Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 51: The First Emperor Is Raising Gu!

Chapter 51: The First Emperor Is Raising Gu!

His eyes were calm, without the slightest wave.

If Qin Ge saw these eyes and saw the emotions and complexity in them, he would probably be scared to death.

This is the real king!
It can be ruthless, but there must be love, it can be indifferent or warm.

Ying Zheng had mixed feelings about Qin Ge.

Qin Ge is good enough to be his successor, but he still has hope for Fu Su and others.

He will not take this step unless it is absolutely necessary.

However, he wants to keep this opportunity.

If Fusu and the others are unfit for cultivation, Ying Zheng will push Qin Ge to the top. For him, the Great Qin Empire is the most important thing.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Ying Zheng said quietly, "If I'm already like this, and you can't grow up, then don't blame me—!"

"In this boundless world, the mighty court will eventually give birth to a qualified successor!"

"Fusu, General Lu, son Gao Qinge, I've given you the opportunity. As for who will become Daqin's crown prince, it all depends on God's will!"

At this moment, Qin Ge and Zhao Gao had already left.

If they heard what the first emperor said, they would definitely feel chills down their spines.

The first emperor was basically using the princes of the Great Qin Dynasty as bait, all the people in the world as spectators, and Qin Ge as the villain, to carry out an alternative Gu breeding.

Only after ten years, the Gu King who decides the final victory will be eligible to become the Prince of Great Qin.

However, among these people, Fusu had the greatest advantage and Qin Ge was the most difficult. He was like a bait, and he was spurring the sons of Great Qin to grow rapidly.

This is the emperor's mind!
"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Qin Ge's pale face and cold sweat on his forehead, Han Tan hurriedly said.


Exhaling a few breaths, smoothing out his breath, Qin Ge nodded to Han Tan, and said, "Drive, go back to the house——!"


With the support of Han Tan, Qin Ge got into the carriage and left the carriage and horse farm of Xianyang Palace.

This father-son conversation was like a flash of swords. The two confronted countless times. Although Qin Ge was not defeated, he did not win either.

He didn't believe Ying Zheng's words at all!

Especially that sentence, Fusu and others will not know.

Qin Ge knew that maybe at this time, Fusu and the others had already understood every sentence of the conversation in the study.

"This is raising Gu!"

With a long sigh in his heart, Qin Ge knew that An Sheng's days were gone forever because of this conversation, and from now on, he could only keep climbing up in order to survive.

He didn't want to be a stepping stone, he didn't want to be a nutrient for Gu King.

From Qin Ge's point of view, in the whole Great Qin, only the First Emperor is qualified to regard him as a stepping stone, and no one else is worthy of it.

"A sin!"

With a sigh of emotion, Qin Ge fell silent.

Qin Ge spent a lot of mental and physical energy in this confrontation. At this moment, he only felt very tired, as if he hadn't slept for three days.

"Eldest son, Your Majesty was talking with the son-in-law in the study. The son-in-law said that the eldest son is not suitable to be the heir apparent, but His Majesty intends to make the son-in-law the heir apparent!"

"you sure?"

Standing up from his seat with a sound, Fusu's face was serious, he stared closely at the waiter in front of him, and said: "Are you sure this is the content of the conversation between Father and Qin Ge?"


The servant nodded: "When the son-in-law was about to leave, His Majesty also said, let the son-in-law go back and think about it!"


Angrily shouted, Fu Su waved his hand and said: "My lord knows, you go back first, come back when you have something to do, so as not to arouse suspicion!"


Thoughts flickered in his mind, Fusu knew that Qin Ge had seriously threatened his position at this moment, and he had to take decisive measures.

Even staging an assassination is all right.

"Zhao Qing, go ask Prime Minister Feng!"


Although Fusu was extremely angry, the last rationality in his heart was still there. He knew in his heart that at this moment, his teacher and others could not help at all.

At this moment, the only thing he could rely on was Feng Quji, who also had a big enmity with Qin Ge.

In Shangshangfang.

In a private room, Feng Quji looked solemnly, looked at Fusu who came in a hurry, and said, "The eldest son has an appointment to see the truth, but what's the matter?"

Feng Quji knew very well that now Yingzheng was in good health, and it would be no problem to live another ten or eight years.

At this time, it is not beneficial to get too close to the eldest son Fusu, but the words Fusu sent made him unable to sit still.

It was his wish to avenge Feng Wu.

"Feng Xiang, the news came out from the palace just now. Father and Qin Ge talked in the study and mentioned that they intend to make Qin Ge the crown prince, and after Qin Ge refused, let Qin Ge think about it!" Fusu looked. Dignified, he described everything that happened in the study to Feng Quji one by one.

"If this piece of news is correct, I'm afraid His Majesty is really moved!"

Feng Quji glanced at Fusu, who seemed to be a dead mother, and said, "You don't have to worry about the eldest son. This only proves that your majesty has such thoughts, and it's not that Qin Ge has become the crown prince."

"This matter requires a long-term plan."

"Feng Xiang, you must help me"

Feng Quji didn't want to wade into this muddy water at first.

After all, he has already become the prime minister of the Great Qin, and his family is originally a noble of the Great Qin. Whether it is Fusu or someone else succeeding to the throne, it will not affect him or his family.

But this does not include Qin Ge, after all, before this, he and Qin Ge had a big enmity.

An endless feud.

Feng Quji knew that once Qin Ge came to power, the emperor would definitely attack the Feng family for the stability of the court, and he would also attack him. Thoughts flickered in his mind, he thought for a while, and said.

"Young master, you should discuss this matter with Dr. Chun Yuyue and others, and the old man will meet with Wang Jian and others before making a decision!" Having said this, Feng Quji turned to Fusu and said, "Don't worry, my eldest son. No one can take yours away!"

"Thank you, Fu Su, Xiang Feng!"

Feng Quji left Shangshangfang and returned to the mansion in a rumbling car.

As soon as he returned to his study room, Feng Quji's face suddenly changed, no longer a calm face, but endless gloomy.

The development of things was somewhat beyond his expectation.

He knew Ying Zheng well, so he knew clearly that Fu Su's words were not false. If Qin Ge hadn't recommended Fu Su and others, hadn't pointed out the shortcomings of Fu Su and others, and kept himself out of the matter, perhaps Ying Zheng wouldn't have cared.

However, Qin Ge's response was seamless, which made Ying Zheng take this matter seriously.

"Your Majesty, what are you doing here?"

The conversation in the study spread out, and a sharp wind swept through Xianyang in an instant, making the sky dark.

"Your Majesty, the eldest son went to see Prime Minister Feng and stayed in Shangshangfang for a quarter of an hour!"

"The second son met Sima Hui, and the third son met Bai Qing."

"Four Sons"

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(End of this chapter)

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