Daqin started as a son-in-law

第73章 1个比1个狠,1个比1个疯狂。

Chapter 73 One is more ruthless than the other, and one is crazier than the other.

The April Dynasty is eye-catching.

This is a court meeting about the future of Great Qin, and those who participated today are more aware that today is also a decisive battle between major factions.

After all, at this court meeting, not only decisions must be made, but the restructuring of all matters will also determine the promotion of cultural relics officials.

It can be said that this is a court meeting, and it is also a reward.

At this moment, Qin Ge opened up the situation, Wang Wan and Li Si spoke up, and talked about the topic of today's court meeting, and Shu Tongwen has become the consensus of all civil and military officials in the court.

At this moment, the court was quiet, and the decisions made by the Great Qin Dynasty were always to raise a problem, solve one, and then move on to the next one.

Now Shu Tongwen has proposed that the most important thing for the entire government and the opposition is to resolve this matter.

"Li Si, you and Qin Ge raised this matter together. In your opinion, how can we unify the characters?" Ying Zheng, who stood on the throne, had a burning gaze, and he knew some things far beyond everyone else.

"Your Majesty, I think that the scripts of the six countries will be abolished, and reforms will be made on the basis of the Daqin scripts, so as to withdraw from the new scripts."

There was light in Li Si's eyes, and his whole person became impassioned: "Only in this way can we form a unified understanding and make the government orders come true."


Nodding his head, Ying Zheng's eyes froze. He knew that Li Si's method was the best method at the moment. Doing so could ease the opposition from all places in Shandong.

"Besides that, what do you love to add?"

Unifying the characters is a huge project. For a while, none of the officials spoke up. They knew in their hearts that this matter must be done by people with profound knowledge.

Yes, speechless.

With a thought in his mind, Qin Ge cupped his hands towards Ying Zheng, and said, "I tell my father, I have an idea in my mind, I wonder if I can..."


Ying Zheng stared at Qin Ge with sharp eyes, and said, "Today, if you have something to say, the speaker is innocent!"


Nodding in agreement, Qin Ge stood up: "Father, the seven countries in the Central Plains not only have different characters, but also have different accents and dialects."

"For the sake of the Great Qin Empire, I suggest that a unified official language should be formulated. As for the local dialects, it does not need to be abolished, but whether you become an official of the Great Qin Dynasty or join the army, the official language of the Great Qin Dynasty must prevail."

"Those who don't know how to talk about Daqin officials are not allowed to be officials or join the army..."


"Your Majesty, the old minister thinks that this move is unnecessary. The opinions of the various countries are not unreasonable. Doing so will only cause conflicts among the survivors of the six countries, and make the Great Qin Empire panic all day long..."

Feng Quji's eyes were cold, he cast a glance at Qin Ge, then turned to Yingzheng, and said, "I think it's enough to unify the writing and let the people of the six countries join us."

"Your Majesty, I agree with Feng Xiangzhi's words!" Zhou Qing stood up and said to Ying Zheng, "There are too many local dialects, and it is impossible to change the dialect."


Everyone in the Ph.D. Palace was chattering, and cooperated with Feng Quji to oppose Qin Ge. For a moment, the opponent's momentum was like a rainbow, and Qin Ge was suppressed alone.

"Your Majesty, I believe that merchants are not allowed to enter official careers. A thorough investigation should be conducted on all ministers. Everyone who is engaged in merchants will be severely punished according to the Qin law." At this moment, Zhou Qing spoke again, pointing the finger at Qin. Song.

At this moment, all the ministers turned their eyes to Qin Ge. The news of the opening of Tianxing Capital and the birth of White Sugar was known to everyone in Xianyang.

They all knew that Qin Ge stood behind Tianxing Capital.

Hearing this, Ying Zheng's face was gloomy, but at this moment, he couldn't speak to Qin Ge, Qin Ge had to rely on himself for everything.

Hearing Zhou Qing's words, a fierce light flashed in Qin Ge's eyes, and then disappeared into the depths of his eyes.

He drank a cup of herbal tea in one gulp, stood up, and said, "Father, my son thinks that there is no need for the doctor's study palace, so it should be revoked."

"My Great Qin governs the country by law, and we should uphold it."

"My son thinks that I am the great Qin, and I should teach the law and the officials as teachers. My son thinks that in order to avoid the various schools of thought from deceiving people's hearts, we should prohibit Confucianism from preaching."

"At the same time, I ordered the world to burn the Confucian classics!"

Speaking of this, Qin Ge's expression was cold, he didn't care about the exclamation of the officials, and said: "I invite my father to establish the Daqin Law School in the hometown of Kongqiu in Qufu, Shandong, and learn Qin Law."


"Your Majesty, I agree with Palace Master Qin's words!" As a representative of Legalism, Li Si spoke bluntly.

At this moment, a confrontation resumed.

One is more ruthless than the other.

The Confucian family wanted to break Qin Ge's foundation, and Qin Ge was even more crazy, directly wanting to break the Confucian inheritance. At this moment, the whole hall suddenly became quiet.

Seeing Qin Ge's counterattack, Ying Zheng felt a little amused. Naturally, he would not satisfy such an unreasonable request, but he was willing to see Confucianists deflated.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, and he was silent for a while, Ying Zheng turned to Zhou Qing and the others and said, "I think what Dr. Zhou said and what Qin Ge said are both good, what do you love?"

"Your Majesty, what the son-in-law said is outrageous, I think this is not feasible!" Feng Quji said with deep eyes, seeing that the alliance was broken, he had no choice but to stand up.

"The doctor's school has its own purpose, and it is currently compiling history, how can it be disbanded..."

At this moment, everyone in the doctor's palace was speechless. They knew what was wrong with what they said now. Instead of doing this, they might as well not say it.

Qin Ge's counterattack was too fast, too accurate, and too ruthless, they couldn't stand it at all.

Moreover, Qin Ge's words were not wrong. The doctor's study palace was not very useful in the first place, it was just a look. The disbandment of the doctor's study palace would not affect the operation of the Great Qin Empire.


Surprised, a gleam flashed in Ying Zheng's eyes, and he turned to Feng Quji and said, "According to Prime Minister Feng, is Qin Ge talking nonsense?"

Tianxing Capital has a lot to do with it!

Once Feng Quji and others succeed, the construction of the entire north of the city will be suspended. Yingzheng will never allow this. After half a month, he naturally knows that Tianxing Capital is making a lot of money every day.

This is simply a gold swallowing beast!

During the rise of Tianxing Capital, Yingzheng saw the hope of completing the blueprint drawn by Qin Ge. At this time, he would not abandon Qin Ge.

Now that Doctor Xuegong and Feng Quji are attacking Qin Ge, Ying Zheng is naturally dissatisfied. In his opinion, this is the destruction of the Great Qin Empire.

Under the sharp gaze, Feng Quji felt the anger of the first emperor, he was silent for a while, hesitated in his heart, and then turned to Yingzheng, said.

"Your Majesty, Dr. Zhou was just impulsive. This matter does not match the theme of today's court meeting. I think it's better to expose it..."

Feng Quji is an old fox!
He knew in his heart that they were all the eldest sons. At this time, everyone in the Doctoral Palace must not be defeated, or their advantages would be wiped out in an instant.


(End of this chapter)

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