Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 76 Feng Zuo Shuchang, in charge of the Education Department.

Chapter 76 Feng Zuo Shuchang, in charge of the Education Department.

"That is the glory of all schools of thought, not my Great Qin's glory!"

Qin Ge's remarks seemed to be an understatement, but it was just an exposition of one matter, but it was a heartbreaking statement.

All schools of thought have become a thing of the past!
The era of the Warring States has come to an end. At this moment, the Great Qin Empire is dominated by one family, and the only possibility is that the Legalist family dominates, and the rest of the schools are struggling to survive.

And Qin Ge's words completely put Zhou Qing and Chun Yuyue on the fire. At this moment, it was no longer just a matter of the Doctoral Palace, but a matter of their sinister intentions.

"Your Majesty, I hope that your Majesty will see clearly for Daqin's sake!" Under Ying Zheng's fierce gaze, Zhou Qing was the first to fail and knelt on the ground.

At this time, Chun Yuyue was calmer and more rational, bowed directly to Ying Zheng, and said, "Your Majesty, I do have some selfishness in my heart, but it is not as extreme as what the son-in-law said."

"I just hope that Great Qin will form a unique culture and at the same time allow Confucianism to survive on the fertile soil of Great Qin. That's all. I hope your majesty will learn from it."

At this moment, the Confucianists began to seek survival.

They all know that once a decision is made at the court meeting today, nothing will be changed.

Ying Zheng heard Chun Yuyue and Qin Ge's words in his heart, and he knew more clearly that Qin Ge's move was to weaken the influence of Confucianism, and even said it was to target the Ph.D. school.

It's just that Ying Zheng also has certain thoughts about the Doctoral Palace in his heart. Just as Qin Ge said, once the Education Department is established, the existence of the Doctoral Palace is a waste.

With this in mind, Ying Zheng said, "The Doctoral Academy will continue to exist. From today on, son Fusu will be the master of the Doctoral Academy, and the Education Department will be established at the same time."

"Qin Ge served as the sacrificial wine of the Education Department, responsible for Shu Tongwen—!"

When Ying Zheng's voice fell, Qin Ge and Fu Su stood up and said, "I thank you, Father!"

"Father, my son has something to ask for!"

Qin Ge's expression was solemn, and he knew in his heart that at this moment, he was too weak, and he had to win over other people to stand on top of the Great Qin Dynasty.

And Li Si is the best choice.

Li Si is capable and ambitious, such a person is the best to control.


"Father, the matter of writing and writing is too complicated. It is difficult for the minister to be busy, and it will inevitably delay time. Please, the minister, Ting Wei assists the minister."


Nodding his head, Ying Zheng glanced sharply over everyone's face, and said, "Unify the weights and measures, and each government office will be responsible for it, and the unification will be achieved at the founding ceremony in May."

"Li Si assisted Qin Ge in being in charge of Shu Tong Wen, Wang Wan assisted Ying Gao in formulating Tong Lun, Feng Quji assisted Fu Su in formulating Che Tong Lu."

"Zhi Li Neishi assists the young master in unifying the currency. If necessary, you can ask Qin Ge—!"


At this moment, Qin Ge's eyes flashed, and a complicated look appeared in the depths of his eyes.

As expected of being an emperor through the ages, in just a short moment, he completely controlled the court once again, and also helped Su, pushed Lu and Gongzi Gao to the court.

Since then, the battle for the heir apparent has completely evolved from Qin Ge and Fu Su to a battle between four people.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Qin Ge had to admit that Emperor Shihuang's move was quite awesome.

Seeing the silence in Xianyang Palace, and the joy, anger, sorrow, and joy on the faces of every courtier, Ying Zheng smiled and said: "My dear friends, today's court meeting is not only to discuss matters such as documents and documents, but also to reward the ministers. .”

"Declaration of the reward edict—!" At this moment, the minister of ceremonies shouted.

