Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 56 Renguan Zhang avoids the system.

Chapter 56: Official avoidance system.

At this moment, the quiet fallen leaves could be heard in the whole study.

Ying Zheng was high above him, drinking tea, observing the changes in Qin Ge's and others' expressions, and remembering them one by one, while Zhao Gao stood guard outside the door, and only Qin Ge, Fu Su and others were in the whole study.

The pen and ink prepared in the long case have all been ground and ready to write.

Qin Ge took a look at the parchment and the pen, then looked at Fusu and the others. Seeing everyone writing vigorously, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. It's not that he has nothing to write.

Rather, there are too many things he wants to write, and he needs to choose and see which ones are suitable for release.

After all, he can't become a big fat man with one bite, and he needs to take it step by step if he wants to succeed, otherwise he will challenge the whole Great Qin Xungui at once, and he can only be suppressed to death.

After a quarter of an hour, Qin Ge just started to write.

At this moment, Qin Ge did not mention the imperial examinations and other things that were too advanced, but gave a detailed and comprehensive explanation on the establishment of 41 counties.

Qin Ge is also clear about the current era, and naturally understands the particularity of this era.

What he wants to do today is to break this particularity and protect the imperial power of the Great Qin Dynasty. With this in mind, Qin Ge wrote six big characters: "Official avoidance system".

After knowing the six characters, it can shake the current political structure, move Ying Zheng, and even implement it firmly but not easily.

Before the Qin and Han Dynasties, the longest tradition in local politics was that the local government was an official, that is, the king was responsible to the emperor, the doctor was responsible to the king, and the people of the country were responsible to the doctor and the king.

This is where the disadvantages of aristocratic politics lie.

The same is true of the Great Qin Empire today. This shortcoming must be resolved.

Qin Ge knew in his heart that the reason why the Great Qin Empire fell apart in a short period of time, and that the rebels from all walks of life were able to get shelter in the local area was also closely related to this system.

Under such a system, if the centralization of power is not continued to be strengthened, it is left alone.The inevitable result is that local tyrannical powers will become stronger. Whether it is the imperial power, nobles, or local governors, they will not only be domineering and domineering in the village, but will even challenge the central government if they have the conditions and capabilities.

But in today's world, the Great Qin Empire swept the world, but only unified the six countries on the surface. Whether it is concepts or local complexes, the six countries still exist in essence.

In response to this incident, the Great Qin court adopted strategies to deal with local forces.

The first of these is the system of prefectures and counties. By dividing the land of the six countries into prefectures and counties, and then decomposing the feelings of the local people, the power of the clans in various places is overhead.The second is to pull away local elites so that they cannot play the function of Xiaoju.

In particular, the first emperor had always planned to relocate 20 wealthy households from all counties and counties to Xianyang. Once this move was implemented, it would definitely weaken the power of the local elites.

As well as the supervision system in the official system of the Great Qin Dynasty, it serves this policy.

As for other plans, Qin Ge hasn't seen them yet, but with Shi Huang's dominance and authoritarianism, as well as his farsighted vision, he will inevitably impose restrictions again.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, and Qin Ge knew clearly, but to strengthen the centralization of power, Ying Zheng's measures alone were not enough.

After the weakening of local local forces, the central dispatched agencies have become new local forces.How to enable these officials directly under the central government to maintain local control while maintaining their loyalty to the central government has become a major problem.

The emperor had to rely on them to rule the place, but he had to guard against them becoming big, and being an official in another place became the first choice for the court to cut off the collusion between officials and local forces and strengthen central control.

Today's Great Qin Empire is facing this problem. Qin Ge believes that this plan will definitely get the attention of Ying Zheng, and it can be regarded as contributing to the Great Qin Empire.

Once such a strategy is implemented, relatives must not work in the same place and department, and officials must not work in their native place.

And the establishment of all this requires a prerequisite, that is, there must be enough officials available for deployment.

Because from the top to the county magistrate, all are directly under the central government. Only the central government can select qualified officials in a wider range. With room and space for selection, it is possible to have a say in the appointment of officials. .

In this way, Qin Ge's previous deployment had an effect. After thinking about it, the smile on the corner of Qin Ge's mouth grew even stronger.

During the period of the Great Qin Empire, the local governors were able to create their own bureaucrats, which actually handed over the power of local employment to the local chief officials.Although the power of family status is not as strong as that of feudal nobles, the result can be imagined.

After writing down the thoughts in his heart one by one, Qin Ge just stopped the pen in his hand and waited for the ink on the parchment to dry. At this moment, Qin Ge turned his head and found that the rest of the people had already stopped the pen in their hands.

"Father, my son has finished writing!"

Qin Ge stood up, bowed solemnly towards Ying Zheng, and said, "I also ask my father to give me instructions—!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Ge tidied up the parchment on the long case, and handed it to Ying Zheng himself, saying, "This is what I think about the division of the Great Qin Empire into 41 counties, please take a look at it, Father!"


Slightly nodding his head, Ying Zheng was also a little surprised. Qin Ge was the last one to start and the last one to finish. Moreover, Qin Ge didn't ask Zhao Gao to hand over the parchment, but chose to hand it over himself.

It can be seen from this that it must be something written by Qin Ge, and only Qin Ge and himself know about it.

Seeing Ying Zheng staring at him, Qin Ge smiled brightly at Ying Zheng, then put down the parchment, retreated to his seat, and drank herbal tea.

Looking at the poor handwriting, Ying Zheng frowned, but when he saw the meaning of Qin Ge's handwriting, his heart suddenly stirred up waves, and he was an official in a different place to prevent the clan's power from growing.


Raising his head, Ying Zheng took a deep look at Qin Ge, then waved his hand and said, "Zhao Gao will invite Wang Wan, Li Si and the others—!"


Originally, Ying Zheng still had a lot to say, but when he saw what Qin Ge wrote, he immediately lost the idea of ​​talking to Qin Ge and others, and focused his attention on the long case.

"Father, since there is nothing wrong, my son will go back!"

Seeing that Ying Zheng's mind had been seduced, Qin Ge immediately bowed to Ying Zheng solemnly and said.

He knew in his heart that if he spoke more slowly, he might not be able to leave, and if he stayed in the study, he would be hungry again.

Hearing this, Ying Zheng raised his head, turned towards Qin Ge, and said, "Is there something wrong in the house?"

"I report to my father, there is nothing wrong with the palace!"

Qin Ge gave a bitter smile, looked at Ying Zheng's puzzled eyes, and said, "But I didn't eat anything, I just drank the herbal tea on the long table, so..."

(End of this chapter)

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