Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 48 The Great Qin Prince Should Study Governance, Not History!

Chapter 48 The Great Qin Prince Should Study Governance, Not History!
"Father, my elder brother is the eldest son. Who has a royal son to study history?"

Qin Ge had no choice but to explain, "What's more, there are many doctors and bachelors in the doctor's study palace. They spend their lives poorly, so it's good to use it to study history."

"Or, brother thinks he is knowledgeable, even better than Zhou Qing and other doctors!"

At this moment, Qin Ge spoke with certainty, and what he said was extremely strong.

What he said was a question to Ying Zheng, and a question to Fusu's entry into the Doctoral Palace.


From Qin Ge's point of view, Fusu was simply looking for trouble, and wanted to find his own discomfort in the doctoral palace.

Now he managed to find an excuse to trick a group of old fellows with over-the-top eyes in the doctor's palace.

If Fu Su goes there, the status of the eldest son of the Great Qin will make it very inconvenient for him to do many things, and it will be a great constraint.

Qin Ge also had some understanding of the history of Great Qin. He naturally knew that the first emperor of Qin had no empress in his life, which meant that there was only the first emperor and no first empress in the Great Qin.

This means that the entire Great Qin has no legitimate sons.

In this way, Fusu is most likely to become the crown prince of the Great Qin Dynasty and the second emperor.Ordinary people, parents love their children, but Tianjia is the opposite.

Since ancient times, the eldest son of the Tian family!

This is determined by the nature of the royal family. Although there are royal families who love young children in history, the ending is not very good.

Qin II Hu Hai!
Sui Yang Emperor Yang Guang!
They are all famous and well known in ancient and modern times.

Qin Ge knew that it seemed that Ying Zheng doted on him very much, but most of this doting came from his guilt towards his father and his credit, which was actually a kind of repayment.

In addition, Qin Ge made a move, allowing Ying Zheng to hold a lot of money, and it was beneficial to the people of the country, so Qin Ge was indulged to disrupt the court.

Among the sons of the First Emperor, Fusu was the only one he really liked.

Especially in the later years of the first emperor, for the first time, a supervising army appeared among the three armies of the Great Qin Dynasty, and the chief general was Meng Tian, ​​whom he trusted most.

This is not because the first emperor doubted Meng Tian, ​​a confidant general, but because of the future of Great Qin.

He entrusted his confidant with the son he had the most high hopes for, and likewise, entrusted Fusu with the 30 most valiant army in the Northland.

As long as Meng Tian and the 30 Northern Army are present, even if there is an accident in the Great Qin Empire, it can be guaranteed to be settled in an instant.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Qin Ge could only talk about him from left to right.

He doesn't like Fusu, so he can go against Fusu!
But Qin Ge knew in his heart that he couldn't replace Fusu, he could only make progress slowly and plot it.

Before the first emperor was completely disappointed in Fusu, no one in the entire Great Qin Empire could bring down the eldest son Fusu.

"Fusu's talent and learning are naturally not as good as those of the doctors!"

With a sigh of emotion, Ying Zheng said in a low tone, "This matter is not only requested by the Doctoral Academy, but also by Fusu!"

"Father, my son is not afraid of my elder brother working with me. Since the doctor's school can accommodate me, my son, a merchant, can also accommodate doctors from the six countries. Naturally, I won't be able to accommodate the eldest son of Qin."

Speaking of this, Qin Ge suddenly raised his head, looked directly at Ying Zheng, and said, "But, I want to ask my father, whether I should say it or not?"

Ying Zheng smiled faintly at Qin Ge, and said, "Tell me, do you still want to hide from me?"

"Father, are you going to make the crown prince? Are you going to make your brother the crown prince?" Qin Ge's tone was serious, and his expression was even more serious. He knew in his heart that he shouldn't have brought up this topic.


It is a national event.

And Qin Ge also has the right to inherit, although there is almost no hope.

At this time, Qin Ge opened his mouth, the risk was too great, but, having said that, Qin Ge didn't want to hide the truth from the first emperor.

Hearing this, Ying Zheng straightened his face, took a deep look at Qin Ge, and said, "What do you mean by that?"

"I intend to establish a crown prince, what is the difference from establishing Fusu?"

"Father, if the crown prince decides, the country will be safe!"

After briefly mentioning the most serious problem, Qin Ge continued, saying: "Father, if you intend to train your elder brother to be the crown prince, and my ministers will prevent your elder brother from entering the doctoral palace, if you don't plan to establish your elder brother, I will open the door to the doctoral palace." meet!"

"Even Erchen is willing to abdicate to let the virtuous, and let my elder brother be the master of the Doctor's Palace!"


Heaving a sigh of relief, Ying Zheng looked at Qin Ge strangely. This issue was indeed imminent, but no one dared to mention it in front of him.

Instead, Qin Ge, who was trapped in it, took the initiative to mention it.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Ying Zheng said, "Why is there such an extreme difference, please tell me the specific reason!"


Nodding in agreement, Qin Ge paused at Ying Zheng every word, and said, "Father, since it's between you and me, the conversation between father and son, the sons and ministers can speak freely, and the father will just listen to it!"


Nodding slightly, Ying Zheng looked straight at Qin Ge.

It had been a long time since no one had been able to speak freely with him. In Daqin, only Qin Ge could speak without scruples. This was also the reason why Ying Zheng had always let Qin Ge go.

He didn't want to have no one to tell his heart and tell the truth.

Under the scorching gaze, Qin Ge looked at Ying Zheng seriously, and said, "Father, the majestic Qin Dynasty spans [-] miles. If you want to be the young master of this huge empire, you don't need a man with many talents."

"If the father intends to make his brother the crown prince, he should cultivate his big picture, control over courtiers, and power tactics, instead of being an old scholar in the doctor's palace!"

"A doctor of Confucianism is actually only suitable for learning, and may be able to serve as the governor of a county, but it is far from enough to be the emperor of this mighty empire."

"In my son's view, the existence of the crown prince is for the stable operation of the empire, for a smooth transition, and for the operation of the huge empire in the future."

"This means that the ability that the prince needs to have is not to study history and bury his head in endless books all day long, but to be able to control the officials, distinguish between loyal and evil, and then use them individually!"

"Therefore, as a qualified prince, one must be clear about one's position, distinguish loyalty from traitors, have a clear view of the overall situation, know what the most important task of the empire is, and then persevere."

"Instead of burying one's head between books and cases, running around to compile history."

The first emperor's eyes flickered. Even Qin Ge's words shocked and affected him. Thoughts flickered in his mind, and he couldn't help but said, "What if you don't have this idea?"

"Father, if you don't have the idea of ​​making your elder brother the heir apparent, let your elder brother enter the doctor's school and bury his head in the desk, so that he can avoid future battles for the heir apparent, and brothers won't kill each other—!"

(End of this chapter)

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