At this moment, with the shout of the Minister of Rites, all the officials in the Xianyang Palace immediately sat up straight. This time the reward was related to their own vital interests, and no one cared about it.

Even Qin Ge's eyes were full of anticipation.

Having a title in Daqin is considered to be a firm foothold. Even if you lose your official position, you will not be starved to death, and no one will bully you, let alone do hard labor.

At the same time, Meng Yi strode up to the high steps in the center of the imperial platform, unfolded the bamboo slips, and the loud sound echoed on the main hall of Xianyang Palace, making people's blood boil.

The Emperor of the Great Qin Empire granted a letter of reward.

The first emperor's special letter: Great Qin annexed the world, all thanks to the hard work of the officials and soldiers, and the support of the subjects of the world.This is a compilation of the merits of the ministers over the years, and the first one who made great achievements:
"General Wang Jianjue was granted the title of Marquis of Wucheng, and his sons and grandchildren were awarded the title of Marquis of Wucheng. General Wang Benjue was granted the title of Marquis of Tongwu, with nine thousand households in the town. General Meng Tianjue was granted the title of Marquis of Jiuyuan, with eight thousand households in the town. General Li Xinjue was granted the title of Marquis of Longxi, with three thousand households in the city."

"General Meng Wujue was granted the Marquis of Huainan, with two thousand households in the city. General Feng Jiejue was granted the title of Marquis of Guannei, with a thousand households in the city. General Ying Teng was granted the title of Marquis of Guannei, with a thousand households in the city. Generals Yang Duan and Jue were granted the title of Grand Master , with a salary of ten thousand stones. General Xin Shengjue was granted the title of Great Shuchang, with a salary of ten thousand stones, and General Zhang Hanjue was granted the title of Great Shuchang, with a salary of ten thousand stones."

"Prime Minister Wang Wanjue was granted the title of Marquis of Che, with [-] households in Shiyi. Marquis, [-] households in Shiyi. Guo Weiwei Liaojue was granted the title of Marquis of Guannei, with [-] households in Shiyi. .”

"Changshi Mengyi was granted the title of Grand Master, with a salary of ten thousand shi. Zhao Gaojue, the order of the CRRC Mansion, was granted the title of Da Shuzhang, with a salary of eight thousand shi."

"General Ma Xing was granted the title of Marquis of Wu'an, with six thousand households in Shiyi. General Zhao Pingjue was granted the title of Marquis of Dongling, with five thousand households in Shiyi. General Linghu Fan Jue was granted the title of Marquis of Wuma, with three thousand households in Shiyi. General Du He The noble was named Marquis of Nanyang, with [-] households in the city of food. General Qi Ji was named Marquis of Gaowu, with [-] households in the city of food. Thousands of households. The doctor Cui Yiru was granted the title of Marquis of Donglai, and a thousand households in the food town."

"The doctor Shen Zongjue was granted the title of Marquis of Zhuyi, with a thousand households of Shiyi. The doctor Cui Zhongmou was granted the title of Marquis of Wenyang, with a thousand households of Shiyi. The doctor Jiang Shumao was granted the title of Marquis of Baling, with a thousand households of Shiyi. The doctor Zhao Hai was granted the title of Marquis of Lun, with a salary of [-] Shi. ​​The doctor Han Chengjue was granted the title of Marquis of Lun, with a salary of [-] shi. The descendant of Confucius, Kong Yujue, was granted the title of Lord Wentong, with a salary of [-] shi."

"The rest of the ministers, officers and men and people of other countries who have meritorious service will wait for the Prime Minister's Mansion and the Guozheng Supervisor to make a reward, and the imperial edict will issue the title. The summer of the 26th year of the Great Qin Shihuang."

After Meng Yi's voice fell, the officials were still in shock. At this moment, Qin Ge felt a little melancholy.

The world can be knighted without him.

At this moment, Yingzheng stood up from the throne: "The Education Department sacrificed wine to Qin Ge, conferred the title of Zuo Shuzhang, and received a salary of three thousand shi."

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(End of this chapter)

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