Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 70 White Sugar is on sale!

Chapter 70 White Sugar is on sale!
In history, every time a person with great wisdom and great ability appears, it will inevitably shake the whole world, let a country rise gradually, and let the people of the world see hope.

In the same way, it will also make the old forces feel angry and attack them in groups. In the end, those with great wisdom and great ability will die unexpectedly.

The beauty is unlucky, the genius dies early!
Sometimes, the sky is actually very fair. Some people are so lucky that they will inevitably suffer backlash. This is the reason why smart people don't live long.

Qin Ge understood this point in his heart.

Such a peerless figure, Shang Jun is considered one in history.

Wu Anjun Bai Qi is also one of them!
Such people are often the sons of luck of an era, and they are loved by the world.

Ying Zheng looked solemn, he had already seen Qin Ge's end, if he followed the trend of history, plus the relationship between Qin Ge and Fusu.

Qin Ge must die!

Even if it is dead, it will inevitably be nailed to the pillar of shame in history. Thousands of years later, it will still be humiliated by future generations.

It was precisely because Ying Zheng knew this clearly that he would mention Qin Ge at this moment, and use his own strength to counter the entire Great Qin class.

Such courage is priceless!
However, it was impossible for Ying Zheng to watch Qin Ge walk into the fire pit and ignore it.

"Father, it's said in the book: It's easy to break a person's life!" Qin Ge showed a complicated look in his eyes, and turned to Ying Zheng: "It's not just people, the same country is also the same."

"The Great Qin Empire established its country with military force, and with its mighty army, it went out of Hangu Pass and swept across the six kingdoms, thus achieving the unity of the world. If you want the Great Qin Dynasty to last forever, you have to put equal emphasis on civil and martial arts."

"For the sake of the father and the great Qin, I will never hesitate to die. If one day, I must die, so that the major forces in the country can be calmed down. I am willing to use hot blood to forge the foundation of Great Qin's eternal hegemony."

"If it comes to that day, I still hope that the emperor will give his son a title, so that he won't become a traitor to the country..."


Qin Ge knew in his heart that no matter what the purpose was, he would never retreat.

Reforming various inappropriate systems in the Great Qin Dynasty is the capital that he has gained a foothold in the Great Qin Dynasty and is valued by the Emperor of Qin. He is as smart as Qin Ge, so naturally he will not give up and is ready to kill himself.


Breathing out a foul breath, Ying Zheng glanced at Qin Ge and said, "I am not Xiao Gong, and you are not Shang Jun. Today's Great Qin is no longer the former Qin State."

"Even if the sky falls, I can protect you—!"

"My son thanked my father!"


After a long time, maybe because he felt that he had revealed a lot today, or maybe he was a little tired, Ying Zheng waved his hand and said, "Go on!"

"Your Tianxing Capital opened, and I won't come. You need to do everything by yourself!"

"Qin Law is the only criterion, I don't want history to repeat itself..."


Talking with Ying Zheng, Qin Ge had a different purpose, and he never thought about letting the king of a country come to the opening ceremony of Tianxing Capital. Even if Tianxing Capital is important to Daqin, it is impossible to appear.

It's a matter of attitude!

At this moment, the basic national policy of Daqin is still focusing on the root and suppressing the end, and it is impossible to change it in a short time.

Regarding this point, Qin Ge never thought of forcing it. Yingzheng is an emperor, and being able to support him behind his back is enough to make his Tianxing Capital, like a giant beast with its fangs, devour all the property in the world.

If he had the Complete Book of Heaven and the First Emperor's support, he would not be able to become a wealthy man, and Qin Ge's life would be considered useless.


"My lord, everything is ready!"

Han Tan walked over, turned to Qin Ge who was flipping through the book, and said, "Five hundred stones of white sugar have been prepared in the workshop, and a plan has also been made."

"At the same time, our publicity is also quickly catching up. We only wait for the order from the young master, and our Tianxing Capital will start selling..."

Hearing this, Qin Ge pondered for a moment, then turned to Han and said, "Has Tianxing Capital been cleaned?"


Nodding his head, Han Tan paused every word, and said: "Yesterday, Yigeng has reported to his subordinates that Tianxing Capital has been cleaned up."

"So much better!"

Qin Ge stood up and walked around in the study. He knew in his heart that the birth of Tianxing Capital would definitely stir up this boundless situation.

After all, he has never hidden the matter of Tianxing Capital, and has always been playing it with great fanfare.

"I won't go over the sale!" Qin Ge talked to Han, and said, "Tell Han Yigeng, don't oppress the people of the country, don't buy or sell by force, and all actions of Tianxing Capital must be legal."



"My lord, are you really not planning to go?" After Han Tan left, Mei Luo couldn't help but said to Qin Ge.

"not going!"

Shaking his head, Qin Ge smiled at Mei Luo with a bright smile: "Today's Capital has already started operating, and you will be the leader to establish a transportation management department."

"I don't want any deception to happen when I calculate the outbound and inbound accounts of Tianxing Capital every day."



Watching Mei Luo leave, Qin Ge looked at the long case and the boundless colors outside the window. His expression was full of complexity. He naturally knew how much he had to do with Tianxing Capital today.

It is precisely because Tianxing Capital has attracted worldwide attention that he, the boss, needs to hide behind him.

Although anyone with a discerning eye knows that he is behind Tianxing Capital, but Qin Ge knows that it is one thing to be clear, but it is another thing to publicize the platform.

He is the lord of the Daqin Doctoral Academy Palace, the face of the Daqin court, and he needs to maintain it at all times.

Today, Tianxing Capital has become the focus of Xianyang City, and countless people are observing and watching. It can be said that even if a fly flies by in Tianxing Capital, those high-ranking existences in Xianyang know the male and female.

Just in case, Qin Ge had no choice but to hide behind the scenes, push Han Yigeng to the front of the stage, and let him charge forward, while he planned everything behind him.

Because of this, Qin Ge established the transportation management department. In fact, in Qin Ge's heart, the transportation management department is equivalent to a powerful and independent accounting company.

It's just that this accounting company serves only one person, and these people are all his women. Strictly speaking, they are loyal.

From the very beginning, Qin Ge treated Skyline Capital as a pure company, which is why he called it Skyline Capital instead of Skyline Chamber of Commerce.

Similarly, he knew in his heart that Qin Fa would definitely become more and more complete in the future, and some things had to be done as soon as possible, only in this way could he not fall behind.

Only Tianxing Capital, a giant that is regular, will be able to personally take action at that time to rectify the ways of merchants and make Daqin more healthy.

With this in mind, Qin Ge's heart became less complicated, and his eyes became extremely firm at this moment.

 After a while, there will be another update.

(End of this chapter)

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