Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 25 Seeking Land!

Chapter 25 Seeking Land! (Please recommend, please collect)
It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years!

But Qin Ge has never been a gentleman. He has anger in his heart, and he usually expresses it on the spot. At the latest, it can only be from morning to night. Ten years is too long, and he only fights for the day and night.

"Father, the doctor's palace is full of famous people in the world, but they can't even solve such a problem. From this, it can be seen that the talents and learning of the doctors in the doctor's palace are probably mixed."

"I invite my father, after the court meeting is over, my son will be ordered to clean up the doctor's palace, so as not to make a fool of myself and ruin the reputation of the doctors and my father!"

Qin Ge stood upright like a sword, showing his sharpness. Just like that, after Zhou Qing and the others spoke, there was no turning back or room for trouble.

The good show that the ministers want to see is staged at this moment, Qin Ge doesn't care at all, he doesn't mind being a part of the play, making people laugh, and Qin Ge is worried that he won't be able to find trouble with the doctor's palace.

Now that Zhou Qing and the others are rushing forward, Qin Ge will naturally not let go of such a god-given opportunity.

"You are the lord of the doctor's palace, and it is your duty to clean up the doctor's palace, so there is no need to ask me for instructions!" With the final word, Ying Zheng's words made the hearts of the doctors' palace extremely frustrating.

Although it was clear that Ying Zheng was leaning towards Qin Ge, the people present, even Ting Wei Li Si, couldn't find fault. What Ying Zheng did was in line with Qin's law.

"The previous matter, tell me your solution?"

At this moment, Ying Zheng was very curious, and he was also looking forward to the method Qin Ge said.

This is his empire, and Ying Zheng naturally hopes that Daqin will become better and better.

Hearing this, Qin Ge's eyes were sharp: "Father, the Six Kingdoms have been formed for a long time after all, and their people have formed a unique culture and centripetal force over a long period of time."

"For example, the Confucianism-led Qilu culture in Shandong, and the witch and ghost culture in Chu in the south. At this time, the survivors of the six countries cherish their homeland and hate the Great Qin!"

"However, with the wise leadership of the father and the great Qin's sharp fighters dominating the world, even if it is their enemy, the Great Qin, it can't change the fact that all the six countries are destroyed, and only the Great Qin is left in the whole world."

"So, if you want to form a new centripetal force and form the unique culture of the Great Qin Empire, the Great Qin culture, it will take a long time, at least one or two generations before it can be wiped out!"

"My son's suggestion is that before the imperial court makes a clear assimilation policy, give the prefectures of the counties privileges: as long as they intend to rebel, slander Daqin and take action, and take in thugs who hate Daqin, You can directly kill him according to Article [-] of the Qin Law without going through the Qin Law trial!"

Qin Ge's words stunned the officials, and then their faces turned serious.

This remark may seem useless, but it hits the point.If you want to eliminate the far-reaching influence of the six countries in Shandong, it will not be resolved in a short time.

This takes a long time.

Moreover, in these remarks, Qin Ge pointed out that Qilu has a Confucian culture, while Chu in the south has a culture of worshiping witches and ghosts, but Daqin lacks a culture of its own.

Ying Zheng, who was sitting high on the throne, also nodded silently. He remembered this matter in his heart: "Today's court meeting is over. The left minister will discuss with the members of the Yinyang family to determine the time for the founding ceremony."

"Then report it to me!"


"Qin Ge stay here, and the rest of the ministers return to the official office!" Finally, Ying Zheng waved his hand, then got up and walked towards the study.

Seeing this scene, Qin Ge greeted Zheng Guo and the others, nodded to each other, and then hurriedly followed.For this most ruthless man in Daqin, he dared not show slightest neglect.

"My son, Qin Ge, has seen the father, the father has been king for ten thousand years, the Great Qin has been here for ten thousand years—!" Qin Ge hurriedly saluted.

"Okay, without courtiers, there is no need to make these false rituals!"

Ying Zheng signaled Qin Ge to take a seat, his eyes were extremely fierce, he stared at Qin Ge firmly, and said, "Qu Yuanli has already started selling, what do you plan to do with the money?"

"I set up a chamber of commerce, with Han Tan's nephew acting as my agent, to travel around the world on my behalf. The name is called Tianxing Capital. When the Zhili Nei History Office gives the money to Erchen, the construction of Tianxing can start. The headquarters of the capital, and the workshop of Chu Zi and Ao Xianyang."

Qin Ge's eyes were fixed, and then a flash of light flashed across his eyes. He knew in his heart that this was an opportunity, so he hurriedly said, "Father, my son plans to build a workshop of Tianxing Capital. The area is estimated to be quite large. Father Can you let Li Huan be more flexible, the necessary procedures will definitely not be missing!"

"Where do you want and how many acres do you want?"

Ying Zheng's eyes flashed. He did not expect Qin Ge to have such a request. After all, even if he is not in the capacity of Qin Ge, he can still get the land he needs. He only needs to file a record with the Xianyang magistrate and pay enough money.

"Father, is there a map of Xianyang here?" Qin Ge smiled ingratiatingly, he knew in his heart that the space he wanted was too big, even if all the shares were squeezed in, it probably wouldn't be enough.

"Zhao Gao, map of Xianyang!" Ying Zheng glanced at Qin Ge curiously, and then ordered.


After a while, Zhao Gao put the map of Xianyang City on the desk in front of Yingzheng, Qin Ge quickly got up, looked at the more detailed map, and said: "This map is well crafted, much more detailed than the one in Erchen's Mansion !"

Looking away from the map, Qin Ge pointed to the south of the city and said, "Father, the south of the city is what my sons and ministers are looking for. After all, there are few high-ranking officials and nobles in the south of the city, and there are also few people in the country. Most of them belong to the emptiness!"

Hearing this, Ying Zheng's heart moved, and he couldn't help but turned to Qin Ge and said, "Do you want a lot?"

"Father, I only need five hectares of land this time, but if it is for the future, I plan to ask for 290 hectares!"

As soon as Qin Ge's words came out of his mouth, Ying Zheng was shocked. Such a number was comparable to the size of Xianyang Palace, and even larger than the simple Xianyang Palace.

"Five hectares of land is not too small for a Tianxing capital. What's the use of 20 hectares?" At this moment, Yingzheng's eyes were full of confusion. Xianyang is the capital of the Great Qin Kingdom, and he still plans to move [-] rich merchants from all over the world are in Xianyang to enrich Xianyang.

Chengnan is of great use!
This was originally Ying Zheng's plan to house 20 wealthy businessmen, but at this moment, Qin Ge directly asked for half of it.

"Royal father, is this south of the city useful?"

Seeing Ying Zheng frowned slightly, Qin Ge couldn't help it, and said.


Nodding his head, Ying Zheng didn't hide anything from Qin Ge, and said bluntly, "I plan to relocate 20 wealthy businessmen from all over the world to enrich Xianyang, and the south of the city is where the imperial court discusses and resettles them!"

"Place 20 wealthy businessmen?"

With a flash of his gaze, Qin Ge instantly thought of the political significance of this move, and turned to Ying Zheng, and said, "Father, what about the north of the city?"

 I have a severe cold, and I am going to the hospital for an IV drip. There is more to come in the next chapter. It is estimated to be around one or two o'clock. Let's read it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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