Chapter 57

"Qin Ge, did you come up with this just now?"

Ying Zheng raised the parchment in his hand, his eyes full of inquiry.

Hearing this, Qin Ge quickly bowed to Ying Zheng solemnly, and said, "I want to tell my father, just now, I suddenly felt something in my heart, and I thought of something superficial, I hope it can help my father!"

"You are amazing, you actually came up with such a clever plan in such a short moment!"

Ying Zheng sighed with emotion, then turned to Zhao Gao and said, "Go prepare the food and bring it to Qin Ge."


Nodding his head in agreement, Zhao Gao's heart was filled with disbelief at this moment.

He knew that even Ying Zheng himself had never eaten in this study, let alone any of his officials, but at this moment, Qin Ge set such a precedent.

It can be seen from this that Ying Zheng's love for Qin Ge is the highest among all the princes.

At this moment, no matter it was Fusu or Ying Gao who only had envy in their eyes and did not dare to say a word, they all knew how much Ying Zheng loved Qin Ge, and how strict he was with them.

"Eat here!"

After all, Ying Zheng glanced at Fusu and the others, and said, "What about you, if you haven't eaten, I'll ask Zhao Gao to add some. Today's discussion will probably take a little longer."

"Father, my son-in-law has already eaten, so there is no need to bother!" Fu Su bowed solemnly to Ying Zheng, and said, "Father, you only need to prepare it for the son-in-law."

"My son has also eaten."

Although eating here is an honor, Fusu and the others knew in their hearts that this moment was just a casual inquiry from Ying Zheng, and such an honor was not worth it.

This is Qin Ge's great honor, but their sorrow.

"My son-in-law, the meal is ready!"

At this moment, the servant saluted Qin Ge respectfully, put the food boxes on the long table, and placed them on the table one by one.


Nodding his head, Qin Ge began to eat.

He didn't care about other people's eyes. He found that the more he wanted to escape from this whirlpool of right and wrong, the tighter this whirlpool would envelop him, to the point where he had no room to relax at all.

It was precisely because of this that Qin Ge decided to raise his profile. With Shi Huangdi as his backer, he was not afraid of anyone at all. As for the future, he might not have the possibility of controlling everything.

Big deal, go to the land of the Three Hans and become a toubob.

"I have seen His Majesty!"

After a while, Zuo Xiang Wang Wan, Ting Wei Li Si and others rushed over, their faces were full of travel and dust.


Ying Zheng glanced at the two of them as a signal: "Take a seat, here are the proposals made by you gentlemen on the division of the Great Qin Empire into 41 counties, and you two should also take a look."


Nodding in agreement, Li Si and the others began to flip through the parchment on the long case.

Regarding the intention of Ying Zheng's move, both Li Si and Wang Wan could guess a thing or two. After all, Ying Zheng did everything he could to cultivate an excellent successor for Da Qin.

Time passed bit by bit, and the parchments were placed on the long case. The expressions of Li Si and Wang Wan gradually became dignified, and most of the statements of the young masters were the same.

After a while, the two finished reading the parchment on the case, turned to Yingzheng, and said, "Your Majesty, what you young masters said is not very feasible, or they didn't mention the point."

"It's almost impossible—!"

Li Si spoke bluntly without any worries.

He knew in his heart that none of the princes in the Great Qin Empire had any experience in politics, so the questions and suggestions they put forward could be said to be whimsical and unfeasible at all.


With a chuckle, Ying Zheng glanced at Fusu and the others with dark faces from the corner of his eye, and said, "Ai Qing will take another look at this one, maybe it will be different!"


Li Si took the parchment from Ying Zheng's hand, glanced at Ying Zheng who was on top of the long case in surprise, and said tentatively, "May I ask Your Majesty, who wrote this case file?"

"Qin Ge!"

Hearing this, Li Si was slightly startled. He was naturally aware of the uniqueness of his son-in-law Qin Ge. After all, looking at the entire Great Qin Dynasty, except for Gan Luo when he was Marquis Wen Xin, there was no one who was as intelligent as him. Qin Ge stood shoulder to shoulder.

Li Si took a look at Qin Ge, who was devouring it and didn't care about his image at all. The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and said, "So it was written by Palace Master Qin, I should read it carefully!"

"Look, take a look and tell me what you think, let my sons take a look too!"


"Official avoidance system?"

With a slight snort, Li Si's expression became serious. The more he looked, the more Li Si felt that the answer on this piece of parchment was extraordinary.This is simply written for the sake of absolute imperial power, and this official avoidance system coincides with the thinking of the Legalists.

At this moment, Li Si developed a good impression of Qin Ge in his heart.

He regarded Qin Ge as a like-minded political ally.

In particular, Li Si thought of Qin Ge's remarks on the enfeoffment system and the county system. There were many ideas in common between the two of them.


Heaving a sigh of relief, Li Si took a sip of the herbal tea on the table, stood up, first bowed to Qin Ge, then turned to Ying Zheng, and said, "Your Majesty, Palace Master Qin is a great talent. I think this method is feasible." .”

"This way, the imperial power can be concentrated, which is extremely beneficial to the Great Qin Empire. I agree with Palace Master Qin's words."

Without the slightest exception, Li Si praised Qin Ge's strategy extremely high in front of everyone, and even did not hesitate to offend other princes.

At this time, Wang Wan also read the content on the parchment left by Qin Ge, and was as shocked as Li Si. In his opinion, the person who can come up with this strategy is worthy of being a genius.

"Your Majesty, I also agree with this plan, but the implementation of this plan may be extremely difficult, and there is a limitation in it, that is, our Great Qin Dynasty can have enough officials to ensure the implementation of this system. .”

Wang Wan is a political genius and has been following Ying Zheng. When he saw this strategy, he immediately noticed the difference.


Ying Zheng had already noticed this limitation, but he didn't feel insufficient.

After all, before this, Qin Ge said something. At that time, he was very surprised and very curious, but when he thought about today's matter, he couldn't help but think highly of Qin Ge.

Make a decision before moving, and the layout is interlocking.

From Ying Zheng's point of view, Qin Ge's strength has already surpassed that of the younger generation. Fu Su and others may not be Qin Ge's opponent when combined.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Ying Zheng felt that by doing so, he had accomplished Qin Ge.

It's just that Ying Zheng thought a little less, that is, Qin Ge also made him, the Great Qin Empire.

(End of this chapter)

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