Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 24 Qin Ge blocked their way to be kings!

Chapter 24 Qin Ge blocked their way to be kings! (recommendation, collection)
"Being supreme and rule the heaven and earth, beat and flog the world!"

Qin Ge knew that this sentence was the most perfect comment on absolute imperial power. Before that, he didn't want to directly push Daqin to an extreme.

Because he knows that absolute imperial power has some huge flaws.

If the emperor is wise, like the first emperor, the country will naturally be prosperous and unparalleled in all ages, but once a fool like Qin II appears, it will be a disaster for the country.

As a time traveler, Qin Ge knows the truth of locking power in a cage, but Qin Ge knows better that it was not at this moment, the Great Qin Empire was first established, the whole country was new, everything was new.

At this time, a powerful emperor is needed, with a fearless spirit and an outstanding political insight, to stand against the Qin Empire and move forward alone.

In the previous life, Ying Zheng walked alone, but due to various reasons, Ying Zheng had a difficult time walking, but in this life with him, Qin Ge believes that Ying Zheng's road will be easier than the road in history many.

When the enfeoffment system was proposed, and when Qin Ge was pushed to the stage, at this moment, Qin Ge did not hesitate. He forgot that he wanted to keep a low profile and just be a quiet and handsome man in Xianyang Palace.

The majestic Great Qin has come to a decision point again, Qin Ge can't stand by and watch.

After all, his blood has not cooled down. Even after more than 2000 years, Qin Ge still loves the land under his feet, and is still full of expectations for this difficult nation.

This is a nation of miracles.

This is true in the past and present!

Thoughts flickered in his mind, and at this moment Qin Ge's emotions were a little excited: "The foundation of the world is no big or small, everything depends on the top. The emperor can decide the life and death of anyone, he can poison the heart and brain of the world, and disperse the sons of the world."

"As the saying goes, life, death, rich, poor, noble, and cheap, these six handles are all in the hands of the emperor, and only the king of a country can be regarded as the king of a country, unparalleled in the world!"

Not caring about the shock of the ministers, Qin Ge bowed solemnly to Ying Zheng and said, "Father, my ministers agree with the system of prefectures and counties. Just like what my ministers said at the beginning, the Great Qin Empire is not the Great Qin Dynasty!"

"What do you mean by that?"

Hearing this, Qin Ge smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said in a clear voice: "The one who divides the feudal system is the dynasty, and the feudal vassals rule over the king. Those who rule counties are the empire, and the officials are determined!"

"Furthermore, father, the system of prefectures and counties lies in the vertical management of the local government. Local officials are directly appointed and dismissed by the imperial court, so that the local area is under the jurisdiction of the central government, which is conducive to the strengthening of centralization and the unification of the Great Qin Dynasty."

Qin Ge's words completely made Ying Zheng make up his mind. After all, the enfeoffment system centered on patriarchal lineage has failed.The road of the Great Qin Empire will be a road that has never been seen before and is unique.

On the throne, Yingzheng's voice was mighty, like a god: "I have decided to implement the system of three lords and nine ministers in the Xianyang court to assist me in managing state affairs. Abolish the enfeoffment system at the local level and replace it with the county system!"

"Father, Emperor Shengming, this move will last forever!" Seeing this, Qin Ge immediately straightened his figure, flattered Ying Zheng, and poured out compliments, eloquently.

Li Si and the others were dumbfounded, Qin Ge once again refreshed the realm of shamelessness, but before Qin Ge's voice fell, Li Si hurriedly said: "Your Majesty is wise, Great Qin will surely shine on the world like a great sun!"

"Your Majesty is holy, Great Qin Wanshi—!" The officials in Xianyang Palace quickly echoed, Qin Ge and Li Si had already taken the lead, and they could not be left behind.

At this moment, half of Xianyang Palace was happy and half angry.

The doctors headed by Chun Yuyue secretly hated, while Zuo Xiang Wang Wan was extremely worried.

He supported the enfeoffment system not for himself, but for the stability of the Great Qin Empire. At this moment, seeing that Ying Zheng supported the county system, he couldn't help but sigh, and looked at Qin Ge full of resentment.

Many people in Xianyang Palace thought that Qin Ge had messed up this matter, but Qin Ge knew that even without him, Ying Zheng's heavenly martial arts would not restart the enfeoffment system.

This has been proven in history.

Except for Wang Wan and the others, Da Qin Xungui also had an ugly face, but he didn't dare to express it too much. However, at this moment, they recorded all their hatred on Qin Ge.

In their view, Qin Ge blocked their way to become king.

Qin Ge and Ying Zheng were well aware of Da Qin Xungui's thoughts. In the entire Xianyang Palace, only Wang Wan proposed the enfeoffment system because he was sincerely thinking of Da Qin.

"Your Majesty, I have no objection to the implementation of the county system!"

Zuo Xiang Wang Wan bowed solemnly to Ying Zheng, and said: "But the homeland of the six countries is only arranged because the people's hearts are not suitable to belong to, and Xianyang is far away from the six countries in Shandong. Once something happens, it will be beyond our control."

"What Prime Minister Zuo said is not unreasonable. What do you love to think about this matter? The Qin Dynasty has just been unified, so it can't continue to be chaotic!" Ying Zheng is an emperor through the ages, and he knows that governing the world is much more difficult than conquering the world.

Therefore, at this moment, Yingzheng is also a little dignified. The Great Qin Empire is newly established, and any small mistake will be infinitely magnified, causing irreparable trauma to Great Qin.

"Your Majesty, this matter is easy to handle. When the Qin Law is implemented throughout the Central Plains, it will naturally be resolved!" Li Si was extremely confident. In his opinion, as long as the people in the world were put under the Qin Law, it would be as stable as Mount Tai.

"Your Majesty, since the son-in-law agrees with the system of prefectures and counties, there must be better countermeasures to relieve His Majesty's worries!" At this moment, Dr. Zhou Qing spoke, making the atmosphere in Xianyang Palace suddenly tense.

At this moment, all civil and military officials showed amused expressions, and looked at Zhou Qing and the others and Qin Ge. Qin Ge was the master of the doctor's palace, and Zhou Qing and the others were Qin Ge's subordinates.

However, at this moment Zhou Qing put Qin Ge on the fire.

For other political factions, dogs eat dogs in the doctor's palace, they don't need to intervene, just watch the show.

Hearing this, Ying Zheng frowned, and then calmed down, seemingly unchanged, but those who knew Ying Zheng best knew that this high-ranking king was angry.

However, Chun Yuyue and the others didn't care about Ying Zheng's dissatisfaction, and continued, "I also feel that the son-in-law must have a good plan in his heart, so he can relieve His Majesty's worries!"

In the face of Zhou Qing and others' aggressiveness, Qin Ge has always treated them with cold eyes. Daqin has just been established, and it has been a long time. He has plenty of time to let Zhou Qing and others know how serious the consequences of offending him are.

"Qin Ge, do you have any thoughts on this matter?",

At this moment, Ying Zheng's tone was soft. In his opinion, Qin Ge's performance was already good enough, even if he couldn't answer, he didn't care.

Open your mouth just to save Qin Ge from the siege!


Qin Ge stood up with a long body, his thin body was like a spear, exuding a fierce aura from top to bottom.

Qin Ge is a businessman, and he is a treacherous person. He will not wait ten years for revenge. If he wants revenge, he will have it on the spot.

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(End of this chapter)

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