Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 72 The April Dynasty!

Chapter 72 April Dynasty!

Qin Ge didn't want to die.

He never did things that touched the bottom line of the first emperor, and almost everything was detoured above the edge, which is one of the reasons why he was liked by the first emperor.

After all, there is no one who doesn't like someone who speaks nicely, is capable of doing things, but knows how to measure.

Especially as an emperor.


"I hope everything will go smoothly!" With a long sigh, Qin Ge withdrew his thoughts. He had too many things to do, and Hanshang Dialect was enough for Tianxing Capital.

After all, his current status is quite different from before.

He was involved in the battle for the heir apparent and could not quit. At this moment, the merchants became dispensable, and he had to exert his strength above the court.

Only in this way can we go against the sky.

The way of a merchant, unless he holds the world's gold, will not help him much.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Qin Ge buried his head in writing on the long case, the April court meeting was coming soon, and he had to finish the tasks entrusted to him by the first emperor.


The days passed day by day, half a month passed in a blink of an eye, March ended, and April suddenly came.

On the first day of April, the eye-catching Grand Court will come on this day, and it is today.

"My lord, today is the April Dynasty, I need to go early..." Han Tan's voice sounded, making Qin Ge, who was standing with his fists back, turn his head slightly.

"I'm going to wash up, you go to prepare the car!"


After giving an order, Qin Ge turned around and walked towards the dormitory. After this period of exercise, coupled with the daily medicinal bath, he finally forged his bones perfectly.

Today, he is no longer powerless.



The car rumbled towards Xianyang Palace Square, and the morning breeze blew in, making Qin Ge calmer.

He knew in his heart that this court meeting must not end in a day or two, but in five or six days, or even seven or eight days.

After all, what was discussed at this court meeting was related to the future of the Great Qin Empire.

But now the most important thing for the Great Qin Empire is to establish a country. Qin Ge believes that this matter must be discussed at today's court meeting.


"My lord, Xianyang Palace is here!" Just when Qin Ge was full of thoughts, Han Tan's voice came.

Xianyang Palace is the forbidden land of the Great Qin Dynasty. Except for civil and military officials, no one is allowed to declare edicts or take half a step. Today's Qin Ge does not have the glory of rushing in.


Nodding his head, Qin Ge got out of the car and took a look at the majestic palace wall: "Let's go back, will the court this time be over in a short time, no need to wait."



"Your Majesty has an edict, all officials enter the court!" Zhao Gao's voice came, and all the officials who were still noisy at first fell silent, became quiet, and then walked into the main hall one by one.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Wannian, Great Qin Wannian—!" Headed by Feng Quji and Wang Wan, all the officials bowed solemnly to the throne.

"Be flat!"

The First Emperor took his seat calmly, and a faint voice came: "The cultural relics officials take their seats by themselves..."

"I wait, thank you, Your Majesty!"


Qin Ge followed the group of officials and sat down, with a relaxed expression and a faint smile on his face. He was honored to see such a scene.

"Dear dear ones, the Great Qin Founding Ceremony is scheduled for May, and today's grand court is to confirm some things and make the final decision."

Ying Zheng was sitting on the throne, with a serious expression on his face: "At the court meeting today, you can speak freely, I will not blame you!"



For a moment, the entire court was silent, from the prime minister to the rest of the officials.

The atmosphere in Xianyang Palace suddenly became dignified. Everyone, or each department was responsible for different, and they were crossing the river by feeling the stones. For a while, no one wanted to be the leader.

Quite interestingly, he took a look at the cultural relics officials and saw that Emperor Shihuang's face became ugly. Qin Ge had no choice but to give Emperor Shihuang a step to break the deadlock.

"Father, my son thought that the enthronement ceremony was parallel to the founding ceremony. At the same time, since the six kingdoms had just been unified, with hundreds of years of history, the various customs and cultures of the countries were different."

Qin Ge stood up, facing Ying Zheng, and said: "So, what I mean is that we should formulate a unified standard, take the best of all countries, get rid of their disadvantages, and create a culture that belongs to our Great Qin Empire."

"A country should only have the same standard, so that it is easy to govern the country..."

Qin Ge's meaning was very simple. In fact, the Great Qin Empire had done those things in history, but at the moment, no one spoke up, so Qin Ge had no choice but to use it.

"Develop a unified standard?"

The First Emperor frowned, and then his eyes burst into dazzling brilliance. He stared at Qin Ge closely and said, "Qin Ge, is this reconciliation?"

"The same system, the same emperor, the whole world, use the same standard to regulate all people in the world, and it is valid everywhere."

Qin Ge thought about this matter a lot, even before today.


"My dear friends, do you have any objections to Qin Ge's words?" After pondering for a while, Ying Zheng nodded. They had thought a lot about this.

It's just that he was in a dilemma and didn't know what to do, but Qin Ge brought it up at this moment.

"Your Majesty, I think what Palace Master Qin said is very true. Now my Great Qin has unified the world and annexed the six countries. Now, no matter whether it is my Great Qin or the six countries, they all have different cultural customs, beliefs, and writing..."

Li Si's eyes were bright, he stood up from his seat, turned to Yingzheng, and said, "In a country, there are seven languages, which will inevitably lead to the failure of government orders."

"Different classics and different cultural customs from all countries in the world are not conducive to the rule of our Great Qin. Therefore, I ask your majesty that there is only one written language in the world."

"Breaking the customs of the world, there is only one thing left. Only in this way can the Great Qin Empire become stronger..."


Li Sizhi's words made Qin Ge nod his head. He had to admit that although the prime minister of the Great Qin Empire had a bad heart, his talent and learning were undeniable.

The reason why the first emperor created the Qin system and created the culture of the Central Plains is that Li Si contributed a lot.

If you want to say something different, Li Si is sorry for Daqin, but he is sorry for the Central Plains and China.

"Your Majesty, I think Li Si's words are feasible..." At this time, Wang Wan also spoke.

It can almost be said that this was the result of discussions among the courtiers of the Great Qin Dynasty, but it was brought out by Qin Ge.


Above the main hall, there was chattering non-stop. Qin Ge drank herbal tea and listened to everyone's words, nodding and shaking his head from time to time.

The officials in Xianyang Palace are the most elite group of people in this era. Although Qin Ge has extraordinary knowledge, he dare not underestimate him.

He knew in his heart that it would never hurt to listen more.

(End of this chapter)

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