Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 52 This is a very risky game, but unfortunately Qin Ge has to step into it!

Chapter 52 This is a very risky situation, but it's a pity that Qin Ge has to step into it!
"Are you in a hurry?"

Ying Zheng looked at the scenery in the courtyard with a smile on his lips.

Before this, because of his suppression, so before this, the scholars kept their own place.

He likes to be law-abiding, but he doesn't like being too law-abiding.

Because Yingzheng knew that it was impossible to control the Great Qin Empire if he was too content with himself. None of these civil and military officials were easy-going lamps.

Daqin seems to be smooth sailing, calm on the surface, but Ying Zheng clearly knows that all the ups and downs are secretly growing crazily.

The second emperor of the Great Qin Empire must be a wolf king, not a sheep.

He loves Fusu very much, but he is too conservative and has a sluggish personality, so he can't let Daqin, a chariot that is moving forward like crazy, hold its head high between the sky and the earth.

That's why he made a move to give Qin Ge the right to inherit, and then set Qin Ge on fire to force Fu Su and others to grow up.

The biggest advantage of this strategy is that no matter which one wins in the end, the Great Qin Empire will have a qualified successor to control this mighty empire to move forward.

"Let Dunwei keep an eye on it, don't let it go too far!"

From Yingzheng's point of view, whether it's raising Gu, they can fight, but they can't kill them. How to maximize their own interests under various rules is a skill that an emperor must learn.

If you can't control this subtlety, you won't be able to be the prince of a country.


Nodding in agreement, Zhao Gao turned and left.

He knew that it was Ying Zheng who was teaching the princes, and Qin Ge was the bait.

He didn't dare to intervene in this matter, and he didn't dare to say too much. He could only follow the instructions. After all, among the princes, no one had anything to do with him.

As soon as I woke up, it was the next day, and the sky was bright.

The sun penetrated the window and shone on the bed. It was very warm. Qin Ge slowly opened his eyes, got up from the bed, rubbed his eyes, and saw Mei Luo standing beside him.

"Young master, you are awake!"


Nodding his head, Qin Ge waved his hand: "Get ready to wash up—!"

"Then prepare the meat!"


After washing up, Qin Ge went to the backyard in short clothes.

This is homework every day. He has to practice martial arts to make himself stronger.

After one assassination, Du Qin Ge sounded the alarm, and after Ying Zheng's actions, there were not a few princes who wanted him dead.

Moreover, there are different forces standing behind the princes of Daqin. It can be said that Qin Ge is alone and alone, with murderous intent sweeping the entire Xianyang. Countless swordsmen and rangers are constantly plotting against him.

The sharp murderous lock is waiting for an order.

Even with Xiang Fujian and others present, Qin Ge was still uneasy.After yesterday's incident, this anxiety was intensifying, and Qin Ge had no choice but to make up his mind to train himself.

After some practice, Qin Ge walked out of the backyard. At this time, Mei Luo, who had a good eye, prepared the meals and ate up the meat on the long table. Qin Ge changed his clothes and said.

"Xiangfujian, have Mo Kong and the others made any progress?"

Hearing this, Xiangfujian hurriedly said: "Young Master, Mo Kong and others have never come out since they were in the wing room. They eat and drink in it, and no one is allowed in!"

"Tell them a word after a while, one piece and one relaxation is the way of civil and martial arts, don't work so hard that your body is broken!"

Qin Ge suddenly thought of something, pointed at the Xiangfu sword, and said, "Let the rest of you come back, and don't go to the north of the city. It's very troublesome recently, and I need enough safety."

"Did you get into big trouble, son?"

Xiangfujian's expression became solemn in an instant, but he knew that in the eyes of people like Qin Ge, once it became a trouble, it would be endless death and bloody wind after all.

Hearing this, Qin Ge was silent for a long time. He felt that letting Xiangfujian and others guard him was to let these people fight. Only when he told the seriousness of the matter, would the other party really take it seriously.

After thinking about this, Qin Ge said in a low voice: "In yesterday's study, Father mentioned that Young Master Liben was the crown prince. I'm afraid that all the young masters of the Great Qin Dynasty and all the officials knew about this news."

"Next, there will be endless troubles. If you have masters on your side, let them come over!"


At this moment, Xiangfujian turned pale with shock.

He naturally knows what kind of trouble this is. Competing for heirs is the best business in the world, and it is also the riskiest business.

The investment is pretty much the same as the return.

And once you step on it, there is no going back.

Although Qi Mo is powerful, once they participate in it, they are afraid that they will die, and they can't even splash the water.

"Young master, this is too dangerous, and why is it you?"

Xiangfujian was puzzled, Qin Ge was only the son-in-law of the Great Qin, and could not participate in it at all, but at this moment, such a strange thing happened to the royal family of the Great Qin.

"Because the emperor wants to train a qualified successor!"

Qin Ge's tone was faint, with endless coldness in his eyes, he said, "I can tell you, I'm just a bait, a stone for sharpening knives."

"Unless the young masters are unbearable, I have no chance of going anywhere, and even in the end, I will definitely die!"

"You'd better think clearly about what it means to follow me—!"

"My lord, my subordinates are not afraid of death!"

Xiangfujian looked serious, with murderous intent in his eyes, and said: "It's not that there is no chance, if all the young masters die, the young master can still take the position!"

"This can be planned, this subordinate will find someone now!"


Nodding his head, Qin Ge didn't think to refute.

Now that things were going on, Qin Ge had reached the point where he had to fight. If he didn't fight, it would be tantamount to letting Xiangfujian and others die. There might be no room for him in this vast Qin Dynasty.

Just as Xiangfujian said, this matter is not a dead end in the true sense, and it is not impossible to survive a desperate situation. The key is whether Qin Ge has the luck and ability.

This is a dead end, the risk is very high, and Emperor Shihuang personally dragged him into this pit, if he doesn't struggle, he will definitely die.

This was a very risky game, but Qin Ge had no choice, he had to enter.

With the emperor's life in his hands, he had to do this whetstone.

Lying under the tree, the sun warmed his whole body, and he was thinking about how to go next.

He has to think.

At the beginning, he just wanted to be a merchant and achieve something above the officialdom.

However, things have developed to this moment, and he can no longer help him. The plan must start to change. Only in this way can he adapt to this sudden change and live better.

He had no choice but to drown in the muddiest and deepest pool of water in the Great Qin Empire.

(End of this chapter)

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