Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 49 Qin Ge, if I made you the crown prince, would you be willing?

Chapter 49 Qin Ge, if I made you the crown prince, would you be willing?

Among the royal families of the past dynasties, in order to win the heir, it can be said that they did not hesitate to kill.

Father kills son, son kills father, uncle kills nephew, nephew kills uncle, everywhere, not to mention brothers killing each other.

The most representative of them is the Xuanwu Gate Incident initiated by Li Er.

Take the place!

Although the risk is high, the attraction of that chair is fatal to a man.

The prime minister is only under one person and above ten thousand people.

And the person sitting in that position is truly above me.

Power makes people crazy and makes people crazy.

But madness often means death.

There is a saying that if the sky wants to perish, it must first make it crazy.

At this moment, the first emperor was also full of thoughts. He knew in his heart that when he ascended to the crown prince, besides Wen Xinhou's full support and his title as the eldest son, he also had swords and swords.

Otherwise, Lord Chang'an would not have voted for Zhao!
It was also like this that Ying Zheng knew better than Qin Ge the cruelty of the battle for the position of crown prince, and felt more empathetic.

As a father, Ying Zheng naturally didn't want to see his sons repeat the same mistakes.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Ying Zheng looked at Qin Ge and said, "Qin Ge, do you think Daqin needs a crown prince now?"


Qin Ge also had three thousand thoughts and calculated in his heart: "At least within ten years, Daqin may not need a prince, but after ten years, Daqin will need a prince to stabilize people's hearts."

"Similarly, setting up a crown prince can also eliminate the thoughts of some ambitious people, and ensure the stability of Daqin's ruling and opposition parties—!"


Nodding his head, Ying Zheng took a sip of herbal tea, and he recognized Qin Ge's words: "Do you think Fusu is like the prince, can he become the prince of the Great Qin Dynasty?"


At this moment, Qin Ge was shocked.

Although he was speaking freely, he still knew something in his heart, and some things could not be said or mentioned.

However, he did not expect that Emperor Shihuang would actually ask such a topic.

Hearing this, Qin Ge was taken aback for a moment, then smiled wryly, and said, "Royal father, aren't you putting your son on fire?"

"Now, for some reason, elder brother just doesn't see this son in his eyes. If this word gets out, son will surely die—!"

"With me here, no one dares to touch you!"

The first emperor was extremely confident, and Qin Ge also admitted his self-confidence, but now the first emperor is 37 or [-] years old, and after a hundred years, Fusu and others will definitely be liquidated.

"Father's majesty in Daqin, the children will naturally not doubt it, but in the future, brother will settle the case."

"Come on, these words are only clear to me and you, are you afraid of spreading them yourself?"

Seeing the half-smile in Qin Shihuang's eyes, Qin Ge's head became agitated. He knew in his heart that this was simply a trick, but he had no room to object to this most noble man in Daqin.

He is not only a father, but also a king.

After contemplating for a moment, Qin Ge struggled for a while, and said, "Father, my son is telling the truth, but, father, you must ensure your son's life is safe!"

"Brother, it's not suitable at the moment, but there is still ten years of buffer time. If the father can carefully train and train|teach him personally, there will be no big problem for the son to come!"

"After all, elder brother is the eldest son of the father, and he was born to be the emperor—!"


With a big laugh, Ying Zheng said, "Don't flatter me, let me tell you the reason. In this Great Qin court, I have rarely heard the truth, especially when it comes to the royal family."

"Father, my elder brother is too pedantic to learn from Confucianism!"

After drinking a cup of herbal tea, he poured it separately for Ying Zheng and himself: "Furthermore, Daqin takes the law as its teaching, and even more so, governs the country by law. Looking at all the counties and counties of the Daqin, all the officials are loyal believers in the Qin law!"

"An eldest son who believes in Confucianism will not be able to ascend to the position of prince!"

"If the father intends to train his elder brother, he should change Confucianism to law. Only in this way can the subjects of the world know that the crown prince is consistent with their beliefs, so that they can accept the crown prince in their hearts!"


As Qin Ge's voice fell, Ying Zheng couldn't help but let out a long sigh: "Back then, the Great Qin had the tendency to annex the six kingdoms, and Wen Xinhou's "Lu Shi Chun Qiu" came out."

"I know that the laws of Qin are strict, and "Lu Shi Chunqiu" is really good, but the political needs at that time must adhere to the legal system of the Shang monarch. After the death of Wen Xinhou, I prepared to unify the six kingdoms."

"At that time, I had high hopes for Fusu, so I asked Confucianists to teach Fusu. I originally planned to cultivate a prince who would be recognized by the land of the Central Plains."

"However, I am disappointed!"

"Fusu's performance is like a Confucian scholar, not the eldest son of Daqin, the future prince, and future emperor. This is the reason why I have never appointed a prince or queen."

Hearing this, Qin Ge also sighed, he understood what Ying Zheng was thinking.

The son he placed high hopes on did not follow his ideas, but was trained as a Confucian scholar. The disappointment in his heart cannot be described in words.

At this moment, Ying Zheng stared at Qin Ge blankly, and said, "After that, I will give up this method, and then I will choose one of the young masters to train you, the young master, and the others with the techniques of a hundred schools of thought."

"However, until today, I still haven't seen a person who is suitable to be the prince of the Great Qin Dynasty. As for the eighteenth son Hu Hai, he is still a toddler, so we can't look forward to it!"

Hearing this, Qin Ge secretly complained in his heart that it was you, a son who was not looking forward to it, who ruined all your hard work.Let a world-class empire collapse in just three years and become a ruin.

"Father, for today's world, my sons and ministers think that it should be governed by law. Now is the period when Great Qin is transitioning from a kingdom to an empire. It is not suitable to change the long-standing political line, otherwise the Great Qin government will be at a loss!"

Qin Ge knew that he was only a young man after all, and this conversation was not of much use. He just chatted with Shi Huangdi and made Shi Huangdi complain.

Because of this, Qin Ge said something, and then said very complicated, let Ying Zheng think for himself, and the gradual influence was the emperor's decision.


Often the deadliest!


Nodding his head, Ying Zheng suddenly smiled and said, "It's strange to say that I originally planned to train you to be a general like your father, to fight across the battlefield and become a famous general like Lord Wu'an and Wang Jian."

"But things backfired, you want to go with merchants!"

"And he has good knowledge. He has a clear understanding of the current Daqin. Although he has read a lot of books, he has not become a nerd like Fusu!"

After praising him for a while, Ying Zheng looked at Qin Ge, suddenly looked serious, and said, "Qin Ge, if I make you the crown prince, would you be willing?"

(End of this chapter)

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