Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 27 Turning the World into One 2

Chapter 27 Turning the World into One 2 (Please recommend, please collect)

"I will give you an answer after thinking about this matter. As for your five hectares of land, you can go to Xianyang Ling Li Huan by yourself at that time!"

At this time, Ying Zheng was already moved.

After all, no emperor would be indifferent to the possibility of controlling the class of scholars. Even if it is only a possibility, this possibility will allow them to truly control the world.

Moreover, Ying Zheng is the First Emperor.

The dominance of an emperor through the ages, no other emperor can match.

The founder of absolute imperial power is also the only emperor in history who has held absolute imperial power and pushed the entire empire forward. Such an emperor has a great desire to control.

At this moment, Yingzheng is holding an army of millions of tigers and wolves. If he is in the class of scholars, no one dares to shake the rule of the Great Qin Empire. Even if it cannot last forever, it will prosper for hundreds of years.

"My son thanked my father!"

If there is no rejection, it is possible to agree.

From the very beginning, Qin Ge never thought that Ying Zheng would agree directly. This news could not be discussed at the court meeting, but he would definitely discuss it with Li Si and his confidants.

Taking a sip of herbal tea, Ying Zheng tapped the teacup on the long case: "Qin Ge, regarding how you plan to rectify the doctor's palace, these people are not simple people!"

"At the beginning, Li Si negotiated with the Pedestrian's Office of the Prime Minister's Mansion, and recruited scholars from various countries in Shandong, especially the well-known scholars from Jixia Academy of Qi State who were scattered in the Central Plains!"

"There are 73 doctors in the academy, and the rest are all bachelors. There are three to four hundred people!"

At this moment, Ying Zheng seemed to have thought of something, and said to Qin Ge, "After Li Si was a merchant, he redeemed the Wenxin Academy and renamed it the Doctor Academy."

"Every doctor is treated with six hundred shi Zhongjue, and everyone has a six-entry courtyard mansion!"

"Father, what a great handwriting!"

Qin Ge's expression paused, and he couldn't help feeling a little bitter. He saw a trace of sadness on Ying Zheng's face. The establishment of the Doctoral Academy was actually Ying Zheng's denial of his own heart.

When Wenxin Hou Lu Buwei promulgated "Lu Shi Chunqiu", he chose the legal system of the Shang monarch, but when the Great Qin unified the world and oppressed the country, Yingzheng had to bow to the Qilu culture.

For a proud emperor, this is very difficult, but Ying Zheng has done it. It can be said that Ying Zheng is worthy of the title of the eternal emperor.

It's just sad that Great Qin regarded them as part of the Great Qin Empire, and even the rebellious First Emperor bowed his head to Shandong culture, but these survivors of the subjugated country never returned.

From the very beginning, what they wanted was to overthrow this great empire.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Qin Ge knew that this was the difference between the imperial court, and the greatest function of the imperial court was to assimilate.

Turn differences into one, and turn the world into one.

It's a pity that the people of the six kingdoms in Shandong did not accept the kindness of the first emperor's release!
"Actually, it's not difficult to clean up the doctor's school. There is a saying that the rebellion of the literati will not succeed in ten years. Even if they are allowed to let them go, it's not a big deal. It's just that this time they are against the ministers. If they don't suppress it, a group of old guys rely on the old. Thinking that I am Confucius resurrected!"

"Even Confucius and Mencius back then didn't dare to be so arrogant—!"

At this moment, Ying Zheng smiled, he could see that in a short time, Qin Ge was not interested in the Doctoral Academy, but Zhou Qing and others provoked Qin Ge.

Based on Qin Ge's performance during this period of time, I'm afraid that this time the doctoral school will be a mess. He doesn't think these Confucian scholars who are full of minds can be Qin Ge's opponent.

After all, Qin Ge's ability and means should not be underestimated since he was in Lefang that day.

Seeing the thought in Ying Zheng's eyes, Qin Ge smiled lightly: "Father, don't worry, my subjects won't mess around. What's more, in Xianyang, with Father's suppression, even if they mess up, they won't mess up."

"Go!" Ying Zheng waved his hand. He still had a lot of memorials to deal with, and the delay was enough.

"Your servant is resigning, father should rest early!" Qin Ge bowed to Ying Zheng and advised him, "As long as father is here, Daqin will be as stable as Mount Tai!"


Qin Ge knew that Ying Zheng was only in his fifties when he died, and Liu Ji, who was three or four years younger than the first emperor, raised his banner to rebel three years later.

Therefore, as long as the first emperor is well maintained and served by the most powerful medical system in this era, the first emperor will not be able to kill Xiang Yu, but it will not be a problem to kill Liu Ji.

After all, this is a barren era in Great Qin. In this era, people who live to fifty or sixty are considered long-lived.

And the gap between three and four years old is enough to be smoothed out under the strong medical system.

Liu Ji will only be a pavilion chief in Surabaya in the future, and his medical conditions cannot be compared with that of the first emperor.

Because of this, Qin Ge reminded Ying Zheng to rest early.

But Qin Ge also knew that the present Daqin was completely new, and the future of the Daqin Empire was in the hands of Ying Zheng. As the shaper of this empire, anyone could sleep in their clothes, except Shi Huangdi.

It's like on a huge ship, anyone can rest, even sailors, but the helmsman cannot rest, because the helmsman is related to the life and safety of the people on the ship, once the helmsman rests, the ship will inevitably be destroyed.

The same example applies to the super aircraft carrier of the Great Qin Empire. The No.1 captain Shi Huangdi controlled it properly. The Great Qin Empire braved the wind and waves all the way and sailed healthily.

But in the hands of Qin II, as soon as he dozed off, the super aircraft carrier of the Great Qin Empire was silenced.

The thoughts in his mind stopped in vain, and Qin Ge walked out of Xianyang Palace. He knew in his heart that there were some things he couldn't resist.

Although he is the lord of the doctor's palace, in the Great Qin Empire, he is just a dispensable person. If he cannot be the head of all officials, it is impossible to change the Great Qin Empire.

Moreover, now that Daqin has just been established, all shortcomings and deficiencies are hidden under peerless force, even if Qin Ge mentions it, no one will pay attention.

People are such a common problem!

Prevention is rarely done, and only when the disease has been revealed, will it go to the hospital for treatment.

The same is true in the imperial court. The current Great Qin Empire is covered up by the great martial arts. All the shortcomings and deficiencies, speaking at this time will only make people dissatisfied, and even touch the bad luck of the first emperor.

After all, the Great Qin Empire had just been unified, and it was time for the whole country to celebrate. If Qin Ge talked about the shortcomings of Great Qin at this moment, it would be like pouring cold water on everyone's heads.

Qin Ge was unwilling to do such a stupid thing.

And the time is still very long. As the saying goes, the future is long, and the Great Qin Empire has plenty of time to grow and grow through constant corrections.

(End of this chapter)

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