Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 65 Inspect the north of the city.

Chapter 65 Inspect the north of the city.


The chariots of the four horses rumbled along. Meng Tian and Wang Ben personally led the army to clear the road, and at the same time were responsible for protecting the safety of Ying Zheng and others.

After all, although the names of Meng Tian and Wang Ben are not as powerful as Wang Jian, and their prestige is stronger, but they are in their prime, and they are more deterrent.


On the imperial chariot, Yingzheng looked calm, and there were fruit plates and tea on the long case, as if he was in the study of Xianyang Palace.

Along the way, the chariots of the four horse emperors seemed to be stationary. At this moment, Qin Ge finally saw Zhao Gao's talent. No wonder Shi Huang trusted him all his life.

It is not a matter of a day or two for anyone to reach the decision-making center of the empire, and Zhao Gao was able to accompany Ying Zheng through the most extraordinary years, which shows that this person is extraordinary.

Most importantly, it was this person who forcibly overthrew the mighty Great Qin.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Qin Ge grabbed the fruit plate and ate it. He was in awe of Ying Zheng in front of him, but he would not be trembling in front of Ying Zheng, like walking on thin ice.

After getting along with each other these days, he also clearly knew what Ying Zheng wanted most.

As long as the bottom line is not touched, with the grandeur of the First Emperor, he will never haggle over every detail with him.


Seeing that the plate was about to bottom out, Ying Zheng looked at the food and said, "Qin Ge, how do you plan to use the [-] hectares of land?"

Hearing this, Qin Ge ate the fruit in his mouth, then turned to Ying Zheng and said, "Father, according to the preliminary plan of my ministers, in this piece of land, there is a master's building for the master to live in, and there are also students. The student building where I live."

"There is also a library and a school for students and students. At the same time, there will be a place for students to keep fit and an artificial lake."


"Specifically, we need to go through this survey, discuss with the father, and Zuo Ping and other people, and then make a decision."

"Let's meet with the professional staff of Shanggongfang to draw the design drawing, and then confirm it!"


Slightly nodding his head, Ying Zheng recalled Qin Ge's words in his mind, and pondered for a moment: "How do you plan on evangelizing Daqin?"

Regarding evangelizing the Great Qin Dynasty, Yingzheng also thought about it in his spare time. This is a great project, and the specific complexity and cumbersomeness is not lower than his unification of the six countries.

After all, the Great Qin unified the six kingdoms, and he already had the foundation to annex the world through the accumulation of Huiwen, Zhaoxiang, and the sixth generation since Duke Xiao.

At this moment, Qin Ge wanted to preach about Daqin, not only had to face the unfamiliar homeland of the Six Kingdoms, but also Daqin was a cultural desert, so it could be said that everything had to be started from scratch.

Because of this, Ying Zheng felt a little uneasy. He had never experienced such a situation, and he was not absolutely sure.

"Father, my son intends to open a school first, then cultivate qualified masters, and then gradually spread it around Xianyang."

"Build the north of Xianyang into a holy place of academics, form a momentum of contention among a hundred schools of thought, and add strength to our Great Qin Empire forever."

"Sweep Guanzhong first, and even if people from Shandong are not used, our Daqin officials will definitely be self-sufficient."

Speaking of this, Qin Ge suddenly smiled: "When the officials of Daqin can be self-sufficient, then all the scholars in the world will be under the control of my father."

"At that time, it should be time to take action against the various schools of thought, completely gather the Daqin nobles, and let my Daqin be boundless forever."


Qin Ge knew in his heart that sooner or later Daqin and Confucianism would face each other, the key depended on the preparations of the Daqin court, and Daqin's preparations were insufficient now.

The plan of evangelizing Daqin is to deal with the subversion of Daqin culturally by various schools of thought, but there are some things that only Ying Zheng and Qin Ge know well.

Some things can only be felt but not expressed in words.

"You must be cautious about this matter. If you can't do it, you can postpone it, and you can't force it!" After thinking for a while, Ying Zheng warned Qin Ge.

The majestic Great Qin is like a towering mountain, while the hundreds of schools of thought are like a valley of water. Although the water flows carelessly, it may also bury the entire Great Qin.

As the ruler of the Great Qin Dynasty, Ying Zheng knows the situation of the world like the palm of his hand. He has great ambitions, and he has also walked on thin ice, step by step.

"My son understands that if you don't make a move, you will be shocked if you make a move. If you are not absolutely sure, you will not make a move easily."

Qin Ge's expression was calm, and his eyes were full of absolute confidence. Regarding all schools of thought, he was already on par with Confucianism. As for other schools of thought, although he was not on par, Qin Ge didn't care.

He didn't care about the hundreds of schools of thought that swept across the entire Central Plains.


"Shut up!"

The chariot was rumbling, after half an hour, it finally turned around and came to the north of the city, Zhao Gao reined in his horse and stopped, waited for the imperial chariot to stop, turned his head, and said.

"Your Majesty, Chengbei Tianxing Capital has arrived—!"

"get off!"


"I have seen His Majesty!"

At this moment, Li Si, Wang Wan, Husband Loser and others all arrived and stood at the door to greet Ying Zheng's carriage.

"You dear ladies, you have worked hard!"

Getting off the imperial car, Yingzheng looked at the vast north of the city, his eyes were full of curiosity. In the endless north of the city, at this moment, there is only one building of Tianxing Capital, which stands like a lone peak.

"Qin Ge, in your plan, is it the area opposite Tianxing Capital?"

Yingzheng's expression was full of curiosity. Once such a huge project started, it would mean that the Great Qin Empire had started another great cause.

In fact, part of the fact that Daqin can last forever will come from the cultural renaissance that started this time, so that Daqin no longer only has no clothes, but also the picturesque Jianjia.

"Father, a powerful empire is not just iron and blood, not just a large army sweeping the world, but me alone." At this moment, Qin Ge's eyes were full of heat: "A truly powerful empire is rampant in the military. People can be enemies."

"It is also necessary to truly rejuvenate culturally, to be absolutely strong, and to form cultural self-confidence in the true sense."

"And all of this, the real strength starts from here, and the formation of Daqin culture will also start from here!"


"Old man, the professionals of Shanggongfang, do you want to observe the [-] hectares of land and determine the center of the academy?"

Qin Ge's eyes were like a torch, he glanced at Tianxing Capital, which was about to be completed, then turned to his excited husband, and said.

Looking at the empty land, Husband Lost thought for a while, pointed to the land in front of him, and said: "My lord, the people from Shanggongfang are checking, and they have already done the accounting for the north of the city."

"And design a plan for the north of the city, so as to determine the location of the school..."

(End of this chapter)

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