Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 58, My son wants to preach to Daqin!

Chapter 58, My son wants to preach to Daqin!

"Qin Ge, for this matter and the follow-up, after you go down, come up with a suitable solution, and wait for the April Dynasty to play together."

Ying Zheng looked straight at Qin Ge and said, "If it's feasible, I can fully support your suggestion!"


"Tell Fusu and the others about your plan, and let them know that they are not wronged." Reluctantly waved his hand, Ying Zheng was silent for a long time, tangled for a while, and said, "I will propose this plan. Once you propose it, you will inevitably be met with a frenzied counterattack from all major forces."

"Mr. Shang was killed back then, let alone you—!"

Hearing this, Qin Ge's eyes lit up with joy, and he quickly turned to Ying Zheng and said, "Father, this is naturally possible. Then, can Father arrange some guards for the ministers, and allow the ministers to travel with the guards?"

"Didn't you have Qi Mo's Xiangfu sword as a guard? This man's swordsmanship is extraordinary, enough to protect your safety in Xianyang!" Shi Huang was very puzzled, and turned to Qin Ge, saying: "Could it be that what happened? , something I don't know?"

"Ha ha."

Qin Ge quickly shook his head and said: "Father, I feel that your study is not safe. It is easy to leak information, and I have already suffered the pain caused by it."

"Thus, my son's words today, even if the emperor personally puts it forward in another day, but this son, the instigator, will definitely be known by the world's nobles and powerful people."

"At that time, these people will definitely disregard the majesty of Qin Law and attack this minister, so this minister asks the emperor to send guards to ensure the safety of this minister."

"After all, I did this for the great Qin—!"

At this moment, Qin Ge was serious.

He knew in his heart that his system of avoiding officials had hurt many people and harmed the interests of aristocratic families and powerful people, and this would be even more so for him in the future.

It can be said that his enemies are numerous, and each of them is the kind that wants him to die.

"This is Xianyang, the capital of my Great Qin Emperor. Who would dare to take action against my Great Qin officials?" Ying Zheng shouted angrily, his eyes filled with rage, and a terrifying aura swept over him.

Under the terrifying aura, Qin Ge's face turned pale, and he was silent for a moment. He didn't want to let himself die easily, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and said.

"Father, there is a way to cut off a person's future. It is like killing one's parents. This feud cannot be shared."

"And Erchen's Tianxing Capital has already started to be established, and various aspects have been put on the agenda. Erchen wants to form a guard team to protect the safety of the caravan."

"Of course, the leader of this escort team is appointed by the emperor's confidants. All I want is the safety of the caravan!"


With a flash of Ying Zheng's eyes, the lesson from the past is not far ahead. In the matter of Qu Yuanli, he was full, and he was a white wolf with nothing to pay, and he got a lot in return.

The most important thing is that not only Shanggongfang has a huge income and has various funds, but also the Zhiri Nai Historian Office, which eased the financial crisis of Daqin.

From this incident, he saw Qin Ge's talent in business, so he later allowed Qin Ge to set foot in business.

"What is your Tianxing Capital planning to launch this time?"

At this moment, Ying Zheng asked very curiously, his eyes were full of light about money.

Seeing the two people talking about how to make money in the study, the faces of Wang Wan and Li Si turned dark, and the faces of Fusu and the others were extremely ugly.

However, Ying Zheng and Qin Ge, who had received practical benefits, didn't care about them.

Qin Ge, who had an idea in his heart, chuckled, and said: "Father, my son got insights from an ancient book and researched a product obtained after processing sugar cane and beets. My son called it sugar .”

"It's a sweet thing that can be eaten and melted in water, and you can get a kind of black sugar, which I call brown sugar. It's very good for women."

"I thought that it could replace glutinous rice and become a food product needed by thousands of households. Once it is released, it will surely generate a steady stream of money, so I think."

In order to get the right to form a guard, Qin Ge said a lot, but these words shocked Li Si and others. This is to benefit all people in the world, and it will definitely get great rewards.

After thinking about this, everyone couldn't sit still, their eyes were full of excitement, and they looked at Qin Ge one after another.

In this world, there is no one who does not love money, and so do Li Si and others.After all, who doesn't want to live a good life.


"Qin Ge, have you reported your Tianxing capital to the Xianyang magistrate?"

Hearing this, Qin Ge's heart skipped a beat, and he immediately knew that this greedy person wanted to be a white wolf again.

"Report to father, my son has already reported!"

Ying Zheng's face darkened, and he scolded Qin Ge for his lack of vision.Can't even understand such a simple gesture, Bai Xia is so fond of it.

Good things are hidden and not shared.

Seeing that Ying Zheng's face turned black, Qin Ge hurriedly said, "Father, my son has decided to hand over [-]% of the proceeds to Father as the leader of the guards sent by Father to protect the capital of Tianxing."

"Furthermore, Royal Father, I suggest recruiting the veterans who have returned to the fields as guards. This will give them a good monthly salary so that they can support their families. It can be regarded as their contribution to Daqin, and I, Daqin, give them a little reward. "

"After all, they are all warriors on the battlefield. Heroes who have shed blood for this country and sacrificed their lives for their father. We should not let the heroes down. There will be nowhere to go when we grow old."

"At the same time, my son's Tianxing capital took [-]% of the proceeds to build a sanatorium for disabled soldiers in Daqin in the name of the father, and built the Temple of War in Xianyang to establish the faith and glory of the Daqin army."

"Also use [-]% of the proceeds to preach in the counties and counties of the Great Qin, impart knowledge to the people of the world, and train officials for the Great Qin, so as to ensure that the Great Qin will last forever."

Tianxing capital is related to Qin Ge's entire plan. He knows in his heart that any plan needs a huge amount of funds to start, and after it is started, the speed of swallowing gold is far no less than the operation of a Great Qin Dynasty.

However, Qin Ge had no regrets.

There is a saying that as a man, you can do something and not do something.

Qin Ge's words completely shocked Ying Zheng and the others, especially the plan of evangelizing the Great Qin, which made Li Si, Wang Wan and others even more frightened. Coupled with the previous avoidance system for officials, this is basically going to destroy the aristocratic family and the powerful. one stage.

It is also the most painful blow to the nobles.

With the release of these two pieces of news, Qin Ge will become the public enemy of the three classes, and will definitely become the person most wanted to kill in the world.

Thoughts shook in their hearts, everyone looked at the young man in the middle of the study, and suddenly felt a little ashamed in their hearts, such a man can be called strong and strong.

And what Qin Ge did was all for the sake of the emperor and the Great Qin Empire, regardless of his own life or death.

(End of this chapter)

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