Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 54 The son of the tiger and leopard, although unwritten, has the spirit of eating cattle!

Chapter 54 The son of the tiger and leopard, although unwritten, has the spirit of eating cattle!
"My son-in-law told Zheng Guo, Li Xin and others not to participate in the battle for the reserve. This is the deepest muddy water in Great Qin!"

At this point, Zhao Gao's expression changed slightly, he paused for a moment, and then continued, saying: "The son-in-law told Zheng Guo and others bluntly that it was not what he wanted to compete for the heir, and it was His Majesty who asked him to be the bait."

"He wants to use his own strength to wade through this muddy water. If he succeeds, he will be like a bird swallowing a dragon. If he fails, he will be considered as having made a contribution to His Majesty and the mighty Great Qin."

Zhao Gao's voice became lower and lower, and he knew in his heart that Qin Ge's words meant that the war of winning the heir apparent, Qin Ge's son-in-law, had come to an end.

This statement is equivalent to a declaration.

"Among Singer Qin, Xiangfujian and others didn't stop the Black Ice Terrace from approaching?"

Ying Zheng knew in his heart that Qin Ge had repeatedly tested him for this matter, and he would never let more people hear it when he was talking about important things.

"Your Majesty, the son-in-law ordered Xiangfujian and others to guard the door, but there was no one who stopped us!"

This matter was mentioned by Ying Zheng. At this moment, even Zhao Gao felt that it was unusual. After all, Xiangfujian and others were not weak.

The only explanation is that all of this was done on purpose by Qin Ge.

Qin Ge specially let Ying Zheng hear it. After all, an outsider who ends up winning the heir is walking on the line of death.

Thinking of this, Zhao Gao's heart turned cold. He didn't expect that this concubine, who was once so useless, would show such scheming at this moment, so he looked at Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng, who was sitting at the top, was extremely happy. With Qin Ge's level, this whetstone could force Fu Su and the others out, otherwise, it would lose its function as a whetstone.

"Is the python swallowing the heart of a dragon?"

With a murmur, Ying Zheng also felt a little emotional. He didn't expect that he had the same training method. His sons were all mediocre talents, but Qin Ge was brilliant.

This sentence compares itself to the python sparrow, but dares to speak of the ambition to swallow the dragon.

After a long time, Yingzheng sighed, and said: "The foal of the tiger and leopard is unwritten, but it has the spirit of eating cows. The cockroach of the swan is not yet full of wings, but has the heart of the world."

"Your Majesty, General Wang Jian, you and others are asking to see you!" The servant's voice came, and Ying Zheng woke up suddenly. He motioned to Zhao Gao and said, "Tell me!"


"I will pay my respects to Your Majesty, Your Majesty Wannian, Great Qin Wannian—!"

At this moment, Wang Jian and the others also walked into the study, saluted Ying Zheng, and said.

"You don't need to be too polite, my dear ones!"

Seeing Wang Jian and the others, Ying Zheng smiled slightly, waved his hand casually, and said, "Sit down, Zhao Gao prepares herbal tea!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Wang Jian, Feng Quji and others were seated. Ying Zheng didn't put much airs on these confidant ministers. He just smiled and said, "Your lovers are here hand in hand, but what happened to Daqin?"

At this moment, everyone's eyes fell on Feng Quji. He was the right prime minister of Great Qin.

This world is made up of rules. Without strong strength, one has no right to challenge the rules.

Feng Quji raised his head and said: "Your Majesty, I have two things to report to His Majesty for your decision when I come here this time. The first one is related to Li Chu!"

As soon as Feng Quji said these words, the atmosphere in the whole study froze, and a huge pressure fell. Ying Zheng glanced at Feng Quji, and said in a low tone, "This matter, I and Qin Ge are in this study." As soon as we finished talking, you Ai Qing knew that your hands are really long enough!"

"Is it true that there is nothing I can hide anymore, and my every move is under the control of all my lovers?"

"The minister waits for capital punishment!"

Feng Quji was so frightened that his legs went limp, and he prostrated himself on the ground.

"Your Majesty, there are no ministers. This news came from the palace. The princes felt uneasy and came here to ask the ministers for advice. Only then did the ministers know."

Frightened by the first emperor, he didn't hold on for even a quarter of an hour, or didn't hold on at all, so he asked Feng Quji to betray Fusu and others completely.

At this moment, no one looked down on Feng Quji.

Everyone knows that if this matter is handled according to what Ying Zheng said, a large number of people will die.

Stretching tentacles into the palace is a taboo in all dynasties, let alone in the current Great Qin Empire, such a move is no different from courting death.

Therefore, in the entire Great Qin Empire, except for the sons of the Great Qin, almost all the people have never had such thoughts, because they know how powerful the one in Xianyang Palace is.

Seeing the ministers lowered their heads, Yingzheng smiled, and then restrained himself: "This matter, I have to investigate this matter at the Black Ice Platform. Now I will talk about your entry into the palace."


At this moment, the officials were frightened into a cold sweat.

"Your Majesty, the way to be a heir is to have ministers and elders, and the eldest son of the Great Qin Dynasty is very talented."

Ying Zheng glanced at Feng Quji, shook his head, and said, "I'm just mentioning it. The majestic Qin Dynasty is too complicated, so it's not the only one who has a son and a son."

"When I didn't stand up, it was for the future of Daqin!"

"Only the strongest person can become the heir apparent of Great Qin, the next Great Qin Emperor. Try not to interfere with this matter. This is a matter for Fusu and others."

"But Your Majesty, since ancient times, there has never been an example of a son-in-law ascending the throne!"

Feng Quji's eyes were deep, and he said bravely, "Even the Shang Jun back then couldn't do it, let alone Qin Ge."


With a chuckle, Ying Zheng looked straight at Feng Quji, and said, "Isn't that what Shang Jun can't do? It's that Shang Jun doesn't want to do it, and doesn't want to ruin Qin Fa!"

"The prestige of Lord Shang over the ruling and opposition parties in the Great Qin Dynasty was far inferior to that of King Huiwen. It is not an exaggeration to be called the number one official at that time. Government orders came from Lord Shang, and Duke Xiao trusted them. It can be said that the Great Qin Dynasty at that time Walk with Ling!"

"If you all entered the palace just for this matter, there is no need to talk about it!"

Ying Zheng looked at Wang Jian and the others, paused every word, and said, "I have decided on this matter!"

"Fusu and the others are also given the opportunity. If they want to become the heir of the Great Qin Dynasty, it all depends on their own ability, that's all—!"


Hearing Ying Zheng's resolute words, Feng Quji had no choice but to nod in agreement: "I understand!"

Ying Zheng's eyes are straight, he knows what these people think in his heart, but he has to think about the Great Qin Empire, if he needs to break the rules, he will not be stingy,
Most importantly, the current Qin Ge has enough experience to give Ying Zheng hope, and it also eases his deepest worries about the government and the opposition.

 On the first day of 2020, please recommend, please collect,

(End of this chapter)

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