Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 78 Simplifies the big seal script, and the development of civilization should be gradual.

Chapter 78 Simplifies the big seal script, and the development of civilization should be gradual.

Li Si has a peerless talent, especially in governing the country.

In the future, Li Si became the prime minister of power, and he helped the first emperor build the cornerstone of Chinese civilization, which can be seen.

Although Qin Ge is an asshole, he knows that he is good at knowledge and bad at governing the country.

It is not impossible for him to truly govern the country, but it will take a long period of adaptation.

There are clear examples of this in history.

The new Emperor Mang!

He had advanced ideas in his heart, but died at the hands of Emperor Guangwu Liu Xiu.

So much so that in later generations, it was listed as the most typical confrontation between the time traveler and the son of the plane, and it was concluded that the time traveler was no match for the son of the plane.

But in the Great Qin Dynasty, during this period.

Only the First Emperor, the Overlord of Western Chu, and Han Gaozu could be regarded as the sons of planes.

Each of these three people is a temporary choice.

Riding the wind, it swept across rivers and mountains for [-] li.

Such a person is extraordinary in his bones, and he is a real hero who makes people feel that he is the proud son of heaven.

And Qin Ge's opponents, from the first emperor to the overlord of Chu, Han Gaozu.

Compared to others, Li Si can be his best support.

It is precisely because of this that Qin Ge agreed to talk today. In Shangshangfang, he is not afraid of anyone knowing.

Qin Ge knew that the meeting between him and Li Si might have been informed by the First Emperor Yingzheng, so Qin Ge's conversation with Li Si was very cautious.

What should be said and what should not be said is filtered in the heart before it is said.

"It's just a chance. I believe Jijiu knows this better than me!" Qin Ge drank the tea, looked at Li Si, and said, "This world has just begun. Father is in his prime, and I have no intention of fighting for it." The position of the crown prince."

"When the position of the future crown prince is confirmed, and Daqin is like the Daqin in my eyes, and there is a sign of a prosperous age, I will leave Daqin and go to the barren south or the barren land in the north, and live the rest of my life."


With a chuckle, Li Si drank the tea in the teacup in one gulp, then put the teacup on the long table, shook his head at Qin Ge, and said, "You know about offering wine, this is simply impossible."

"Who can say clearly about the future!"

With a sigh of emotion, Qin Ge looked straight at Li Si and said, "However, with Tingwei's talent, as long as he is loyal to Great Qin, the position of Prime Minister will be Tingwei's sooner or later."

"It can be regarded as success and fame!"

"It is Li Si's honor to be loyal to Great Qin and His Majesty!"

Li Si's expression was full of awe, and his eyes were full of emotion, he took another sip of tea, and said in a low tone, "If it wasn't for Daqin, if it wasn't for His Majesty's appreciation, Li Si would still be eating and waiting to die in his hometown, impoverished! "

At this moment, Li Si thought of his past life, and there was a touch of emotion in his eyes, and he couldn't help but cherish the current life even more in his heart.

He is not like Feng Quji and others. He Li Si rose from poverty and belongs to a poor family. When he was young, he really suffered.

It is precisely because of this that Li Sicai has lingering fears about the hard times and is extremely keen on power.

The two talked with each other for a long time before Li Si just brought the topic to the main topic.

"Jijiu, what's your opinion on the matter of Shutongwen?"

Li Si's eyes were hot. On this matter, he had the same idea as Qin Ge. He was eager to get Qin Ge's guidance to complete this matter in the shortest possible time.

"It's not a high opinion, but I have some ideas. It's good that Ting Wei doesn't make fun of him." Qin Ge chuckled. Regarding the matter of Shu Tongwen, he had no intention of taking action himself.

With Li Si around, everything is safe.

After all, in history, Xiaozhuan was sorted out by Li Si.

"Please tell me about the wine offering, Li Si would like to hear more about it!"

At this moment, Li Si's expression was very solemn. He was a person who changed his destiny because of knowledge, so he respected those who possessed knowledge.

Although he had some grudges about Qin Ge's identity, Qin Ge's talents made him dispel his grudges about his son-in-law.

This is a free and unrestrained era, the flowers of academics are dazzling, and the civilians are proud of the princes. In this era, it really happened.

"On the basis of the great seal characters of the Great Qin Empire, we process and organize them to simplify the strokes and make it easier for people to learn!"

"The reason why we want to unify the characters is to promote it in the world. Only the more concise characters can be understood by the people of the world, and then replace the previous six languages. Therefore, this time, before the abolition of the six languages, we must simplify the seal to make it It becomes easier to write, easier to record."

The simplification of characters requires one stage after another. Qin Ge just took advantage of the situation and told Li Si the origin of Xiaozhuan. He never thought of it, and directly crossed Xiaozhuan, Lishu, Traditional, and Simplified.

Qin Ge knew in his heart that the birth and development of any civilization, until it matures, needs to go through a different historical period. Being a person standing on the shoulders of giants can speed up his growth, but it must not be counterproductive.

Qin Ge was well aware of this.

This is also because he obviously has a golden finger like "The Complete Book of Heavenly Dao", but his promotion of the Great Qin Empire is only at the level that can be promoted.

"What Jijiu said is true, this matter still requires Jijiu to go with Li Si—!"

For Qin Ge's words, Li Si took it very seriously, and as soon as Qin Ge finished speaking, he hurriedly said.


With a chuckle, Qin Ge took a sip of tea: "Ting Wei, you can only go to this matter alone. The Education Department is newly built, and it doesn't even have an address, let alone a staff."

"Recently, I need to organize the Education Department, and I don't have time to deal with it!"

Smiling at Li Si, Qin Ge paused every word, and said: "So, the matter of Shu Tongwen needs to be taken care of by Lieutenant Ting—!"

Hearing this, Li Si's eyes froze, and he felt a little lost.

But he also knew that what Qin Ge said was true. There was no one in the Education Department except Qin Ge. Whether it was selecting a site for a new building or summoning officials, Qin Ge needed to do it one by one.


Nodding his head, Li Si said, "Yes, but I need Jijiu as a consultant on this matter, and I can ask Jijiu for advice at any time—!"

"It's natural!"

Qin Ge did not refuse Li Si's question.

He knew in his heart that this was a matter entrusted to him and Li Si by the First Emperor. At this time, Li Si resisted alone, and he was helping him.

Qin Ge naturally would not refuse Li Si's request.

"As long as Tingwei encounters a problem, he can send someone over at any time. As long as Qin Ge has an idea, he will naturally know everything and talk about it!"

"After all, there is only one month left until the founding ceremony in May—!"

(End of this chapter)

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