Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 82 Bringing up the Qin Law Academy again!

Chapter 82 Bringing up the Qin Law Academy again!

National Art!

Starting from forging bones, getting started with bright energy, dark energy, transforming realm, master...

Today's Qin Ge has just forged his bones and stepped into Ming Jin with one foot. In the Great Qin Empire, he has just been out of the powerless.

Stepping into Ming Jin with one foot made Qin Ge's body a lot stronger. Although Ming Eye didn't look obvious, his body was no longer as weak as it used to be.


Standing with his fists back, Qin Ge's face flushed, and then he returned to normal after a while.

Today's Qin Ge, everything is beginning to go on the right track, and he has also begun to have time to exercise his muscles and bones, and practice boxing techniques that are beyond the national arts.

After all, in such a world, personal strength is the capital to settle down.


"My lord, it's getting late, it's time to go!"

Han Tan appeared outside the door, and a faint voice came. Since the backyard has always been a forbidden area in the mansion, it was the place where Qin Ge practiced martial arts.

All along, except for Mei Luo, no one can set foot.

In order to save his hand, Qin Ge never told anyone that he practiced martial arts. Because the cultivation of martial arts was different from the training of generals, no one noticed.

"it is good!"

Nodding his head, Qin Ge walked out of the backyard and smiled at Han Tan: "Go and prepare the chariot, and at the same time let Xiangfujian and others guard it."


Qin Ge was extremely concerned about his own safety. Even though he was very powerful, he never reduced the number of guards for him, and even continued to increase.

Qin Ge, who had been reborn once, longed to live more than anyone else. He knew in his heart that a person had only one life, and it was impossible for him to be as lucky as this time.

Rebirth once, has already spent all his luck.



The car rumbled and drove to Shangshangfang again.

"Brother Qin, are you alone today?" Ba Shi, who had already received the news, stood at the door to greet him. These days, Tianxing capital is sweeping the world, and he is naturally aware of it.

The Bashi Chamber of Commerce behind him also has ambitions for Baishatang, but this matter involves Qin Ge, a rising star.

Once you make a move against Qin Ge, the risk factor is too great, so that ordinary business methods are useless, and tricks are useless, you can only show sincerity.

"Ba Shi, find a better one in a private room, and prepare meals at the same time, my son will entertain distinguished guests here—!"

Glancing at Ba Shi, Qin Ge chuckled and said.

"it is good!"

Nodding in agreement, Ba Shi struggled for a moment, hesitated for a moment in his heart, and said, "Brother Qin, my father wants to meet you, I wonder if there is a chance?"

Bashu Bashi, who has always been engaged in merchants, has an extremely keen sense of smell for every emerging business.

The appearance of white granulated sugar expanded rapidly, sweeping across the entire Guanzhong almost instantly, Tianxing Capital was making a lot of money every day, and there was a discussion among their Bashi family.

It is agreed that white sugar will run rampant throughout the world, and in the entire Great Qin, Tianxing Capital will also rise rapidly in the shortest possible time and become a giant.

Ba Shi took a fancy to white sugar, a business that attracts money quickly, so Ba Shi said today.

Hearing this, Qin Ge paused, and smiled lightly at Ba Shi: "Yes, we can arrange a free day. I also admire the Patriarch of the Ba Shu Ba family very much."

"it is good!"


The Bashu Ba family has one of the largest economies in the Great Qin Empire, especially at this time, Qin Ge wants the entire merchants to work together.

The two are good friends, there are only advantages and no disadvantages.

What's more, Qin Ge knew in his heart that Tianxing Capital could not only do one kind of business. When various businesses started to open up, other forces would be needed to supplement them.

And Bashu Bashi is a good place to go!


"My lord, Bashu Bashi is very difficult. Do you want to think about it again..." Han Tan's eyes flickered. During this period of time, he followed Qin Ge, and he had a good understanding of business matters.


Shaking his head, Qin Ge said in a low tone, "With the Great Qin Empire as the backing, any merchant in the entire Central Plains would not dare to confront my Tianxing Capital."

"I don't lack the means behind the scenes. If he really wants to play with my Tianxing Capital, I don't mind letting them be wiped out..."


For a merchant family, Qin Ge at this moment has the ability to completely destroy it. After all, any merchant who rises up will hold a lot of blood debts.

Can't stand the investigation at all!

As long as Qin Ge takes action himself, he will guarantee that the investigation will be accurate.


"Jijiu, congratulations!"

When Qin Ge walked into the private room, her husband lost his eyes, smiled lightly at Qin Ge, and said.

"Husband loses, you also bury me!"

Shaking his head, Qin Ge calmly sat down, turned to his husband, and said, "In the doctor's school, although those people are disobedient, they are in charge of a few people."

"However, now I am a bare rod. The entire Education Department, let alone a human being, doesn't even know where the official office is."


Slightly sighed, Qin Ge was also a little helpless.

Looking at the entire Great Qin Empire, it is estimated that no one is more miserable than him. It seems that he has been promoted, but he has become an empty shelf.


With a big laugh, my husband lost: "For you, these things are just things that can be easily solved, why bother."

"By the way, this is the planning map of the entire north of the city, and all the needs you put forward have been added to it—!"

Seeing the parchment pushed over by her husband, Qin Ge was slightly taken aback, then quickly opened the parchment, looking at the plan inside, a bright light flashed in his eyes.

Daqin Academy, Daqin Confucian Academy, Daqin Political Science Palace, square, residential area...

It can be said that Qin Ge basically has everything he wants.

After looking at it for a long time, Qin Ge suddenly pointed to a large blank area: "Husband, what is the purpose of losing here? Why is it not marked?"

"Jijiu, this is an idle land, I have no other plans for the time being..."

Husband lost a glance at the design, explained to Qin Ge, and said.


With a murmur, Qin Ge pondered for a moment, then suddenly turned to her husband and said, "We plan to build a Qin Fa Academy here, which is about the same size as the Confucius Academy."

"At the same time, build the Confucius Academy Palace first, and the rest can be done slowly later!"


Great Qin taught the law and officials as teachers. In Qin Ge's view, such an educational tradition may not be bad. It is imperative to establish a Qin Law School in the Great Qin Empire.

It may be an angry remark to mention it in the court, but after calming down, Qin Ge decided to establish the Qin Fa Academy after serious consideration.

However, due to various reasons, the address of the school cannot be Qufu.


(End of this chapter)

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