Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 64 Now that he is the emperor, his original intention has not changed.

Chapter 64 Now that he is the emperor, his original intention has not changed. (recommendation, collection)
Maybe there are other meanings in this.

After all, Qin Ge is a courtier and Ying Zheng is the emperor.

There is a saying that the ruler and his subjects are father and son, the ruler is before his ministers, and the father is before his son.

His act of sending white sugar to Zheng Guo and others seems to be a simple act, but if it goes deeper, it is colluding with courtiers, and once it is investigated, it will be a serious crime.

Of course, this matter can be big or small, it mainly depends on what Ying Zheng thinks.

Thinking of this, Qin Ge immediately bowed to Ying Zheng solemnly, and said: "Father, my son has absolutely no such intentions. The purpose of discussing with my husband is to build a school. It just happened to pass by Zhili Nai Historian Office and Li Xin General's Mansion."

"My son specially came here to personally send it to my father, but it was the generals at the gate of the palace who blocked my son's filial piety—!"

Ying Zheng glanced at Qin Ge and said, "So it's Zhang Han, isn't it?"

"No, no, no, no!"

Shaking his head again and again, Qin Ge denied it, saying: "General Zhang Han guards the gate of the palace. This is his duty. Stopping his ministers is a sign of General Zhang Han's loyalty."

Qin Ge still had a good impression of Zhang Han.

Among the generals of the Qin Dynasty, Zhang Han didn't have much ill feeling towards him except Li Xin.

Of course, it may have something to do with Zhang Han's identity. At this time, Zhang Han is too weak compared to Meng Tian and others, and his reputation is not obvious.

"What are you thinking about?"

Ying Zheng's stern face relaxed at this moment, and then he showed a faint smile and said, "Are you sure that your white sugar can enter the world?"

Tianxing Capital has a lot to do with it.

It is impossible for Yingzheng to allocate money to Qin Ge to squander. After all, Daqin not only needs to support the people but also the officials and the army. There are not many reserves in the treasury. Evangelizing Daqin requires terrifying resources.

All of this depends on Tianxing Capital to gather the world's money, which is why Ying Zheng knows that Tianxing Capital's income is good, but only [-]% of it.

"White granulated sugar has a pure taste, a suitable sweetness, and is in a granular shape. It is far cheaper than maltose, and it is easier to produce. It is only a matter of time before it is replaced by maltose."

"When Erchen expands the capital of Tianxing, it will gradually enter thousands of households and become a daily necessities for the people of Great Qin."

"Your Majesty, the white sugar has been brought back—!"

Just at this time, Zhao Gao walked in from outside the study, put the cloth bag in his hand on the long case, and said.


Nodding his head, Ying Zheng's eyes were full of curiosity, and he said, "I'm here!"

Interrupting Zhao Gao's hand to untie the rope, Ying Zheng opened the cloth bag himself. When he saw the clean particles, he was shocked. He rubbed his fingers a few times and put a handful into his mouth.

"It is indeed possible to replace Yi!"

Nodding his head, he expressed his approval for the white sugar, and put the bag on the long case. Ying Zheng looked at Qin Ge and said, "How much does this white sugar cost, and how much do you plan to sell?"

"My father, I don't intend to take profits from the people. The cost of white sugar is not high. After combining various costs, my price for white sugar is one baht for one yuan, one tael for 24 yuan, and so on."

"Of course, if you buy more, there will be a discount."

Hearing this, Ying Zheng pondered for a moment, nodded to Qin Ge, and said, "The price is indeed very low, one baht and one penny. If this is done, can Tianxing Capital get back the capital?"


Nodding his head, Qin Ge said yes.

He knew in his heart that in the Great Qin Empire, one tael was equal to 24 baht, and one catty was equal to 12 taels. Since the unification of weights and measures had not yet been implemented in this era, the conversion in this aspect in the Great Qin Empire was very confusing.

It's just that Qin Ge knows that food needs to be eaten bite by bite. Whether it is a huge project that will explode in the future or a unified weight and measure, it needs to be done step by step. This is not the best time.

The Great Qin Empire is already turning around. If all of them are implemented together, it will only make it difficult for the Great Qin Empire to overwhelm the mighty empire in an instant.

Therefore, Qin Ge was deliberately slowing down the speed of the emperor, so that Da Qin would be more prepared to deal with various situations in the future, so that things would not explode and be caught off guard.

"It's just that the speed of recovering the cost is slower, which has little impact on Tianxing Capital, not to mention, Erchen doesn't plan to only do this kind of business!"

Hearing this, the seriousness on Ying Zheng's face was relieved at this moment, and he joked to Qin Ge, "I heard that you have been in contact with the only son of Bashu Bashi recently."

"Bashu Bashi is the biggest merchant in my Great Qin."


Hearing Ying Zheng's exclamation, Qin Ge laughed loudly, and said loudly: "Father, why bother to destroy your own prestige and promote others' aspirations? In the near future, the largest chamber of commerce in the world will be Tianxing Capital, the richest family It is the Great Qin Imperial Family."

"At that time, the gold of the world will be held in the hands of the emperor. Only in this way can the mighty Qin Dynasty be more peaceful and stable for a long time."

"I hope to see that day come sooner!"

Ying Zheng walked up to Qin Ge's side, patted Qin Ge, smiled, and said, "I really don't want to hear Zhili Neishi and other officials keep whispering in my ear."

"Zhao Gao, prepare the car!"

Ying Zheng looked straight at Zhao Gao, and said, "At the same time, someone informed Li Si and Wang Wan that my husband lost, Meng Tian, ​​Wang Ben went to the north of the city, and let Zhang Han escort him."


Naturally, the emperor was in a lot of trouble when he traveled.

In particular, the Great Qin had just been unified, and the founding ceremony had not even been held. There were countless survivors from the Six Kingdoms who wanted to assassinate the king. This trip to the north of the city was naturally heavily guarded and powerful.

Not only Xiangfujian and others and Tie Ying Rui Shi will go, but also the [-] capital army controlled by Zhang Han will also dispatch martial law, and even bring Meng Tian and Wang Ben. Pay attention to.

Because he knows that in the current Great Qin Empire, he must not fall down. No matter whether it is Qin Ge or Fu Su and others, they cannot suppress this arrogant soldier of the dynasty.

What's more, there are still survivors from the Six Kingdoms dormant, and the entire Great Qin is secretly surging.

"Qin Ge, you are in the same car as me, let Han Tan drive your car to the north of the city and wait!" Ying Zheng's eyes flickered, and he turned to Zhao Gao, and said, "Let Fusu go with you—!"


Yingzheng did not give up on Fusu.

He knew in his heart that among his sons, Fusu was the only one who could achieve something. If Fusu could not compete with Qin Ge, the others would not be able to.

As Qin Ge said, he still has at least ten years to train|train a qualified crown prince, whether it is Qin Ge or Fusu, he has to try.

In Ying Zheng's eyes, nothing is as important as the Great Qin Empire.

This has been the case since the moment he ascended the throne of Daqin, and now he is proclaiming himself emperor, and he has not changed his original intention.

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(End of this chapter)

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