Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 66 The year's plan, education is the foundation!

Chapter 66 A century-old plan, education is the foundation!
"Your Majesty, let's go this way, son. Let's go and have a look. This place is too close to Tianxing Capital. It is not suitable to build a school!"

My husband's eyes are bright, he naturally knows that establishing the school near Tianxing Capital will help promote the rapid development of Tianxing Capital.

However, it is a place where learning is pursued.

It shouldn't be close to the land of merchants, and it is easy to be influenced. It is precisely because of this that my husband's loss of publicity is directly for the sake of Daqin, and he doesn't care about Qin Ge's interests.

Farmers and businessmen!

Although Qin Ge is deliberately downplaying this class division, the long-standing concept cannot be changed at all. Whether it is in the eyes of Ying Zheng or her husband, reading and learning are sacred things.

And the merchants are full of the smell of copper, the two are not the same.


Although my husband knew very well that if the school was close to Tianxing Capital, it would definitely make Tianxing Capital skyrocket and become the most powerful chamber of commerce in the world.

However, he still chose to stay away from Tianxing Capital, which is the persistence in the heart of Husband Lost.

"it is good!"

Nodding his head, Ying Zheng's eyes were bright: "Come on, let's go over and have a look, we should be careful about the academy!"



The car was rumbling and walking around the huge field. At this moment, Qin Ge's mind flickered. In his mind, this is a university town in the north of the city.

Not only will the school be established, but it will also drive the flow of residents and turn the north of the city into a prosperous place.

In Qin Ge's memory, a university town refers to a settlement town formed because of higher education, and it is a very special combination of residents.

In the process of the development of an extremely important university, the scale of the development of the university continues to expand, and some universities even gather together, making the surrounding area of ​​the university or the university campus itself a large-scale town.

Generally, there is at least one large comprehensive university in a university city, or some relatively small but large number of small colleges are concentrated.

The local residents of a university town are generally employees and teachers of the school, and the number of foreign students generally exceeds the number of local residents.

In Qin Ge's mind, the north of the city would be the most powerful university city in Daqin, and this would be the first stop where the culture of Daqin gradually formed and expanded.

After a few years, this place will become the holy land of Qin culture, making this place the result of all revivals, and allowing Qin culture to take root thoroughly.

The establishment of a university city in one place is by no means a matter of overnight, and it is precisely because of this that he led the first emperor Yingzheng to come to investigate in person.

Then let the Daqin government and the people know what to do, and completely build the north of the city into a cultural center and a holy place.

"Qin Ge, [-] hectares, does it occupy too much land? In this way, the large construction area will inevitably lead to an extension of the construction date."

"Now in my Great Qin Dynasty, the Lishan Mausoleum is under construction. If it is at this time to build a huge school, the pressure will be too great, and social conflicts will inevitably be aggravated."

Hearing this, Qin Ge nodded slightly. He also knew the truth, but a school in the true sense must occupy a large area.

And here's an example.

An example represents the beginning of a change in the national policy of the Great Qin Dynasty, from fighting the world with martial arts to one that emphasizes both civil and military affairs.

"Father, the establishment of the Academy represents the transformation of the Great Qin Empire from fighting against the world. Now that the world is unified, it is time for the entire Great Qin to change its national policy."

At this moment, Qin Ge walked towards the road with a solemn expression, and said in a quiet tone, "Daqin has also arrived, the time to change from military warfare to civil governance."

"And the rise here is the most obvious dividing line..."

It was the first time that Qin Ge mentioned the radical change of the national policy to Ying Zheng on the car. No one in the Qin government and the people realized this point. Maybe some people realized it, but they didn't mention it.

Any dynasty will transition from military warfare at the beginning to civil rule at the end. This is the reason why a regime and a dynasty mature.

However, because the Great Qin Empire was crossing the river by feeling the stones, from the beginning to the end, the Great Qin Empire relied on its incomparably powerful force to suppress the world with great power.

In history, no one realized it, but in this life, since Qin Ge has reached this era, and his own destiny is closely related to the Great Qin Empire.

Almost immediately, Qin Ge decided to save Daqin, to completely transform Daqin from the root, to make the Daqin Empire fully mature, and truly become a peerless empire.

Today's Great Qin has the potential to become a world-class empire.


"Da Qin wants to change from military warfare to civil governance?" Ying Zheng paused when he heard Qin Ge's words, and his expression became extremely solemn.

He knew in his heart that since Qin Ge mentioned this point, it must be extremely difficult.


Nodding his head, Qin Ge looked at the vast world, and said in a quiet tone, "Father, it is imperative to change the country from being ruled by military generals to being ruled by civilian officials."

Hearing this, Ying Zheng was taken aback. He didn't expect Qin Ge to say that at this moment. After all, no one had ever mentioned it in the entire Great Qin.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Ying Zheng turned to Qin Ge and said, "Civilian officials rule the world, can the world be safe?"


Qin Ge's expression was dignified, and he paused every word towards Ying Zheng, saying: "The generals are in the town, civil officials rule the world, and all the people in the counties and counties of the whole Great Qin return to their hearts."

"In this way, Great Qin will surely last forever, but there is one prerequisite for this, that is, the father, who can completely control all officials, big and small, in the world."

"This is the reason why the son-in-law established the academy..."


Looking at the vast land, Ying Zheng heard Qin Ge's words. At this moment, his heart was full of confidence, and there was a kind of unrivaled arrogance in his heart that soared to the sky, which gave him a new calculation.

"If Qin Ge's plan of evangelizing Daqin is fully implemented, how long will it take?"

Ying Zheng was attracted by the broad prospects Qin Ge described, and couldn't help but said to Qin Ge.

"Ten years is a period, and if you persevere for three generations, the Great Qin will surely last forever!"

This was Qin Ge's answer.

For Qin Ge, this answer is not watery, education is based on a century-old plan, and most emperors reign for 30 to [-] years, so it is naturally based on the third generation.

After all, a century-old plan is based on education.

Qin Ge had heard this slogan countless times, and the changes of the times, the vicissitudes of life, and the great dragon of China rising into the sky and catching up head-on were the best proof of this sentence.

Because of this, Qin Ge at this moment is almost following the route of later generations, not to mention that the situation of the Great Qin Empire is far better than that of that empire.

What that empire did, Qin Ge believes that the Great Qin Empire can also do it. Although it may not be able to do better than the later empires, it will definitely not be worse.


(End of this chapter)

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