Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 63 Is the First Emperor Jealous?

Chapter 63 Is the First Emperor Jealous?
With his own strength, he resisted the three major classes, and even the crazy counterattack of the four major classes.

Too dangerous.

Moreover, there are also Confucianism and other schools of thought, which will put Qin Ge in the target of public criticism.

From Gong Shuchou's point of view, Qin Ge at this moment is like walking a tightrope, dancing on the tip of the knife every day, if he is not careful, his body will be smashed to pieces.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, and after a while, Gongshuchou glanced at Qin Ge worriedly, and said, "You and I have forgotten our friendship, I remind you, it's too dangerous to do so."

"Qin Ge knows!"

Qin Ge gave a wry smile, and drank three cups in a row: "My husband lost, and now I have no choice but to move forward. In this vast Qin Dynasty, the higher I stand, the safer I am."

"The higher I stand, with my father behind me, I am naturally extremely safe in the Great Qin Empire, but if I don't have the ability, the guards around me will definitely be greatly reduced, and the danger will be even more serious."

Qin Ge saw this very clearly.

He knew in his heart that if he hadn't performed well and made Ying Zheng very happy, he would not have let Tie Ying Ruishi be his guard.

"The Palace Master just needs to know what's in his mind, I won't say more!"

Gong Shuchou nodded to show his understanding, then turned to Qin Ge and said, "I'll go back and clean up. When the Palace Master and His Majesty go out, send someone to inform the old man."

"it is good!"

After bidding farewell to her husband, Qin Ge and Han Tan walked out of Ba's Restaurant and came to the horse farm.

"My lord, do you want to go back directly to the mansion now?"


Shaking his head, Qin Ge said, "Driving first to Zhili Nei Historian's Office, then to General Li Xin's residence, and finally to Xianyang Palace, I won't go back to the residence for the time being!"


Xianyang Palace Study Room.

"Your Majesty, after the son-in-law had a chat with her husband, she went to the official office that governs Li Neishi. According to the news, the son-in-law and her husband are discussing the Tianxing capital in the north of the city, and the son-in-law wants her husband to finish it ahead of schedule."

"At the same time, the son-in-law gave my husband a liter of sweets called white sugar."

"Presumably this trip to the Kurunai Shifu is also to send white sugar"

"White sugar?"

Putting down the memorial in his hand, Ying Zheng raised his head and said, "Do you know what this white sugar is?"

"Your Majesty, there are countless reports in Xianyang City these days, saying that Tianxing Capital will sell white granulated sugar, which is a better sweetener than glutinous rice."

Speaking of this, Zhao Gao looked respectful and tested, and said: "Your Majesty, do you want to ask the consort? "

"Ha ha."

With a chuckle, Ying Zheng shook his head and said, "Just wait, Qin Ge will appear in Xianyang Palace within half an hour, no need to ask."

Qin Ge is a smart man.

Ying Zheng knew this from the time when Qin Ge drew his sword from the music workshop.

Moreover, Qin Ge's various performances in the recent period can be said to be extremely relaxed. It can be said that apart from Qin Ge's identity, Qin Ge's behavior and way of doing things are the most attractive to him in the entire Great Qin court. Comfortable one.


After the car was rumbling, Qin Ge left Li Xin's mansion and turned to approach Xianyang Palace.

In Li Xin's mansion, Qin Ge didn't even step into the door. He knew in his heart that a courtier, and in his capacity, was taboo to make friends with generals.

And Li Xin was also aware of Qin Ge's situation at the moment, so he didn't insist.

"Young master, if His Majesty finds out that you went to the Zhili Nei History Office and General Li Xin's residence, and even gave you white sugar, I'm afraid His Majesty will not like it." Han Tan said softly towards Qin Ge, road.

In Han Tan's opinion, Qin Ge was too good.

It can be described as rich and talented, but what Qin Ge did was extremely dangerous, and he was risking his life to win the future, which made Han Tan feel a little worried.

"will not!"

Shaking his head, Qin Ge looked away from the pedestrians, smiled lightly, and said, "Father is wise and powerful, nothing like this will happen, so drive hard."

With Yingzheng's control over Xianyang, their conversation here may not be safe.

If he complained here, it would only make Ying Zheng unhappy, but if Han Tan was complaining, he might lose his head within a short period of time.

The first emperor seemed wise and powerful, but he was an emperor after all, and his companion was like a tiger.

Just in case, Qin Ge had no choice but to interrupt Han Tan. He didn't want to let his own people die just because of an innocuous sentence. He didn't have the ability to save people from the hands of Emperor Shi Huang.

"Shut up!"

Reining in the reins, the cart stopped at the Xianyang Palace carriage and horse farm. Han Tan turned his head and said, "My lord, we have arrived outside Xianyang Palace."


When he got out of the car and was about to get off, Qin Ge whispered in Han Tan's ear and said, "This is Xianyang, I keep some things in my heart, don't say them casually."

"If something happens, I won't let you—!"

Hearing this, Han Tan's heart was shocked, his eyes showed shock, he looked at Qin Ge's back, cupped his hands quickly, and said, "No."

Along the way, after countless searches, Qin Ge was allowed to pass.And that bucket of white sugar was left outside the palace and was not allowed to be brought in.

"My son pays homage to the father, the father is ten thousand years old, the great Qin is ten thousand years—!" Entering the study, Qin Ge bowed solemnly to Ying Zheng, and said.

"sit down!"

Ying Zheng didn't raise his head, only a faint voice came: "There's only you and me here, so don't be too polite, you are entering the palace this time, is there something wrong?"

Hearing this, Qin Ge sneered in his heart, and hurriedly said to Ying Zheng, "Father, in my workshop, those skilled craftsmen of Qi Mo have developed a new product, which I call white sugar. I am here to give it to my father."

"At the same time, Erchen invited my husband to talk about the construction of the school palace. He planned to invite father, prime minister, Ting Wei, and others to go to the north of the city to conduct on-the-spot investigations and come up with a specific plan for the construction of the school palace, so that Shang Gongfang Draw up specific drawings."

"Simultaneously calculate the money, food and time that need to be spent"


Surprised, Ying Zheng raised his head from the countless memorials at this moment, looked at Qin Ge, and said, "Where's your white sugar? There's news circulating in Xianyang City recently, and I've heard it too."

"I also want to see what can actually support your Tianxing capital and give you the idea of ​​preaching Daqin."

Hearing Ying Zheng's words, Qin Ge gave a wry smile and said, "Stay outside the palace gate, and the guarding generals won't let you in, so I'll go get it now!"

"never mind!"

Ying Zheng paused, then smiled casually, and said, "Let Zhao Gao go!"


After Zhao Gao left, Ying Zheng had some deep thoughts and said, "I heard that you didn't come to give it to me first, but you gave it to my husband, Zheng Guo, Li Xin and others first?"

Hearing this, Qin Ge was dumbfounded.

He didn't expect that the majestic emperor of the ages would care about the order, thoughts flickered in his mind, and he couldn't help but feel dizzy.

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(End of this chapter)

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