Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 44 Daqin No. 1 Poisonous Milk!

Chapter 44 Da Qin's No. [-] Poisonous Milk!

"Drink together!"

Everyone raised their cups one after another and drank it all in one gulp.

At this moment, the relationship between each other is going further, and naturally they need to drink for fun.

Moreover, this cup of wine can be regarded as Qin Ge's master, Sima Qi and others as the master, and it is the first time to confirm their status, so naturally they need to drink it all in one gulp.

This cup of wine meant that Qin Ge established his own small group in the Great Qin Empire.

"My lord's banquet is ready, shall we start now?" Han Tan's voice came, Qin Ge put down the wine cup and said, "Today, my lord is happy, let's start now!"


Several people were in the stone pavilion, pushing cups and changing cups, eating mutton and bitter vegetables, the momentum was very strong.

After all, Sima Qi and the others wanted to blend in, but Qin Ge let go of his guard and was willing to let him blend in. Naturally, they hit it off immediately, and the atmosphere was naturally extremely warm.

In the stone pavilion, pushing cups and changing cups, the atmosphere is very lively.

In Xianyang Palace not far away, news about Qin Ge also reached the ears of Heibingtai.

"Your Majesty, Qi Mo's people have recently moved into the son-in-law's mansion. There are some warriors and some skilled craftsmen. The number is about 20, and seven of them are skilled craftsmen!" Zhao Gao reported the news from the Black Ice Terrace to Ying Zheng, with a respectful expression on his face. Incomparable.

"Let Dunwei evacuate from surveillance!"

Yingzheng thought of what Qin Ge said about the Central Plains of goods. Once the secret was leaked, it would not be good for Qin Ge or Daqin. After thinking about it, Yingzheng decided not to pay attention to Qin Ge any more.

After all, the Black Ice Terrace is in Xianyang City, and Qin Ge's residence is closer to Xianyang Palace, so any clues will be noticed immediately.

And after the previous incident, Qin Ge had learned his lesson, and knew that it was a good thing to increase the number of guards around him. From Ying Zheng's point of view, this was a good thing.


Nodding his head, Zhao Gao's expression was solemn, and he did not raise his lowered head: "Your Majesty, what about Qi Mo's entry into Xianyang?"

Zhao Gao knew in his heart that the Mohist rangers had always been the key targets of the Great Qin Empire. Han Feizi once said that Confucianism violated the law with literature, and chivalry with martial arts violated the ban.

And Daqin ruled the country by law, which was naturally the implementation of Han Feizi's ideas.

"As long as they don't violate the Qin law, don't worry about them. If they violate the Qin law, they will be punished by law!"

This is Ying Zheng's attitude.

At this moment, it is a stage of transition from the Qin State to the Great Qin Empire.

At this stage, although it is strict, there are loopholes in it after all.

As the king of a country, Ying Zheng knows this well. The more critical the moment is, the less strict he can be. As long as he does not violate the Qin law and does not want to destroy the Great Qin, he can be forgiven.

As long as the stable transition of Daqin is ensured, after the safe transition of Daqin, it will be a breeze to purge the court.

After all, Yingzheng is still very confident in the Great Qin court's control over the major counties and counties.

"I understand!"

After the long case, Ying Zheng turned to Zhao Gao and said, "Zhao Gao, has the geomantician figured it out?"

"Your Majesty, I haven't calculated it yet, I'm afraid it will be soon!" Zhao Gao was startled, but he knew that he should not ask him about this matter, so he couldn't help but turned to Ying Zheng and said, "Your Majesty, do you want to ask?" ?”

"No need, you go and invite Ting Wei, the left and right ministers, Qin Ge, Meng Tian, ​​Wang Jian and others to come over—!"


Regarding the founding of the country, the Great Qin court only discussed half of it.

Only the title of the country, the honor title, and the system that Daqin will implement in the future have been confirmed. As for the future internal policy and other items, they have not been put on the agenda.

Ying Zheng knew that apart from implementing the prefecture and county system, the next agenda was the key.

It can even determine the rise and fall of the Great Qin Empire.

Now that he has many thoughts, Ying Zheng intends to discuss with his ministers. In the Great Qin Empire, nothing is more necessary than this.

After a banquet, Sima Qi and others got drunk and were sent away by Han Tan.

Then Lan Ya fed Qin Ge a bowl of hangover soup, and then helped Qin Ge to the bed with Xiangfu Jian and others, letting Qin Ge rest so that he could sober up early.

Han Tan knew how much Qin Ge was favored by the emperor. At any time, an order would come from the Xianyang Palace. Getting drunk in broad daylight would easily cause trouble.

Han Tan tried to persuade him for a while, but he couldn't persuade him.

"Han Tan, Your Majesty asked the son-in-law to go to Xianyang Palace to discuss matters!"

Just when Han Tan was thinking wildly, Zhao Gao's voice came, and he also walked into the mansion.

"Master Zhao, the young master just fell asleep, is it?" Han Tan scolded himself for his bad mouth, and hurriedly asked Zhao Gao.

Hearing this, Zhao Gao chuckled lightly and said, "Scream up, who dares to delay your majesty's affairs!"


"No need to send it away, I will return it to another mansion!"

"Go slow, my lord!"

Watching Zhao Gao's figure go away, Han Tan's face became ugly, as if he ate a dead baby, he wanted to vomit, but he couldn't.

He just said that His Majesty's edict is coming. At this moment, Han Tan only felt that his mouth was a bit poisonous.

Thoughts were churning in his mind, Han Tan headed towards the dormitory, calming down all the emotions in his heart on the way, he knew that something had happened, and what he should think about now was how to deal with it.

"Lan Ya, is the young master still sleeping?"

Hearing this, Lan Ya was a little surprised, she knew that Han Tan supported Qin Ge to sleep, so she raised her pretty face: "Old man, young master just fell asleep, what's wrong?"

"Hurry up and tell the kitchen to prepare ginseng soup and hangover soup!"

Han Tan's tone was a little anxious: "Just now the CRRC Mansion Commander came to deliver an edict, and His Majesty told you to go to Xianyang Palace immediately to discuss matters without delay!"


At this moment, even Lan Ya was stunned.

This kind of operation is simply too coquettish, Qin Ge just fell asleep drunk, and the emperor's edict arrived at the mansion, the thought flashed in his mind, Lan Ya said: "Old man, you ask Mei Luo to prepare sober soup, I'll go Wake up the son."

"Okay, better hurry up!"

"Master, son, wake up!"


Lan Ya was extremely helpless, so she had no choice but to continue whispering in Qin Ge's ear, "My lord, Your Majesty has an order for you to go to Xianyang Palace, so wake up quickly."

A quarter of an hour later, Qin Ge opened his eyes in a daze, turned his head towards Lan Ya, and said, "Lan Ya, what are you doing in my son's room?"

"My lord, get up quickly, Your Majesty has an order to let you go to Xianyang Palace to discuss matters."

With these words, Qin Ge became sober in an instant. He hurriedly got up on the bed, dressed and washed under Lan Ya's service. After washing, Qin Ge finally regained consciousness.

"Han Tan, prepare the car!"

"My lord, this is Merlot sober soup"

He took the pottery bowl and drank it all in one gulp.

Qin Ge handed the bowl to Melo, turned to Han Tan, and said, "Go to Xianyang Palace immediately, let the driver speed up—!"


Nodding in agreement, Han Tan said, "My lord, everything has already been prepared, let's go!"

(End of this chapter)

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