Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 46 My Great Qin is Fate's Destiny!

Chapter 46 My Great Qin is Fate's Destiny!
The ten national policies are shocking.

Qin Ge didn't know how others heard it, but at this moment, he was really shocked when he heard it.

The ten strategies that Li Si put forward just now are like the outline formulated for writing a novel, and the power of the entire Great Qin Empire has been slowly moving towards this national policy.

According to the history Qin Ge knew, he naturally knew that the future of the Great Qin Empire would follow this national policy.

Among these ten national policies, most of them are correct, and even all of them are not wrong, but the monarchs and ministers of the Great Qin Empire are too eager for quick success.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Qin Ge took a sip of herbal tea and remained silent.

He knows in his heart that these national policies cannot be carried out all at once, but need to be implemented step by step, or even through the unremitting efforts of one or two generations.

These ministers who were stimulated by the victory, at this moment, thought that Daqin really had the blessing of heaven, and they were blindly seeking speed.

"Dear dear ministers, these are the top ten national policies!" Ying Zheng's eyes were sharp as a sword, and he could not retreat from the great achievements of the consolidation of China: "Who is in favor and who is against?"

"The ministers agree with the ten national policies!"

In Xianyang Palace, all the officials bowed their heads. After all, this was a strategy they formulated together, only a few of them were unclear.

"I object!"

Standing up staggeringly, looking at the handwriting on the white cloth on the sheep wall that was carried to the front by the servants, Qin Ge blushed and said, "Father, my son objected—!"

I object!
These three words startled everyone at this moment. A look of surprise flashed across Feng Quji's eyes, and he hurriedly said: "These are the top ten national policies discussed by the emperor and ministers of the Great Qin Dynasty. If the son-in-law opposes it, there must be a wonderful idea. Please also invite the son-in-law." Feel free to teach me!"

At this moment, people from Feng Quji's lineage agreed, and said, "Please enlighten me, my son-in-law!"

Some of the neutral people also looked at Qin Ge with unkind eyes. After all, this was their hard work, but at this moment, Qin Ge rejected it.

Especially Li Si!
"Palace Master Qin, be careful!" Zheng Guo tugged at Qin Ge's sleeve to remind him.

Li Xin on the side also looked anxious. He wanted to remind Qin Ge, but he was so far away that he could only watch helplessly.

"Qin Ge, are you sober?" Ying Zheng, who was sitting on the emperor's throne, looked unhappy at this moment. He had known and approved of the ten national policies for a long time.

"Wake up, father and son are not drunk!"

Qin Ge laughed foolishly, and said: "What the father said, let the ministers and others speak freely. Regarding the ten national policies, the ministers really object in their hearts—!"

"It looks like the son-in-law has not yet sobered up, so he is talking nonsense in the court!" Zhou Qing's eyes were cold, and at this moment, he said something to Ying Zheng.

Zhou Qing, Chun Yuyue and the others hated Qin Ge for making things difficult for him in the doctor's school. At this time, naturally they would not let Qin Ge go.

Everyone understands the principle of beating a dog in the water, let alone these talented Confucian doctors.

At this moment, Qin Ge was under fire.

"What are you against?"

Seeing that everyone in the court hall was attacking one after another, at this moment, Ying Zheng spoke up, calming down the arrogance and giving Qin Ge a chance to speak.

From Ying Zheng's point of view, whether he can fight back depends on this moment.

Walking out of his seat and approaching the white cloth, Qin Ge looked at each word word by word.

At this moment, laughter and ridicule rang out again, and almost everyone thought that Qin Ge was drunk and playing crazy.Only Ying Zheng's eyes were filled with anticipation. So far, Qin Ge had never disappointed him.

"Father, the first article, the rules and regulations are necessary. Only the establishment of etiquette can educate the people. The second article is also feasible. The Great Qin Empire will unify the Central Plains. The original system will definitely not be suitable, and it is difficult to change."

"The third article also agrees that the unification of the language is the prerequisite for the people of the world to recognize the country of Great Qin. The fourth article, although it is very right, is imperative, but my son currently only agrees with the unified track. Dao, as well as Zhidao, are in the future.”

"I agree with Article [-], I agree with Article [-], I disagree with Article [-], I agree with Article [-], I agree with Article [-] and Article [-], but I have different opinions on the method of disposal! "

At this time, Qin Ge became a little more sober, bowed solemnly to Ying Zheng, and said, "Father, my son thinks that the most important thing for Great Qin at the moment is not war, nor opening up straight and straight roads, but rewarding heroes and soldiers. Soothe the people of the old Qin and calm the hearts of the people in the world!"

"Let Great Qin make a smooth transition from a small country to an empire—!"

At this moment, all the officials in Xianyang Palace fell silent. What Qin Ge said was indeed the most important thing.


Nodding his head, Ying Zheng smiled with satisfaction: "Copy a copy of the top ten national policies and send them to the major government offices. The final decision will be made at the Great Court Meeting in April."

"The Taiwei's Mansion, as well as the Prime Minister's Mansion, and the Tingwei Mansion's approval of rewards are also decided at the Great Court Assembly—!"


After giving the order, Ying Zheng looked at the drunken Qin Ge, and said in a low tone, "Qin Ge, in your opinion, what is Daqin like at this moment?"

At this moment, Qin Ge, who was drunk, was a little out of sorts. He forgot the caution he had always been vigilant in, and stood directly on top of the hall, saying loudly.

"I told my father, my son thought that Daqin should issue an imperial edict at this moment, telling the world that Daqin would annex the six countries and unify the Central Plains. , which probably means that a long time ago, it was the destiny of the Great Qin to unify the six kingdoms."

"For example, Lao Tzu, who rode a bull at Hangu Pass, can take advantage of it. The sage said, the world will return to its heart—!"

"Furthermore, Qin and Zhou have the same origin. They all originated in Guanzhong. This directly tells the world that the relationship between the Great Qin and the Zhou Dynasty makes everyone in the world think that my mighty Great Qin is the successor of the Zhou Dynasty."

"My Great Qin Empire is the most legitimate owner of this vast land, and at the same time, let the Black Ice Platform monitor the various counties and counties, but anyone who dares to speak against the Great Qin and spread rumors in the village, but Qin Fa, will be killed without mercy—! "

"At the same time, six palaces were built in Xianyang, and the titles of the six kings were retained, but after this generation, the descendants of future generations cannot inherit them. After this generation, the families of the six kings will be ordinary people."

"Among the six palaces, use the black ice platform as an attendant, choose the place where the capital army is stationed, and refuse to communicate with each other. Anyone who comes close in the name of not only the father, will be killed without mercy—!"

"At the same time, we will monitor the families of the six kings and the aristocratic families. If there is a change, there will be no mercy. At this time, I would rather kill by mistake than let it go."

"Kings of the Six Kingdoms, let them be the six mascots in my Great Qin who follow the orders of my father to win the hearts of the people of Shandong, to show the name of my Great Qin's righteousness, and in exchange for the name of my father's benevolence!"

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