Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 59 uses iron eagles to guard the safety, which shows the glory.

Chapter 59 uses iron eagles to guard the safety, which shows the glory.

Most afraid of the air suddenly quiet.

At this moment, even Fusu, who was hostile to Qin Ge, had to admit that Qin Ge's love for the empire and Ying Zheng was far greater than their brothers.

If the official avoidance system assists the evangelism plan, the Great Qin Empire will be able to live forever.

This point is clear to everyone in the study.

Thoughts flickered in their hearts, and after thinking about it for a long time, everyone suddenly discovered that Qin Ge's Tianxing capital was the top priority of all these plans.

And once Qin Ge's words are implemented, no matter the Great Qin military, the Great Qin officials, or the people of the Great Qin Kingdom, they will all be grateful for Qin Ge's kindness. At that time, no one in the entire Great Qin Empire will be able to shake Qin Ge.

The more they thought about it, the more ugly Fusu and the others' faces became.

And Li Si and the others were also inexplicably shocked. In their view, Qin Ge's move was for the purpose of seizing the position of the Great Qin Crown Prince. After thinking about it, the two couldn't help but glance at Fusu and the others.

A few days ago, there were rumors in the womb, which shocked the entire Daqin court, but at this time, Qin Ge was the only one in this matter. Everyone seemed to have seen the fiasco of Fusu and others, and Qin Ge was the only one.

However, at this moment, no one dared to doubt Qin Ge.

After all, Qin Ge has done a good job no matter which aspect it is, and it is impossible for the rest of them to match.

Most importantly, behind Qin Ge stood His Majesty the Emperor.

Hearing Qin Ge finish speaking, at this moment, Ying Zheng's eyes were solemn, and he looked at Qin Ge with complicated eyes: "Have you thought about the consequences of doing this?"

"Father, I know the consequences of doing this, but I don't regret it—!"

Qin Ge raised his head and looked at Yingzheng's expression full of courage and righteousness, full of fearlessness of life and death: "Father, it is my great Qin's majestic rivers and mountains, and it is my honor to be able to bury the bones of my son and me. Great Qin, why are you afraid of death?"


With a big laugh, Ying Zheng's voice was full of arrogance: "With Zhen here, looking at the whole world, no one dares to touch you. They really think that my great Qin warrior's sword is useless."

"I will let the iron eagle sharp warrior guard your safety!"

"My son, thank you for your great love!"

Hearing this, Qin Ge was overjoyed. He knew exactly how powerful the iron eagle fighters in the Great Qin Empire were.

This is the most powerful commando of this era.

none of them.

Qin Ge knew in his heart that in ancient China, there was no concept of special operations, nor was there such a name as special forces, but the mighty China was full of talents, and the iron eagle warriors in history were such a large army.

In this era, there are many elite troops with super fighting power, and they have left a great reputation in history. Among them, the troops of Daqin are particularly outstanding, and that is the Tie Ying Ruishi.

Tieying Ruishi was founded by Qin general Sima Cuo. The initial number was only more than 600 people, but it made the enemy fearful on the battlefield.

Whether it is in the war with the Six Kingdoms, the fight against the Xiongnu and the rebellion against the Baiyue War, they have made illustrious military exploits, and they can often achieve unexpected effects with the smallest casualties, becoming the well-deserved sword of the Great Qin.

At that time, there were 20 new troops in the Great Qin Dynasty, but there were only 600 Tieying Ruishi, and half of them came from the Baiqi Thousands of Suicides.And Wu Qi's Wei military soldiers had [-] soldiers at their peak, which also shows that the Tie Ying Rui Shi is the elite of the elite, a powerful force that selects the best from the best.

Sima Cuo was extremely strict in the process of selecting Tieying Ruishi, the first thing is to pass the physical test.

Back then Wu Qi trained the soldiers of Wei to hold a spear, carry twenty long arrows and a hard iron bow, and carry three days of military food, which weighed more than fifty catties in total. Immediately join the fierce fighters before they can be soldiers.

On the other hand, Sima Cuo added full armor, a broad dagger, a fine iron dagger and a cowhide shield on the basis of the training of Wei Wuzu.

Only after passing such high-intensity physical training can one enter the various competitions that follow.

Tie Yingruishi's infantry competition must be ranked first among all the infantry of the Qin Army's new army, and the cavalry competition must also be ranked first among the cavalry of the Qin Army's new army.After passing the individual selection, you have to pass the battle with various formations and pass the martial arts competition with various weapons.

After such a strict level of elimination, almost all those who can become iron eagle warriors are invincible warriors.

And Qin Ge was even more aware that Sima Cuo led the Tie Ying Ruishi to kill all directions, and it could almost be said that he would win every battle.

This powerful army became the first emperor's guard after the country was destroyed, which made it unclear how many iron eagle warriors there were at the moment.

However, it is a glory to be guarded by Iron Eagles.

At this moment, both Li Si, Fu Su and the others were surprised, and they looked at Qin Ge with envy.

"Qin Ge, it's up to you to mention this matter, and I'll leave it to you to take care of it. As for Tianxing Capital, I want to make it happen, but you need to do it well!"

From the perspective of Ying Zheng, he naturally saw the benefits of the system of avoiding officials and evangelizing the world to the Great Qin Empire. If you haven't heard about it, it's fine. Now that Qin Ge brought it up, you won't miss it.


Nodding his head, Qin Ge was also happy in his heart.

He didn't expect Ying Zheng to ask for [-]%. Although it was risky to do this, even if Ying Zheng asked for [-]%, Qin Ge would still do it.

And it's the kind of nonchalant one.

"As for the position of commander of the guards, I will find a capable person for you, and at the same time let Li Si's son, Li You, be the commander of the iron eagle warriors by your side!"

When Ying Zheng said this, he looked at Qin Ge who was standing in the hall, and said, "Besides that, what else do you want?"

"Father, if this matter is dealt with, I hope that the court can set up an official office that is only under the jurisdiction of my father, and this matter is right in front of me. I think that there will be a nationwide unified assessment of officials from all over the country."

"Only those who are qualified can serve as officials. As for serving as officials in various places, it is up to the emperor to decide—!"

"After finishing this matter, when there are funds in Tianxing Capital, we will start to preach the world!"

Hearing this, Ying Zheng's gaze was dark, he glanced at Qin Ge, and said, "Build a new government office to manage this matter?"


Nodding his head, Qin Ge said, "This matter should be handled exclusively. After all, once this matter is introduced, there will be countless opponents in the entire Great Qin Empire, and the opponent's power is strong. In the old government office, there is no possibility of implementing it. Sex will be hindered by all kinds of people."


After pondering for a long time, Yingzheng let out a long breath and said, "This matter may not be impossible. You think about it, and it will also be decided at the April Court Meeting in the near future."

(End of this chapter)

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