Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 88 The First Emperor ends, and he helps Su Feng to apologize.

Chapter 88 The First Emperor ends, and he helps Su Feng to apologize.

Qin Ge bowed and spoke in a low voice.

It seemed that he had suffered a great grievance, but at this moment, everyone in the study did not dare to underestimate the young man who was so thin that he seemed likely to be blown down by a single wind.

Murder and kill!
At this moment, Qin Ge was simply forcing Su and Feng Quji to fight back with one sword, which was so beautiful that people were shocked.

Good trick!
At this moment, the officials looked at Qin Ge with complicated eyes.

Compared with Qin Ge, Fusu and other young masters are like children, they have no strength to fight back at all, even if Feng Quji is added, they are still invincible.

But at this moment, in front of the First Emperor, he was forced to retreat irrevocably.

At this moment, Qin Ge had just stepped into his official career, and he was still a young man, with such deep scheming and means, it really made people feel panic.

If the conscription of labor is done in the name of the eldest son Fusu, it will definitely ruin Fusu's reputation in Guanzhong.

Similarly, paying the wages of [-] laborers is a huge sum of money, which is not something that Fusu and Feng Quji can easily afford at the moment.

Even if it is taken out, it is a traumatic injury, and there is no return at all.No one did that, at least Feng Quji couldn't, and neither could Fusu.

After all, without Feng Quji, he is nothing at all.

Without Feng Quji, the old owl's plan, Fusu is still too young at this moment. After all, Fusu has just turned 20 years old and has not yet been crowned.

"Forget it, Qin Ge. The project in the north of the city cannot be delayed. You are still responsible for this matter. I will ask Fu Su and Feng Xiang to apologize to you for their misconduct!" After a while, the embarrassing scene was broken by Emperor Shi Huang After the crisis was resolved, Fu Su and Feng Quji still looked bad.

Apologize to Qin Ge!
This meant that in this fight, Qin Ge won the first round.

"My son obeys the edict!"

At this moment, Ying Zheng came down to mediate in person, and Qin Ge quickly accepted it.

He knew in his heart that he could fight against anyone except the first emperor, but he had to obey the first emperor.

"Father, my son is not wrong, why should I apologize-!"

At this moment, Fusu stood up.

He knew in his heart what an apology meant. At this moment, the stubborn boy was as straight as a sword, and he didn't want to bend his back. This was his pride.

"Fusu, if you lose, you have to admit defeat, and if you make a mistake, you have to admit it!"

Being contradicted by Fusu on the spot, Ying Zheng's face was dark, and a cold voice sounded in the study, "If you don't even have the courage to admit defeat, how can you talk about success? People, no one will always succeed in this life, and no one will always be successful." People will always fail."

"My man surnamed Ying has never been unable to lose—!"

"Sacrifice the wine, Fusu overlooked, please forgive me!"

Seeing Fusu bow his head, Feng Quji struggled for a long time, bowed to Qin Ge with an ugly face, and said, "Sacrifice the wine, the old man was negligent, please forgive me—!"

He didn't want to bow his head.

However, Fusu was forced to bow his head by the first emperor.

At this moment, not bowing his head was tantamount to having trouble with the first emperor. Although Feng Quji wanted to save face, he did not dare to confront the first emperor.


Qin Ge nodded to Fusu, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and then he turned to the first emperor and said, "Father, this matter can end here, but I don't have manpower for the establishment of the Education Department, and I want to invite Father Allow your ministers to choose suitable candidates among the officials of the various counties in Daqin, and promote them by leapfrogging!"

"Among the officials at all levels of the county in Daqin, are you promoted by leapfrogging?"

Ying Zheng's eyes were deep, and he knew the disadvantages of doing so, but at this moment, he couldn't refute Qin Ge. After all, this era was originally a commoner's proud prince, who was a farmer in the court, and went to the Tianzitang in the evening.

However, in the Great Qin, there was already a new selection system, and now is the time to implement it.


Nodding his head, Qin Ge said, "Looking at the entire Great Qin Dynasty, there are no redundant manpower in the major bureaus. The only thing I can do is to select people with insight from the officials in the world. Otherwise, just one person, even this In one lifetime, he may not be able to complete the inspection of the Education Department."


Nodding his head, Ying Zheng pondered for a moment, and said, "After a while, I will give you an imperial edict, which will allow you to act cheaply."

"My son thanked my father!"

At this moment, seeing Emperor Shi Huang agree, Qin Ge was extremely happy.

He knew in his heart that this was an expansion of his team. Due to the exclusivity of the big Qin nobles, these people could only surround Qin Ge firmly when they came, thus becoming the mainstay of Qin Ge's faction.

And these people are all brilliant and talented people who have been verified by history, which naturally makes Qin Ge happy.

"Let's leave this matter at this point. The rest of the people will retreat. Qin Ge will stay for a while. I will write you an edict—!"


When this farce was over, Qin Ge and Shi Huang breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Qin Ge, Fusu's move is a bit out of the question. Even with Feng Quji, it is still defeated by you—!" Ying Zheng stepped down from the emperor's case and came to Qin Ge's eyes. road.

"Father, the move of the emperor's brother is not very clever, but the one who is not wise is not Feng Xiang, but the emperor's brother." Qin Ge picked up the teacup on the long table, groaned with a chuckle, and said : "Feng Xiang was born in a noble family. He is not only proficient in martial arts, but also extraordinary in governing the country. How can such a person be so simple."

"At the end of the day, Brother Huang is just a pawn of the opponent, a sword used to suppress the minister—!"

At this moment, Qin Ge didn't back down at all. Since Emperor Shi Huang had mentioned it, he told the truth.

Facing Qin Ge, Feng Quji would have a hard time. After all, Qin Ge is the son-in-law of Da Qin, and has entered the genealogy of the surname Ying, which is equivalent to a son of Da Qin.

But there is no need to worry about Fusu's action.

Qin Ge can see through this point. He believes that Emperor Shi Huang already knew it well.

After all, he didn't think that in this world, any conspiracy would be concealed from Ying Zheng. This was also one of the reasons why Qin Ge had always used conspiracy techniques and rarely used conspiracy.

Facing the greatest emperor of this era, even across the entire Central Plains, Qin Ge didn't think that his little thoughts could hide him.


With a murmur, Ying Zheng drank the herbal tea in the cup, sighed, and said, "It's a pity that Fusu is someone else's pawn and doesn't know it. It's really disappointing."

"Father, Brother Huang is still young, and Feng Quji is an old owl in the officialdom. Brother Huang is naturally not an opponent. As long as he is careless, he will be used by the opponent."

A stern look flashed across Qin Ge's eyes, and he turned towards the first emperor, and said, "Father, Feng Quji used the emperor's elder brother and used the prince of Qin as a pawn, which is a crime that cannot be punished. This is the crime of the lower and higher, and the Ting Wei's mansion should ask the crime——! "

 It's New Year's Eve, I wish everyone a happy New Year in advance. Before the third day of junior high school, strive for two shifts every day, and after the third day of junior high school, I will be free.

(End of this chapter)

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