Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 81 No matter how lovely Mei Luo is, she can only watch helplessly.

Chapter 81 No matter how lovely Mei Luo is, she can only watch helplessly.

Ji Ran's family!
Although the leader of Ji Ran's family used to be Prime Minister of Qin, all of them were all thieves, and they simply wouldn't let the entire force be in Qin territory.

Cai Ze is Qin Xiang, and he is just a Cai Ze.

What's more, since Cai Ze left Da Qin, his whereabouts have been uncertain. Even the First Emperor has no clues, let alone Qin Ge.

At this time, the best way is to use the contacts of various schools of thought to search for it.

There is a way, people have ways, rats have ways of mice.

The best way to find Ji Ran's family is to rely on Xiangfu Sword.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Qin Ge smiled casually, and said, "I'm afraid that the current father doesn't know the whereabouts of Cai Ze, let alone me."

"The expansion of today's capital needs someone to take charge of it, and I will leave this to you—!"

Hearing this, Xiangfujian was helpless, and said: "Subordinates, please contact me to see if there is any Ji Ran family willing to come!"


At this moment, neither Xiangfujian nor Qin Ge had much confidence.

Although Ji Ran's family is a family of merchants, their ambition is not to do business, but to treat the country as a business, which is why Guan Zhong and Cai Ze were appointed prime ministers.

And such people, they regard the country as a business, and regard the rise and fall as profit and loss, and they are always profitable.

At this moment, Tianxing's capital is too small, and these people may not be interested in it.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, and after a while, Qin Ge ordered, "Leave this matter to the people below. You follow me to Shangshangfang, and see my husband lose—!"


After nodding in agreement, Xiangfujian turned and left. Facing Qin Ge's words, he couldn't refuse at all.

After Xiangfujian left, Qin Ge was quiet, and at this time, Mei Luo brought him the ledger.

"My lord, these are the ledgers!"

Mei Luo smiled sweetly, but at this moment, Qin Ge's eyes were not on her. At this moment, in Qin Ge's eyes, there was a ledger as high as a hill.

"You all go down, let Han Tan bring a pot of herbal tea, and I will watch it alone!"


For Qin Ge, this amount was too much.

Moreover, they are all bamboo slips, which are not convenient for recording or storing, and the cost of parchment is high. Although Tianxing Capital is making a lot of money every day, the cost is huge, far from such a luxury.

Flipping through the bamboo slips, Qin Ge's thoughts on papermaking became more and more profound.

In just an hour, Qin Ge looked at half of the hill and nodded in his heart. There were almost no mistakes.

"Young master, my husband has already made an appointment. After two hours, my husband is currently busy and has no time-!" Han Tan walked in with herbal tea, with a hint of embarrassment in his eyes.


Heaving a sigh of relief, Qin Ge drank a big cup of herbal tea in one gulp: "That's just right, I have finished reading these ledgers, you go to prepare the car and set off half an hour earlier—!"


After filling a cup of herbal tea, Han Tan retreated, and Qin Ge continued to browse.

No one knows if there will be no problems with the establishment of the computing department for the first time, so Qin Ge has to check it out by himself. Only in this way can he completely let go of them in the future.

"Uncle, the son is here"

As soon as Han Tan walked out of the study, he was blocked by Han Shangyan, and took a look at Han Shangyan: "Young master is looking through the account book, Shang Yan, besides the account manager in Tianxing Capital, there is also a powerful computing department in the mansion. Keep an eye on Skyline Capital."

"Remember not to take detours, otherwise, no one in this world can save you—!"

Han Tan knew in his heart that the reason why Qin Ge mentioned that he was looking through the ledger was to ask him to mention some Korean business dialect.

"Uncle, I know that the life I live today is something I never dared to dream of!"

Han Shangyan looked solemnly, looked at the study room, and said: "As long as the young master doesn't dislike me for my lack of knowledge, I will naturally not do anything to be sorry for the young master."


Nodding his head, Han Tan said, "I'm relieved if you can think this way. You have time to study more. The young master once said that you are still very young in charge of Tianxing Capital at this moment."

"Tianxing Capital can't survive on his reputation, but should survive under the rules of merchants and various rules of this era."

"Tianxing Capital is just the beginning now, and there will inevitably be more capable people and strangers joining in the future. Remember, only by constantly improving yourself can you be reused by your son."

Speaking of this, Han Tan warned again, saying: "Young Master is a nostalgic person, but you must be a useful person in order to be favored by Young Master."

"My nephew understands."

Nodding his head, Han Shangyan bowed deeply to Han Tan, then turned and left the mansion.

He witnessed the rapid growth of Tianxing Capital with his own eyes, which is no different from stealing money. As long as it takes another one or two years, he believes that Tianxing Capital must be the largest existence in the entire Great Qin Empire.

Now that he is in charge of Tianxing Capital, he naturally wants to stay in charge and become a master.


After finally reading the ledger, Qin Ge stood up and stood in the study, relieved his sedentary body, and said towards the outside of the study.

"Young master, are you looking for me?"

Coming in style, there is no fear, and life is stable, and now Melo's appearance is even more pleasant, with a charming air in every move.

Even Qin Ge, after watching it for a long time, can't help feeling a little thirsty.


Pointing to the hill-like ledger, Qin Ge said, "I have read the ledger once, and there are no omissions. This time, the calculation department did a good job."

"It's been a while, find someone to carry down the ledger and keep it safe!"


Seeing Mei Luo go away, Qin Ge drank three cups of herbal tea in a row, and only then slightly curbed the desire in his heart.

As a man, as the owner of this mansion, he can eat Mei Luo and the others at any time, but as a practitioner of martial arts, he needs to forbid revealing Yuanyang before he reaches the level of darkness.

No matter how lovely Mei Luo is, she can only watch helplessly.


Thinking of Amitabha Buddha in his heart, Qin Ge turned around and walked out of the study.

On the inheritance of national skills, there is only boxing, not swordsmanship, or for swordsmanship, Qin Ge has not been inherited.

In the backyard, Qin Ge practiced Baji and Tai Chi. Seeing that it was still early, he even practiced Wing Chun.At this very moment, swinging his fists vigorously, he is no longer the powerless son-in-law of the past.

At this moment, even if Qin Ge was no match for Xiang Fujian and others, ordinary people were no match for Qin Ge.

Qin Ge has already surpassed the martial arts, and has truly entered the martial arts.

(End of this chapter)

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