Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 55: 41 Counties of Daqin.

Chapter 55: 41 Counties of Daqin.

Above the ruling and opposition parties of the Great Qin Dynasty, there are all arrogant soldiers and mighty generals.

Everyone has illustrious military exploits in their hands, and there are also outstanding officials among the civil servants. At this time, the first emperor did not want to kill the heroes.

However, the first emperor was always worried. He was able to suppress these people, but this did not mean that his successors could also suppress these people.

Just like the Shang Jun back then!

If Lord Shang was not willing to be slaughtered, I am afraid that even King Huiwen would not be an opponent, and even in the entire Great Qin, no one could be an opponent of Lord Shang.

The change of ownership of the imperial court is just a thought!
Ying Zheng knew clearly in his heart that Feng Quji, Li Si and others were indeed talented, but they were also ambitious and extremely keen on power.

These people are not Shang Jun after all, and they are not so high-spirited.

Therefore, Ying Zheng knew that his successor must be good enough to be able to suppress these powerful ministers, and today's Fusu and others are far from enough.

But Qin Ge's rise gave him a glimmer of hope.

If Fusu could slow down his relationship with Qin Ge, maybe Qin Ge could become a powerful minister and protect Fusu to move forward safely, but to Yingzheng's disappointment, Fusu and Qin Ge became enemies.

Moreover, it was Fusu himself who provoked it. There was no room for change in this matter. For the current plan, Qin Ge could only be used as bait.

It's just that there are some things he can't say, because it's too hurtful to say them.

What's more, Ying Zheng's feelings for Qin Ge are complicated. In addition to the father-son relationship, there is also a trace of guilt, so that the matter has developed to this point.

Now that things were going on, Ying Zheng knew very well in his heart that neither he nor Qin Ge could stop and could only go forward.


"Your Prime Minister, besides that, what's the second thing?" Ying Zheng drank a cup of herbal tea, and then looked at Feng Quji.


With a sigh in his heart, Feng Quji looked at Wang Jian, Meng Tian and others who were on one side. Seeing that the others were silent and speechless, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and said.

"Your Majesty, after deliberation and accounting, together with the maps and records of various countries, the entire Great Qin Empire, except for the internal history, is divided into 41 counties."

"Besides internal history, is it divided into 41 counties?" Ying Zheng looked a little curious, turned to Feng Quji, and said, "Tell me, it's the 41 counties. Let's discuss here today..."


Nodding in agreement, Feng Quji drank the herbal tea in one gulp, then took out a roll of parchment from his cuff, opened it, and said.

"Your Majesty, after discussion with the ministers and others, the ancient Qin land was divided into four counties: Ba County, Shu County, Longxi County, and Beidi County. The ancient Zhao land was divided into Taiyuan County, Yunzhong County, Handan County, and Julu County. Yanmen County, Dai County, and the seven counties of Changshan County."

"Divide the ancient Wei land into Shangjun, Hedong County, Dongjun, Dangjun, and Hanoi counties. Divide the ancient Han land into Sanchuan County, Shangdang County, and Yingchuan County."

"Divide the land of Chu and Yue into Hanzhong County, Nan County, Qianzhong County, Nanyang County, Chen County, Xue County, Sishui County, Jiujiang County, Kuaiji County, Changsha County, and Hengshan County."

"Divide the ancient Qi land into Bohai County, Qi County, Langya County, Jiaodong County, and Jibei County. Divide the ancient Yan land into Guangyang County, Shanggu County, Yuyang County, Youbeiping County, Liaoxi County, and Liaodong County Six counties."


Opening the parchment from the long case, Yingzheng looked at it for a while, then turned to Feng Quji and the others, and said, "Why should we divide it according to the ancient regions, like this Sanchuan County, which belonged to my Daqin very early on. It should belong to the land of Qin!"

"Your Majesty, since there are two or three place names in the classics of various countries in the later period, referring to a place, I decided to divide them according to the ancient regions."

"In this way, there will be no omissions, and the workload will be smaller..."

Feng Quji knew in his heart that it could only be divided according to the ancient regions. After all, Daqin didn't have so much energy at the moment, and sent people out to measure the whole world.

At this moment, Daqin is waiting for prosperity!


The courtiers of Daqin are very busy, and the division of the counties of Daqin is an extremely troublesome and trivial matter.


Nodding his head, Yingzheng pondered for a moment, turned to Feng Quji, and said, "Check it out, remove the ancient Qin land, the ancient Wei land, such names."

"Wait until the April Dynasty, make the final decision, and then promulgate it to the world."



After Wang Jian, Feng Quji and others left, Ying Zheng glanced at the parchment in his hand, and said to Zhao Gao who was under the porch, "Send someone to send Qin Ge, Fu Su, Jiang Lu, Ying Gao and others Your son, please come."



The so-called elder sons refer to the people who are likely to participate in this time and take over the heir.

Looking at the parchment on the long case, Yingzheng had an idea in his heart. He wanted to take this opportunity to try the depth of Fusu and others.


Half an hour later, Fusu and others appeared in the study one after another. When Qin Ge arrived, everyone was there.

"My son pays homage to the father, the father is ten thousand years old, and the great Qin is ten thousand years old!" Qin Ge bowed solemnly to Ying Zheng, and Qin Ge's face was full of respect.

"Just come, sit down!"

"My son thanked my father." Returning a salute to Ying Zheng, Qin Ge turned to Fu Su: "Qin Ge, I have met my brother!"


Seeing that everyone was seated one after another, Ying Zheng pondered for a while, and said, "Feng Quji and others came here just now, and brought the documents from the Prime Minister's Mansion, dividing the Great Qin Empire into 41 counties."

"I called you here today, just to let you talk about your personal opinions on this matter. You don't need to be scruples and say what you have."

"My son understands!"

Ying Zheng gave Zhao Gao a look: "Prepare parchment and pens for them!"



Qin Ge poured a cup of herbal tea and drank it slowly. Just when Ying Zheng was talking about this matter, a gleam of gold appeared in his eyes again.

However, at that time, Qin Ge was lowering his head and no one saw him.

A large amount of information emerged, and the corners of Qin Ge's mouth rose slightly. He had the most perfect solution to Ying Zheng's problem, but he didn't plan to release it all at once.

Only by boiling the frog in warm water can the frog die unknowingly, and he also wants to make these clans who oppose him and his enemies, Daqin Gongxun die unknowingly.


Qin Ge didn't hate Feng Quji and the others, but because they had different positions, they would inevitably be in the same situation. Either the other party would fall down, or Qin Ge would be wiped out in ashes.

Thinking of this, the smile on the corner of Qin Ge's mouth became even more pervasive. With the "Complete Book of the Way of Heaven", the possibility of him killing Feng Quji and others increased infinitely.

"Your Majesty, everything is ready!"

When Zhao Gao's voice sounded, the servants took parchments and pens and placed them on the long table in front of Qin Ge and the others, and then left one by one.


(End of this chapter)

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