Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 26 How to Control the Level 1 of the Master 1

Chapter 26: How to Control the Class of Masters 1
The west of Xianyang City is a civilian area, while Yingzheng in the south of the city intends to let 20 wealthy households live in the world, and the east of the city is the residential area of ​​the great Qin nobles and dignitaries.

And Xianyang Palace was in the center of the city. At this time, Qin Ge's only choice was to the north of the city.

After all, he is still the lord of the doctor's palace. For the sake of Daqin, he has to plan. It is not a good professional ethics to eat salary and not do anything.

Ying Zheng raised him for 18 years. He needs to repay his kindness, and he also needs to let Ying Zheng see his role. Only in this way can he live comfortably in Daqin.

"North of the city?"

Ying Zheng looked solemn. Thirteen hundred hectares was not a small amount. Even if he liked Qin Ge, it was impossible for him to be so bottomless and unrestrained.

Great Qin has already ruled the world, given time, Xianyang will definitely be more than ten times more prosperous than it is today.

It can be said that in the future, every inch of land in Xianyang City will be useful and precious.

If a merchant occupies too much area, it will be extremely detrimental to the future development of Xianyang City. Ying Zheng can see this, and he knows better how difficult it is to expand Xianyang City.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Ying Zheng said in a deep voice, "It's not impossible in the north of the city, [-] hectares, the area is too large, and there is no way to convince the courtiers. This matter will definitely be opposed by the officials of the Great Qin Dynasty."

Qin Ge understands the difficulty of Yingzheng. This does not mean that [-] hectares is too large, but that it is too big to give [-] hectares to a merchant.

After all, Daqin is focusing on the root and suppressing the end!
The way of merchants was at the end of the Great Qin Dynasty, so it was not welcomed by the scholar class.

"Father, my son only needs five hectares of land for this trip, and [-] hectares is for the future!" Qin Ge looked calm and smiled at Ying Zheng: "My son means that the Xianyang government will Don't use this piece of land, keep it for my son!"

Qin Ge understood the reason why Ying Zheng was waiting for him. After thinking for a while, he said, "Father, just as my son said, it will take a long time for the people of Great Qin to return to their hearts, just like the people of old Qin love the Great Qin Empire."

"But it's not impossible to speed up. My son intends to build an academy in the north of Xianyang City after he has a certain ability to train masters with teacher ethics, and then after a large number of people are formed, establish academies in various counties and counties. The common people use enlightenment to promote patriotism, and when this generation grows up, they will naturally love Daqin, and they will be able to erase the legacy of the six Kanto kingdoms to the greatest extent."

"And to a certain extent, it can also restrain the great power of the great Qin nobles and the difficulties of the various schools of thought against the great Qin. This also means that the officials of the Great Qin will be able to produce their own talents, thus ensuring the protection of the Great Qin imperial family for this land. rule!"

"You want to build an academy, just like Jixia Academy?"

At this moment, Yingzheng was also extremely shocked. The officials in the Great Qin Empire were promoted, and they paid attention to the law as their teaching and took officials as their teachers. Such a grand scene as Qin Ge described really stirred people's minds.

Even Ying Zheng was shocked. After all, once this matter is successful, it will definitely be a major event that will change an era.

It has epoch-making significance.

If this matter is done successfully, then Qin Ge will be the next Kong Sheng, who will be conferred the title of saint on top of one, and will be sung forever.

Thinking of the nine years of compulsory education, high school, and university experience he had experienced, Qin Ge looked eager, and his tone was full of hope, and said, "Father, it's a bit like Jixia Academy, but it's fundamentally different."

"What's the difference, can you elaborate?"

At this time, Ying Zheng was also aroused, poured Qin Ge a cup of herbal tea, and said, "Drink some!"

Picking up the teacup and drinking it down, Qin Ge didn't want to stop when he talked about its rise: "Jixia Academy is just a platform provided by Qi State for all schools of thought, or Confucianism. Showing off your might, it shows that Qi has a lot of talents, it's just a civilized place!"

"The academy that I intend to establish in the future will definitely include a variety of schools of thought, to cultivate talents for the Great Qin court, and at the same time to provide the people of the country with a way to get promoted and get rich, and a way to read and write."

"When the people of the country are all literate, they are very clear about the Qin law. Naturally, they will not violate the law. After all, it is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. When the people of the country feel the beauty of the Great Qin, they will naturally abandon their prejudices and integrate into it. , and become a citizen of Great Qin!"

"I once thought about establishing different levels of academies, whether it is Xianyang or the major counties, so as to control the class of soldiers in the hands of the royal family."

At this moment, Ying Zheng's expression was dark, he was surprised by Qin Ge's words.

"Qin Ge, what are you planning to do?"

Qin Ge's eyes narrowed, and he put down the teacup in his hand: "Royal Father, if your ministers are in charge of the world's merchants, as their leader, they can control the power of the world's merchants."

"The emperor father holds the elite soldiers of the Qin Dynasty and suppresses the world. If the emperor holds the people of the world in his hands, then as long as the emperor father can handle the people of the world, the people will not starve to death!"

"This is tantamount to building the foundation of the Great Qin Empire for all eternity. It's just that this plan is too huge, and there are so many people who oppose it. No matter it is the various schools of thought, or the nobles of the Great Qin Dynasty, they will all oppose it."

"My son has no choice but to do this. In the name of being a businessman, he can get a large piece of land, and then gradually cultivate it. In the end, he can make a move, and the world will be shocked!"

"If according to your idea, it will require massive resources, what's your idea?" Ying Zheng, as an emperor through the ages, is naturally extremely rational. Although Qin Ge's hanging garden is beautiful, it is too difficult to build it.

At least to do this, the money needed is no less than raising Qin Ruishi.

"My son is doing business in the world, and the money for the construction of the academy can be paid by the son, but the master's salary must be paid by the court!" Qin Ge was very firm, not only because the master's salary is an extremely huge number, but also because it is Daqin, if he pays his master's salary, it will cause him to have too much influence on the academy.

Taking control of merchants, Qin Ge dared to think and do it.

But for the class of controllers, Qin Ge never thought about it, otherwise, it would inevitably touch Ying Zheng's bottom line.

"Why is this?"

Although Ying Zheng was far-sighted and far-sighted, he still didn't understand some things when he was new to them. At this moment, he didn't understand the meaning of Qin Ge's words, said.

It was said that in the face of Yingzheng, Qin Ge didn't hide anything, he just spoke bluntly, saying: "Father, the academy is to train officials and talents for the Great Qin court, not for the sons and ministers to cultivate great talents. It is to let them know where their salary comes from and who they should be loyal to!"

Sometimes, when something is said, there is no hidden threat.

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(End of this chapter)

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