Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 77 is named Tingwei, but he has the heart of the prime minister.

Chapter 77 is named Tingwei, but he has the heart of the prime minister.

The world canonization is a great event above the Great Qin Dynasty.

After all, in the Great Qin Empire, the importance of titles cannot be imagined by a person who is not in it.

All the ministers present knew this.

It can even be said that having a knighthood is considered confidence.

At this moment, the entire hall was silent, and the ministers were all listening with bated breath, unwilling to make the slightest sound. They entrusted 28 princes and marquises in one fell swoop, and one of the five chief ministers was a left minister. Such a large-scale award, in the history of the Great Qin Empire, has never been never had.

Such a peerless feat, how can it not be horrifying and moving.

The Great Qin Reform has lasted for more than a hundred years. Since Duke Xiao, the sixth King of Qin, each dynasty has only two or three kings who have been rewarded.

Even in the era of King Qin Zhaoxiang, there were no more than ten.

At this moment, not only the old Qin courtiers were shocked, but Zhou Qing and others who had just surrendered were also inspired by the broad mind of the powerful and unified Great Qin Empire.

Such a great Qin has the potential to accept all rivers.

At this moment, Ying Zheng's broad mind gave the ministers a hope, the hope that a prosperous age would come.

"Great Qin Wannian, His Majesty Wannian—!"

"Great Qin Wannian, His Majesty Wannian—!"

"Great Qin Wannian, His Majesty Wannian—!"

Huge cheers erupted above Chaoye, and at this moment, the voices of the officials were passionate.

Ying Zheng's eyes were fixed, and the smile on the corner of his mouth could not be suppressed. For the Great Qin Empire, all these rewards were necessary. After all, the emperor could not get the benefits of all people alone.

The courtiers of the Great Qin Dynasty threw their heads and sprinkled their blood, fighting with their lives. Naturally, they were eager to make meritorious deeds and become princes and ministers.

Only by conferring marquis and ministers, conferring nobles and officials, can these people continue to be tied to the huge ship of the Great Qin Empire and ride the wind and waves.

"The reward is over, do the ministers have any objections?"

When Meng Yi's voice sounded again, at this moment, the main hall of Xianyang Palace fell silent again in an instant.

"I have no objection!"

At this time, Li Si came out, turned towards Ying Zheng, and said, "Your Majesty, I have one more thing to do, please Your Majesty—!"


Li Si looked sharply at Yingzheng, and said, "Your Majesty, I think that we should collect all the weapons from all over the world and gather them in Xianyang. Whether it's weights and measures, or unified currency, books with the same text, and cars with the same track, we should issue a unified law as a standard. "

"At the same time, record the world's powerful and wealthy merchants, in order to prepare to move to Xianyang, to enrich the south of the city—!"

This was something that Yingzheng and Li Si had discussed, but they just took this opportunity to bring it up to let the people in the world know it, and let the government and the people understand it.

"It's up to you to join Qin Ge, Fusu and the others and the relevant departments to formulate various regulations within one month, and announce them to the world after the founding ceremony in May."

"The minister obeys the edict!"

Li Si is excited at this moment.

A brand new empire will be born in his hands, such success is unmatched by any temptation.

At this moment, Li Si took the lead.

The April Dynasty is over.

Above the Great Dynasty, many things were discussed, which also caused earth-shaking changes in the structure of the Great Qin Empire.

This time, not only Fu Su, General Lu, Ying Gao and others intervened in the court, but also ennobled Qin Ge.

The three princes compete with the consort!
This made the situation above the court even more confusing and incomprehensible.

After all, the First Emperor not only promoted Fusu and the others to the top, but also made Fusu the lord of the doctor's palace, and Jiang Lu and the others were also in charge.

However, the first emperor had the title of Qin Ge Zuo Shuchang, with a salary of three thousand stones.

Da Qin's son-in-law, who holds the title of title, is also the sacrificial wine of the Education Department, which is equivalent to the head of a department, which makes Qin Ge even more powerful.

Such coquettish operations are hard to see clearly.

"Stay for the wine!"

Just as Qin Ge was about to board the car, Li Si's voice came slowly: "Today, Li Si prepared a special banquet at Shangshangfang, and invited him to offer a sacrificial wine, noncommittal?"

Hearing this, Qin Ge turned his head to look at the future Prime Minister of the Great Qin Empire, smiled, and said, "I've heard about Tingwei's name for a long time, so Qin Ge naturally has nothing to do!"


When Ying Zheng raised Fusu and the others above the court, at that moment, Li Si and Qin Ge were in the same group. It may not be for a long time, but they are for now.

The car rumbled by, and after a while, the two arrived at Ba Shi's restaurant.

"Let's go this way for the sacrificial wine, the elegant room is ready!"

Li Si smiled slightly, Qin Ge nodded, and followed Li Si into the room.

It was the first time for Qin Ge to meet this powerful and traitorous minister in history, and Qin Ge felt that it was very interesting.

There is no doubt that this man is very talented.

But in this person's heart, there is only power.

For Qin Ge, such a person is easy to deal with, and his love of power is the reason.

"Jijiu, what do you think of today's court situation?"

As soon as he sat down, Li Si said bluntly.

Qin Ge smiled slightly and remained silent.

Filled up the tea one by one, handed a cup to Li Si, and said: "The old man in the imperial court, Qin Ge has just set foot in the imperial court, and he is puzzled by the various hidden things in it. Ting Wei made a point or two."

At this moment, Qin Ge's posture was extremely low.

He knew in his heart that he was really inferior to Li Si in terms of power.

After all, Li Si is Xunzi's proud disciple, and also the brother of Han Feizi, a master of Legalism, and a representative of Legalism in this era.

"The first emperor suddenly put the eldest son on the throne, and at the same time let the general and the son come out to do things. This is the biggest signal. This battle of multiple heirs has completely started above the court."

Li Si's gaze was like a sword, and he knew in his heart that if he wanted to gain Qin Ge's trust, he had to be sincere.

Both of them are smart people, so they naturally know that the basis for cooperation is to treat them with sincerity.

"The first emperor is raising Gu. Amongst the pack of wolves, he is cultivating the wolf king. There may not be opportunities for sacrificing wine—!"


With a big laugh, Qin Ge put down the teacup in his hand, looked straight at Li Si, and said, "Ting Wei is a smart person, so he can understand that Qin Ge is just a bait, and he can throw it away at any time."

"Cooperating with me is probably not the best choice!"

"You also know that although there are opportunities, such opportunities are rare. Even Shang Jun has not achieved it, let alone me—!"

Seeing that Qin Ge had such a clear understanding of his situation, Li Si was also taken aback for a moment, then smiled casually, and said, "I'm joking about offering wine, Shang Jun is for Qin Fa."

"Nowadays is different from the past, so there may not be no opportunities, let alone offering wine to the heavenly geniuses—!"

Li Si had thought about Qin Ge's situation time and time again, and he naturally knew that Qin Ge had no way out, which was why he made an appointment to meet Qin Ge today.

Because above the court, Li Si's situation is also very embarrassing.

His name is Ting Wei, but he has the heart of a prime minister.

 A little later next time, sort out the information.

(End of this chapter)

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