Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 68 Confucian School Palace, Daqin School Palace, Political Science Palace, three palaces sta

Chapter 68 Confucian School Palace, Daqin School Palace, Political Science Palace, three palaces stand side by side.

The Confucius Academy will surely stand on the top of the Qin Dynasty and become the most dazzling and peerless pearl in this era, which is incomparable to anything.

In any era, teachers are the flowers of culture and the core of a civilization's inheritance.

Therefore, Qin Ge never thought of only building a Great Qin School, but the Confucius School is also imperative. At the same time, a Political Science Palace should be established.

It's just that Qin Ge knows in his heart that he should take steps step by step at any time. The current Great Qin Empire is simply not enough to pay equal attention to it at the same time.

Can only come in the same way!

It's just that the Palace of Politics can be postponed one step, but the Palace of Confucianism cannot be deduced. If you want to truly preach the Great Qin, you must have enough masters.


This is the foundation upon which education is passed down.

No matter in any era, in any country, scholars and masters are all respected.

Even the crown prince had to bow his head in front of his master, and the emperor's teacher was even more awesome, to a certain extent, he could point fingers at the emperor.

And the emperor hasn't said anything yet!


After all, the education of a country must not only have high-level education, but also middle-level and low-level education. Only when they are all built together can the cultural undertakings of the Great Qin Empire achieve a smooth transition.

At this time, Qin Ge had to consider the stability of the Great Qin Empire. Cultural changes would inevitably trigger waves and shake the capital of the Great Qin Empire.

Therefore, at this moment, Qin Ge mentioned the Confucius Academy. Originally, in Qin Ge's plan, the development of the north of the city must rely on the Sangong.

At that time, apart from the central imperial city, it will be the most prosperous in the north of the city.

After all, here is not only the support of the Great Qin Academy, the Political Academy, and the Confucius Academy, but also the cooperation of Tianxing Capital, and the north of the city will surely become one of the most prosperous places in Xianyang City.


"Old man, now that the entire northern city has been inspected, when will Shanggongfang be finalized, the construction time and the money needed."

Ying Zheng's eyes were dark, and after Qin Ge's words, he was really interested in the construction of the Great Qin Academy.

Hearing this, my husband lost his mind for a long time, and after careful calculation, he turned to Ying Zheng and said, "Your Majesty, there are about fifteen thousand hectares in the north of the city. Such a cumbersome plan will take at least a month, or even longer." .”

At this moment, Gong Shuchou didn't dare to promise Ying Zheng, after all, he had to make careful planning with Qin Ge and even Ying Zheng regarding the planning of a place.

"Furthermore, Your Majesty, regarding the plan for the north of the city, I still need to discuss with the Palace Master, and conduct final consultations based on the specific circumstances."

"Therefore, I estimate that it will take three months at the earliest, and at the same time, we need to prepare to recruit workers from all over the world..."



Nodding his head, Ying Zheng also fell silent. He knew in his heart that only professional people can do professional things, and only in this way can they go their own way.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Ying Zheng pondered for a moment, and said: "I need to make plans for the establishment of the Great Qin Dynasty in the near future. As for the matter of the north of the city, Qin Ge will discuss with you and report to me for a final decision."



After saying this, Ying Zheng took Li Si and the others away, only Qin Ge and Gong Shuchou were left looking at each other, the two of them fluttered in the wind in the vast north of the city.

"Palace Master, what do you think about the planning of the north of the city, you can tell them one by one. If possible, the old man can make the full decision."

Husband loses a lot about Ying Zheng's suggestion to keep Daqin Academy away from Tianxing Capital, so he is here to help Qin Ge.

Hearing this, Qin Ge's expression changed, he smiled strangely at her husband, and said, "My husband, do you have a map of the north of the city?"


Nodding slightly, Gongshuchou waved his hand: "Let's go, the map is behind the shogunate. It was originally for His Majesty to decide, but His Majesty has something to leave."

"it is good!"

Now that Ying Zheng is gone, for Qin Ge, if he wants to achieve his goal, he can only determine the location of the Three Palaces by cooperating with Gong Shuchou.

The two walked to the back of the shogunate and looked at the huge map of the north of the city. Qin Ge picked up the pen on the long case and drew a circle, saying.

"Old man, this is Tianxing Capital, which covers an area of ​​about five hectares. In order to build workshops of various sizes, [-] hectares are reserved on the east side of Tianxing Capital."

"You don't even need to wait until the end of the year, the construction will start here, so you must leave enough land as a workshop to ensure that the capital of Tianxing is sufficient to operate."


Speaking of this, Qin Ge drew a circle next to Tianxing Capital again: "The Daqin Academy will be built here, covering an area of ​​[-] hectares."

"On the left side of the Great Qin Academy, build a school covering an area of ​​one thousand hectares, and then on the right side of the Great Qin Academy, build a school covering an area of ​​one thousand hectares."

"One is named Confucius Academy Palace, and the other is named Political Science Palace. The entire north of the city is supported by Daqin Academy Palace, Political Science Palace, and Confucius Academy Palace."

"Then build a square here, located in the middle of Sangong and Tianxing Capital, then build a residential area around Sangong, and then build a residential area..."


Qin Ge put down the pen in his hand, looked at the scribbled messy map of the north of the city, and said, "Old man loses, this is my idea, as for other things, it needs to be planned by the old man and the professionals of Shanggongfang. "

Hearing this, her husband's eyes shone brightly. He didn't expect Qin Ge to be so crazy, and he had an extremely clear understanding of the construction of the north of the city.

Relying on Sangong and driven by Tianxing Capital, the entire north of the city will be transformed into an extremely prosperous area.

"The palace lord seems to be very clear about the plan for the north of the city. I need to bother you more..." My husband lost his eyes, looked at Qin Ge with a smile, and said.


With a big laugh, Qin Ge shook his head and said, "Husband loses, why are you making fun of me? I'm only half a bucket of water in this regard."

"In the future, more trouble will be..."

Thoughts flickered in Qin Ge's mind. He attached great importance to her husband's loss. Many things in his mind needed Shang Gongfang's support in the early stage to come out.


The matter in the north of the city was over, Qin Ge waved at Han Tan and said, "Go back to the mansion!"


Nodding in agreement, Han Tan respectfully said, "My lord, please get in the car!"




The car rumbled and left along the avenue. Qin Ge was thinking about the establishment of the north of the city in the car. The establishment of the Sangong would definitely be a matter of piercing the sky.

Because of this, Qin Ge had to make a clear calculation in his heart, and then report to Ying Zheng.

(End of this chapter)

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