Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 74 In Xianyang Palace, Qin Ge is as dazzling as the sun.

Chapter 74 In Xianyang Palace, Qin Ge is as dazzling as the sun.

At this moment, Qin Ge's rising trend showed signs of being unstoppable.

Today, Feng Quji and Qin Ge are almost immortal, and there is no possibility of switching to Qin Ge's sect. Such a person, the prime minister of the empire, cannot afford to lose him.

After all, this is a person's perseverance.

In this era, it will not be used in later generations, the folk customs are simple and honest, and many things are still conspiring and following the majestic way, rather than the conspiracy and tricks of the Three Kingdoms.

What's more, in Feng Quji's view, the first emperor was just to train the eldest son Fusu.

Even if the son-in-law Qin Ge's prestige is unrivaled, it is impossible for him to take the position, unless in this life, Qin Ge's prestige reaches the prestige of Shang Yang in the Great Qin Dynasty, then it is interesting and possible.

Otherwise, Emperor Shihuang would never give up the possibility of Fusu succeeding to the throne.

Although he is not ashamed of these people in the Doctoral Palace, but at this moment, they are his political allies, and they are important forces under the command of the eldest son Fusu, so he has to save them.

It can be said that from the establishment of the Great Qin Empire, above the court, factions formed themselves.

Feng Quji knew in his heart that what Qin Ge said today was clearly a confrontation with Zhou Qing. He could give up Tianxing's capital and uproot Confucianism from the land of the Central Plains.

At this time, the only way to end the dispute is to suppress all the disputes between the two parties.

At this time, it was no longer suitable to continue to attack Qin Ge.

Taking a deep look at Feng Quji, Ying Zheng nodded and said, "Just according to Prime Minister Feng's words, this matter is over, and we can continue to discuss state affairs!"


After Feng Quji, Zhou Qing and the others scolded him, Qin Ge felt very upset.

Originally, he just wanted to listen to it, and then check for omissions and fill in the gaps, but at this time, Qin Ge decided to show his sharpness and treat the heroes of the world as nothing.

With this in mind, Qin Ge stood up, turned towards Yingzheng, and said, "Father, my son thinks that after writing the same text, we need to carry out the same behavior and the same car."

At this moment, Qin Ge's thought was to take all the credit for it.

He has no outstanding military exploits, and he can only rely on his contribution to the Great Qin Empire if he wants to get the title in the next award, and the contribution of Tianxing Capital cannot be shown on the surface.

And this moment is an opportunity.

Moreover, rather than giving the credit to Feng Quji and others, it is better to hold it firmly in your own hands.

At this time, Qin Ge was already an enemy of the whole world, and he didn't care about one or two more enemies.

Books with the same text, cars with the same track, and travel with the same people!
As soon as these nine words came out, the entire court fell into silence. At this moment, the faces of Li Si and the others suddenly changed. There was such a topic in their discussion, but it was far from what Qin Ge said So thorough and refined.

At this moment, even Ying Zheng, who was sitting high on the throne, was shocked.

He naturally received a secret report from Li Si and others, but he knew in his heart that it was impossible for Qin Ge to know that every move in Xianyang Palace was under his control.

However, Qin Ge's power is still very weak, and he has no ability to reach into the Xianyang Palace at all. Moreover, Qin Ge is a person with good control, so he will not reach into the palace.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, at this moment Ying Zheng was very interested in Qin Ge's words.

"Qin Ge, tell me in detail—!"


At this moment, in the court, some people were neither sad nor happy, only a few people were happy, and more people showed serious expressions on their faces, and they were even more afraid of Qin Ge.

It's just that at this moment, Qin Ge didn't care about it.

He is an orphan.

A single minister.

All he wants to care about is Ying Zheng's mood and preferences, and he doesn't care about the rest.

"Father, the same script means the unification of language and writing. This not only promotes the rule of the Great Qin, the rapid integration of the people and the development of national power, but more importantly, the unification of writing will be the foundation of the Great Qin forever."

"Tonglun refers to the unity of clothing, food, housing, transportation, customs and beliefs. Once the belief in culture, clothing, food, housing, transportation, and customs are unified, the rapid integration of Guanzhong and Shandong will be strengthened, forming a new ethnic group, the Great Qin nation."

"The carriages are on the same track. Before the father unified the world, there was no unified system in all countries. The size of the carriages varies from place to place, so the lanes are also wide and narrow."

"Now that the country is unified, vehicles have to travel on different lanes, which is inconvenient. Therefore, the vehicles must be on the same track, and the width of the lanes must also be specified."

"The same track can make the carriages of the world have a unified regulation. This ensures the most efficient operation of the economy and military of the empire, thus laying a solid foundation for the long-term stability of the empire."

"The same track is actually a continuation of politics and the unification of transportation. Once something happens to the counties and counties of the Great Qin Empire, the court can get news and make a decision in the fastest time."

At this moment, Qin Ge spoke loudly to Ying Zheng, "Father, my son thinks that doing so can maintain the long-term stability of the Great Qin Empire, and it is imperative to implement this policy."

"Furthermore, father and son established Tianxing capital and practiced the way of merchants. From this, they realized that the currency of the world is not the same, which is extremely inconvenient for circulation, and the units of measurement in different places are different, so it is impossible to achieve true unity."

"Before the father unified the Central Plains, all countries had their own weights and measures, and the shapes and weights of the currency in circulation were also different, such as cloth money, knife money, round hole money, etc. Social life creates a lot of inconveniences."

"The sons and ministers asked the father and emperor to order the unification of the world's currency, and at the same time implement the system of merchants and unify the weights and measures of the whole world. Only in this way can the Great Qin Empire operate safely and effectively."

At this moment, Qin Ge was eloquent.

He said everything that Li Si and the others thought and didn't think of, so that Emperor Shihuang and the others suddenly became enlightened.

At the same time, the complexions of Fusu and the others became darker and darker. At this moment, they suddenly realized that Qin Ge's talent was not only superior to that of merchants.

It's an all-rounder.

Feng Quji's face was gloomy. Qin Ge's words became the theme of this court meeting. He knew in his heart that in this way, the greater the contribution of Qin Ge, the deeper and deeper the influence on the Great Qin Empire.

At this moment, Qin Ge is like a reincarnated Shang Jun.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, and at this moment, Feng Quji's heart was full of murderous intent. He felt that he had reached the point where he couldn't get rid of his displeasure with Qin Ge.

If he couldn't kill Qin Ge, given time, there would be no place for the Feng family in the Great Qin Empire, and even many members of the family would die.

Thinking of this, Feng Quji's heart became even more murderous.

Seeing Qin Ge who was shocked by the whole hall, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth. At this time, he did not expect that because of today's actions, someone would have murderous intentions in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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