Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 67 Daqin should establish the Confucius Academy. 【Part 3】

Chapter 67 Daqin should establish the Confucius Academy. 【Third update】

The four-horse imperial chariot rumbled along, and the conversation between Qin Ge and Ying Zheng became more and more in-depth. The more they communicated, the more they thought the same.

Although the two people are in different positions, they are all for the purpose of making the Great Qin Empire stronger and stronger.

Rather than floating on the surface, not grounded.

Any ungrounded dynasty will eventually die out, and it will die out in a short period of time. Both Qin Ge and Ying Zheng are almost aware of this.

Therefore, both of them are thinking about how to make this empire land from mid-air so that it can land safely.

Today's Great Qin Empire is sweeping the world with mighty martial arts, and regards the people of the world as sufficient, so that under the grand military exploits, the Great Qin Empire has become blind and arrogant.

As a result, the Daqin government and the public did not have a clear understanding of the current situation, so that they took too many detours?


Three hours passed, both Ying Zheng and Qin Ge were a little tired, and at this time, the professionals from Shanggongfang led by Gong Shuchou had already carried out a detailed measurement of the north of the city.

As for the plan, it is still under urgent consultation.

"My husband, please Your Majesty, the son-in-law will go to the shogunate to discuss the specific planning and construction of the north of the city!" Meng Tian came in a hurry and said to the four-horse imperial chariot.


Nodding their heads, the two looked at each other, then Ying Zheng waved his hand and said, "Zhao Gao, drive back to the shogunate—!"



In the shogunate, all the officials are there.

"I have seen Your Majesty!" Seeing Ying Zheng walking in, Gong Shuchou and others hurriedly saluted.

"You don't need to be too polite, my dear ones!"

Ying Zheng waved his hand and strode away, a calm and majestic voice resounded throughout the entire shogunate: "Speak business!"



Nodding in agreement, Gongshuchou and the others looked at each other. Wang Wan nodded towards Gongshuchou, signaling Gongshuchou to speak. After all, these things are Shanggongfang's forte.

Gongshuqiu is in charge of Shanggongfang, so naturally Gongshuqiu is the most important person in charge at this moment.

Sensing Wang Wan's nod, Gong Shuchou's eyes flashed, and then he turned to Yingzheng and said, "Your Majesty, Xianyang City is centered on the Imperial City, extending to the Yellow River in the east and reaching Qianhe and Weihe Rivers in the west."

"From the Nine Mountains in the north to the Qinling Mountains in the south, the territory is vast. The layout of the city is built according to local conditions and situation."

"It covers an area of ​​more than 7 hectares, of which the south of the city, the east of the city, the west of the city, and the imperial city in the center of the city occupy an area of ​​about [-] hectares in the north of the city."

"Except for the Tianxing capital that has already started construction, almost the entire north of the city is desolate. The minister and the prime minister discussed the plan for the north of the city. For a while, I had no idea."


Ying Zheng's eyes were piercing, and he glanced at the map in the north of the city. He only saw Tianxing Capital depicted on it, and nothing else.

With a thought, he turned to Qin Ge and said, "What are your plans for the specific plan for the north of the city?"

Hearing this, Qin Ge pondered for a long time, screened the thoughts in his mind three times, and then turned to Yingzheng and said, "Father, my son thinks that the plan for the north of the city is to realize the economic development of the north of the city and the development of Xianyang City within a certain period of time." Target."

"Thus determining the nature, scale and development direction of the north of the city in Xianyang City, rationally utilizing the land, coordinating the spatial layout of the north of the city and the comprehensive deployment and specific arrangements for various constructions."

"The planning this time is the basic basis for the future construction and management of the north of the city. In this way, it can also ensure the effective allocation and rational use of land resources in the north of the city."


Having said that, Qin Ge took a sip of the herbal tea on the long table, moistened his throat, and continued, "So, in the layout in the north of the city, I believe that relying on the academy as the center, it will gradually spread."

"The core is the Daqin Academy, and the second is to build a Daqin Confucian Academy to train qualified masters, relying on the two university palaces, surrounded by the residences of the masters.

"Then, build a large square, located in the center of Tianxing Capital and Daqin Academy Palace, for the people of the country to rest and play."

Then gradually spread, establishing residential areas, commercial markets, and imperial court institutions..."


Speaking of this, Qin Ge smiled awkwardly at Yingzheng, and said, "In the end, I will give Tianxing Capital [-] hectares of land, and I plan to keep the workshop in Xianyang headquarters in the north of the city."

"Leverage the reputation of Tianxing Capital and Daqin Academy to expand the population in the north of the city..."

For Qin Ge, all the previous conversations were for the majestic Great Qin, and only this sentence was for his own Tianxing capital.

After all, the headquarters of Tianxing Capital is in the north of the city, and the workshop must be in the north of the city, otherwise it will take a lot of time and money to come and go.

Moreover, it is easy to occupy a piece of land in the desolate north of the city now, but it will be much troublesome and cumbersome to occupy a piece of land after the north of the city has passed a unified plan.

It was precisely because of the consideration of the future that Qin Ge took the lead in raising this issue at this time, and asked her husband to take it into consideration when making the layout.

"Establish the Daqin Confucian Academy to train qualified masters?" Ying Zheng looked deep into his eyes, pondered for a moment, and couldn't help but turned to Qin Ge, saying: "Isn't it suitable for masters from various schools of thought and insightful people from Daqin?" ?”

"Not suitable!"

Qin Ge's eyes were burning like torches, his eyes were full of faith and passion, he paused at Ying Zheng every word, and said, "I think that a master is a teacher."

"And the duty of being a teacher is to preach the teachings, accept karma and solve doubts. Today, nine out of ten scholars in the world are unqualified. For the sake of the Great Qin Empire, masters must be retrained."

"On this point, I have some thoughts in my mind. When I have time, I will report them to the emperor one by one!"


It is imperative to establish the Confucius Academy.

The first step towards the Renaissance of the Great Qin Dynasty is to establish a Confucius Academy, cultivate values, have a normal outlook on life, and not spread anti-Qin ideas.

Only if there are enough masters, the number of schools in the territory of Daqin will increase, and it will be able to train batches of students.

In order to provide enough manufacturable materials for the Great Qin court, only in this way can it be possible for the first emperor to control the class of scholars.

Qin Ge saw this point very clearly.

There is a saying that teachers are engineers of human souls. This sentence is not wrong at all. It can be said that books make people progress, and teachers are the most eye-catching beacons.

Illuminate the darkness deep in every student's heart, let them see the light in the true sense.In the Great Qin Empire, the master is the teacher.

However, for Qin Ge's actions.There are some things that many people don't understand, so that they are somewhat puzzled when Qin Ge mentions the establishment of the Confucius Academy.


 The third change, please collect, ask for recommendation, ask for five-star praise,


(End of this chapter)

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