doesn't matter if you find a shop in the middle of nowhere. Call a few smart guys and set up the shelf of Tianxing Capital first!"


Nodding his head in agreement, Han Yigeng was overjoyed at this moment, his eyes were full of emotion, he bowed deeply to Qin Ge, and said, "Yigeng will never let you down."


Nodding his head, Qin Ge showed his face and smiled, and the sky cleared like a cloud: "I also believe in my own vision, I hope you don't let me down!"

 The second update, please recommend, please collect

(End of this chapter)

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