Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 71 Tianxing Capital is a Huge Gold Swallowing Beast

Chapter 71 Tianxing Capital Is A Huge Gold Swallowing Beast

Above the north of the city, there are shadows of people.

At the entrance of Tianxing Capital, there is a lot of traffic, and the people of the country line up in a long line. Even the high-ranking officials and nobles have servants and guards to line up.

Under Han Yigeng's order, the entire Tianxing Capital sells white sugar today, and each household can only sell one or two, absolutely not too much.

This is the rule set by Qin Ge, and it is also to teach Han Yigeng how to become a real businessman, instead of being swallowed up by others in the business field.

This time, Tianxing Capital restricted purchases in order to gain fame.

It is only necessary to let the people of Xianyang get actual benefits and feel the benefits of white sugar, and the business of Tianxing Capital will naturally flourish.

No matter at any time, fame is always the most important thing, and only when a person masters the means of realizing fame can he become a real businessman.

Qin Ge has long been familiar with the realization of fame.What he wants to do most is to benefit the country and the people, making this legendary dynasty even more dazzling.

It's just that the rice has to be eaten one bite at a time.

He sacrificed Qu Yuanli in order not to enter the imperial court and to be appreciated by the First Emperor. This was a stepping stone. Obviously, Qin Ge did a good job in this regard.

As soon as Qu Yuanli came out, he was immediately valued by Shanggongfang and the Zhili Nei Historian's Office, so he not only collected countless money, but also gained some friendship.

Today's Qin Ge is not walking alone.

The second sacrifice of white sugar, although he has the idea of ​​making money, is what the Great Qin Empire needs, and the other conditions that he promotes in his heart have not yet been formed.

White granulated sugar, one is to make money, and the other is to improve the physical fitness of the Chinese people.


At this moment, not only Qin Ge was staring at Tianxing Capital, Xianyang Palace, Feng Quji's mansion, but even the whole of Xianyang.

A bag of white sugar stirred up an undercurrent in Xianyang City, and countless people ran around, news spread one after another, and the entire Xianyang City was in an uproar.


"Feng Xiang, Tianxing Capital launched a sale of a kind of white granulated sugar. In just half an hour, five hundred stones of white granulated sugar were sold out, and countless people lined up, but they couldn't get it..."

Upon receiving the news, Feng Quji's face was gloomy. He knew in his heart that Tianxing Capital was Qin Ge's property, and it was the only person above the Great Qin court who could set foot in the business.

"It seems that the old man has underestimated this person. Not only can he dance in the court, but he can also call the wind and rain among the merchants..."

Standing under the stone pavilion, Feng Quji's eyes were deep. At this moment, he naturally knew that Qin Ge was a true enemy.

Although he is a young man, he does not have the recklessness of a young man at all, instead he has the calmness to plan before acting.

"Continue to pay attention to Qin Ge's Fuchu, and Tianxing Capital..."

After a moment of silence, Feng Quji made a decision. He couldn't turn his head back. Whether it was against Qin Ge or on the side of the eldest son Fusu, Qin Ge and him could only be enemies.


Watching his subordinates leave, Feng Quji felt a little emotional. If his son was as good as Qin Ge, he would be very happy.

However, to Feng Quji's relief, the eldest son, Feng Jie, is not bad, not like Deng Wu.


Xianyang Palace.

"Your Majesty, the five hundred stones of white sugar from Tianxing Capital are sold out, and countless Chinese people are still queuing..." Zhao Gao also got the news and passed it on to Ying Zheng.


With a big laugh, Ying Zheng stood up, feeling very happy.This morning, he was waiting for news from Tianxing Capital, and now that the news came, he was relieved.

Tianxing Capital is related to the great plan of the Qin Empire, and Ying Zheng also wants to see the grand blueprint in Qin Ge's design, but he has more energy than he wants.

In order to maintain the Great Qin Empire and the soldiers of the three armies, Da Qin's finances were already beyond their means. At this time, if he wanted to use his strength, he was simply powerless.

"It seems that this white granulated sugar enters thousands of households, and it is only a matter of time before it replaces glutinous rice..."

At this moment, Yingzheng is naturally happy. After all, as long as the white sugar is sold, it means that the construction of Daqin's academy will be on the agenda.

A great world begins from this moment.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, Congratulations to Your Majesty, with this move, Your Majesty will become the Holy King of the world!" Seeing that the First Emperor was happy, Zhao Gao couldn't help flattering him.

"If you have a son like this, what more can you ask for!"

When he was happy, Emperor Shihuang sighed with emotion. He had to admit that compared to Fusu and others, Qin Ge was too good.


"My lord, the sale of white granulated sugar is over. There is not a single [-] shi left. It can be said that the supply is in short supply..." Han Yigeng walked into the study after it was over, his eyes were full of joy.


However, for such a thing, Qin Ge had already expected it, and there were turmoil in his heart, but he was still calm and calm.

"This matter is well done. Inform Mo Kong and others that the workshop can be moved to Tianxing Capital, and at the same time recruit people to increase efficiency."

Qin Ge looked solemn, pondered for a moment, and said, "From today on, you will change your name to Hanshangyan, starting from Xianyang, and expanding Tianxing Capital within a controllable range."

"First focus on the Guanzhong area, and then promote it to all parts of Shandong!"


Nodding his head in agreement, Han Shangyan turned around and left. He didn't care about the name change, but felt it was an honor. Although he was new to writing, he also knew that Han Shangyan was far better than Han Yi.

After all, to represent Tianxing Capital and Qin Ge, Han Shangyan is more impressive.


After Han Shangyan left, Qin Ge stood up and looked at the scenery outside the window with a smile on his lips. He knew in his heart that a great world had begun.

And this great world was opened by him.

"Han Tan, go find Li You and Xiangfujian and let them come to the study!" After a while, Qin Ge said to Han Tan who was outside the porch.


Qin Ge knew in his heart that the beginning of Tianxing Capital would inevitably be accompanied by the growth of the guards, and he had no reliable people under his command, so he could only be replaced by Li You or Xiangfujian temporarily.

Then wait for the confidants sent by the First Emperor to take over the command of the guards. This is a force that will continue to grow, and Qin Ge dare not directly control it.

Only in the hands of the First Emperor, whether it is Tianxia, ​​Tianxing Capital or Qin Ge, can they live in peace. Qin Ge has already figured this out.

In the entire Great Qin Empire, only one person is qualified to control the armed forces, other than that, neither he nor Fusu can.

This is the bottom line!

It is also taboo!

When a person holds a large army in his hand and has his own money and food, it means that death is not far away.


(End of this chapter)

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