Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 45 Consolidation of China, big strategy.

Chapter 45 Consolidating China, Ten Strategies.

On the car, Qin Ge was dizzy.

There were three bowls of hangover soup in a row, but at this moment, it didn't have the slightest effect. At this moment, Qin Ge still had reason in his heart, but his body was a little out of control.

Although Qin Jiu has a low alcohol content, it has a strong stamina.

At this moment on the cart, with the breeze blowing past, Qin Ge only felt sober for a while, dizzy for a while, and various emotions mixed together.

It made Qin Ge's stomach even more uncomfortable. If he didn't like to vomit, he might have broadcast it live now.

"Han Tan, does this hangover soup have no effect?"

Leaning on the railing of the cart, he asked Han Tan, and said.

Hearing this, a wry smile appeared on the corner of Han Tan's mouth. At this moment, Qin Ge's face was blushing. It was obvious that he was still deeply drunk. Hangover soup was just to speed things up, not a magic medicine.

"My lord, you drank too much today, if the wind blows, it will be even worse!"

At this time, Han Tan was helpless.

If it was someone else's invitation, it can be stopped today, but Ying Zheng's edict, the consequences for those who disobey can be imagined.

That is the Emperor of Great Qin!

Even if he drank into a puddle of mud, he had to go to Xianyang Palace, not to mention that Qin Ge now knew his name and what he was going to do.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Han Tan turned his head, his voice was pleading, and said: "Young Master, this time I am going to Xianyang Palace, and my mind is not clear. It is better to talk less when I go."

"If you fall into someone else's trap, the consequences will be disastrous—!"

Han Tan knew in his heart that Qin Ge was young, had just started his official career, and had Ying Zheng as his backer, it was too smooth, and everyone else above the Great Qin court was old-fashioned.

Qin Ge was amazing enough. He might be able to deal with these old fritters in normal times, but when he was drunk, if he said the wrong thing, he would have to pay a high enough price.

After all, it was in front of His Majesty the Emperor.

And if he loses his composure in Xianyang Palace, it will affect the emperor's view of Qin Ge, which is the most important thing about Qin Ge's matter.


Qin Ge stuck his tongue out: "It's all trivial matters, with me here, nothing will go wrong—!"

At this moment, Xiangfujian couldn't help but smile wryly. The drunken Qin Ge entered the Xianyang Palace. He might be restless. Han Tan's advice would most likely be useless.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but smile bitterly.

In Xianyang Palace,
All the other important ministers arrived, only Qin Ge was left alone.

On the throne, Ying Zheng frowned slightly, and said to Zhao Gao, "Qin Ge, have you notified?"

"Your Majesty, I have informed you!"

Zhao Gao smiled wryly, and said: "At that time, Han Tan told the minister that the son-in-law drank with several young masters, got drunk, and then just fell asleep, so he might be on the way."

"How many sons?"

Ying Zheng knew almost everything about Qin Ge's interpersonal relationships, so he couldn't help being surprised, and said, "Who are they all?"

"Your Majesty, they are Meng Jiu from General Meng's family, Bai Qimou from Bai Mansion, Sima Qi from Sima Mansion, Ba Shi from Bashu Ba's family, and Wang Er from Wang's family." As for the names of these people, Zhao Gao did not know. Clearly.

After all, they had a great reputation in Jiaofang Division.

The quiet fallen leaves in Xianyang Palace can be heard. At this moment, almost all the officials present are related to themselves. Even if they have ten mouths, they can't speak clearly. At this moment, they have no choice but to keep silent.

"It turned out to be them!"

With a long sigh, Ying Zheng's eyes flickered.

Ying Zheng knew everything in Xianyang City, no matter how big or small, he knew that these people were bastards who didn't value them, or even illegitimate children.

And the sons of the direct line had already finished standing in line, but at this moment, these unremarkable people stood behind Qin Ge.

Thoughts flickered in their hearts, and it was immediately clear that they had no choice but Qin Ge, who was now famous.

"Your Majesty, this is a dog's act without permission, and I don't know about it!" Meng Tian hurriedly bowed to Ying Zheng, and said in a deep voice, "I will definitely punish you when I go back!"

"Your Majesty, the minister is also the same!"

At this moment, all the officials expressed their opinions one after another, as if Qin Ge was a maggot, and it was annoying to get along with them.

"No need, since you dear ones don't care about them, and indulge in Jiaofangsi all day long, you might as well stay by Qin Ge's side!"

As the lord of the Great Qin, Ying Zheng did not pay much attention to such a difference in status. In his opinion, as long as it is beneficial to the Great Qin Empire, he is a great talent.

What's more, there are too many talents from poor and humble places.

Even if it is overbearing like the first emperor, he dare not ignore it.

"My son, Qin Ge has seen Father, Father. Ten thousand years, Great Qin. Ten thousand. Years—!" Led by the servant, Qin Ge walked into Xianyang Palace, and said with his tongue out.


Even after cleaning, Qin Ge still smelled strongly of alcohol, and it became more obvious when he got closer to Ying Zheng.Frowning, Ying Zheng said, "Take a seat!"

"My son, thank you father——!"

"Palace Master Qin, be careful!"

Zheng Guo and her husband gave Qin Ge a hand. Qin Ge knelt behind the long case, and quickly nodded his thanks: "Thank you Zhi Li Neishi and my husband for losing!"

When Qin Ge was seated, Ying Zheng glanced at the crowd fiercely, and said, "You are all important ministers of the Great Qin. Today, I summoned you to come here to draw up the general outline of the state affairs. You dear ministers have something to say in your heart. That's right!"

"Discuss the important affairs of the country, don't punish!"

"I wait, thank you, Your Majesty!"

At this moment, Li Si and Wang Wan looked at each other, Li Si stood up, and said: "Your Majesty, regarding the consolidation of the Central Plains, the ministers and others discussed ten items, please correct me!"

"First, it is about things such as laws and regulations: including monarch titles, national fortunes, court rituals, etiquette, clothing, document systems, etc. Second, national systems and other things: world governance, official system renewal, and unification of laws, etc. Third, culture and education, etc. : Same characters, fixed elegant words, abolished poems and books, legislative teaching."

"Fourth, national construction and other matters: connecting galloping roads, opening up straight roads, and unifying the tracks. Fifth, unifying measuring instruments and other matters: unifying the three instruments of weights and measures, and establishing corrective devices for each. Canals, farmland water law."

"Seventh, set borders and other matters: attack Baiyue in the south, attack Qianghu in the west, drive the Xiongnu in the north, and connect the Great Wall of the six countries. Eighth, the matter of cessation of troops: collect the world's weapons, get rid of the world's private soldiers, and eliminate the world's thieves."

"Ninth, Anbang matter: the eradication of the restoration, the kings of the Six Kingdoms, the families of the Six Kingdoms, and the disposition of the families of the Six Kingdoms. Ten, various affairs in the community: the fall of the six kings' cities, the elimination of the Six Kingdoms' ancestral temples, the descendants of An Shengxian, etc.."

Li Sizhi's words made the entire Xianyang Palace quiet.

These words were not obtained by Li Si personally, but the specific deliberations of the entire Great Qin group of officials.

Today's court meeting is just the last draft before it is revealed to the world.

(End of this chapter)

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