Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 89 Political struggle, if you win, you die.

Chapter 89 Political struggle, if you win, you die.

Qin Ge's words were just making complaints.

Of course, he was also instilling Feng Quji's rampant shadow into Emperor Shihuang bit by bit. He knew that if it didn't work this time, there would be a next time.

And after countless times of indoctrination, once Feng Quji continued to act unscrupulously and let the first emperor catch him, it would be his death.

Qin Ge knew the truth about boiling frogs in warm water a long time ago.

For Feng Quji, Qin Ge has the heart to kill.

The majestic Great Qin is mighty and mighty. At this moment, he and the other party have become political enemies, and there is no retreat for each other. The political struggle is even more cruel.

Win or die!


With a big laugh, Ying Zheng shook his head and said, "Being used by Feng Quji can only show that Fusu is too tender."

"Now you also know how strong these people are, who among you can control them, who is the crown prince of Daqin—!"

At this moment, Ying Zheng looked solemn, and the smile on his face disappeared completely in an instant. He was exhorting, as if he had already met the future.

Ying Zheng knows better than anyone how powerful Feng Quji and the others are. That's why he had no choice but to adopt the strategy of raising a wolf king!

"Father Emperor Vega is peerless in the world, and Feng Quji is nothing but—!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Ge paused at Ying Zheng, and said, "Father, although the position of crown prince is high, I don't dare to think about it, so I ask Father to choose from among the princes."

"My son will definitely put aside the previous suspicions and protect the Great Qin Dynasty——!"

Qin Ge is not very interested in the matter of seizing the heir apparent, because he understands this era and the future better.

It is not the best time to end at this moment, it is the best time to end only one or two years before the death of the First Emperor.

At this moment, he was being targeted by the entire Great Qin Dynasty Hall. Although Qin Ge was not afraid, he was targeted all day long. There were a lot of troubles, which made people very helpless. The people who disturbed him couldn't even do their business.

At this moment, Qin Ge was still complaining.

He wanted a guarantee from the first emperor that no one would bother him during the construction of the Education Department.

At this moment, Qin Ge's thoughts were all on the construction of the Education Department and the planning of the north of the city. He was a little annoyed by such targeting, after all, it was a kind of interference to him.

Hearing this, Ying Zheng's gaze was like a sword, he was silent for a long time, and said: "I want to hand over the Great Qin to someone who has the ability to make the Great Qin Empire move forward, not a foolish person."

"Great Qin is different from the Qin State, recasting the culture of the Central Plains, such a major event cannot be achieved without a peerless monarch!"

"With today, I believe that within a period of time, Feng Xiang and Fu Su will not cause any more trouble, you can let go and do it—!"

"My son, thank you, Father!"

"Qin Ge's unification of words, how is the progress between you and Li Si?"

Hearing this, Qin Ge chuckled, and said to the First Emperor, "Father, Tingwei sent the Xiaozhuan herb to my son's house, and my son has modified and annotated Xiaozhuan in the past few days!"

"It has been delivered to Ting Wei's mansion. I believe that Ting Wei will report it to the emperor soon!"

"So fast?"

At this moment, Ying Zheng was a little shocked. He was just asking Qin Ge how the matter was progressing, but unexpectedly, Qin Ge told him that they had already completed it.

But at this moment, there is no news about traveling in the same way, and cars on the same track.


Nodding his head, Li Si's face flashed in Qin Ge's mind, he chuckled lightly, and said, "Father, the main credit for this matter is Ting Wei Li Si. Just fill in the gap——!"

These words were from Qin Ge's heart. He had to admit that Li Si was born with a genius.

He stands out because of his golden fingers, while Li Si is dazzling because of his own knowledge. It can be said that this person was born for this era.

In this era of the formation of Chinese civilization, leave a strong stroke.

"Li Si is a great talent, but his belief is Legalism!"

At this point, Ying Zheng's tone changed, and he said to Qin Ge, "Li Si's belief is Legalism, and Fusu's belief is Confucianism. So what is your belief?"

"My son's faith is the father!"

After all, Qin Ge paused for a moment before explaining, "In other words, my minister's belief is Daqin, as long as it can make Daqin better and stronger, I will believe in whatever—!"

"So, you are partial to the Legalists?"

Ying Zheng's eyes were sharp. It's not that he didn't understand the strictness of the Qin Law, but a majestic empire was born out of nowhere, and he had no experience, so he could only continue to implement the Qin Law.

After all, the state of Qin was made stronger by implementing the Qin law.

"Father, Great Qin enforces the legal system. There are laws to abide by, and violations must be punished. This is a good thing, but Qin's laws are too strict, suitable for the former Qin State, not suitable for the current Great Qin Empire."

After being silent for a long time, Qin Ge just said these words. He knew better than anyone else how dangerous these words were, but for the sake of Da Qin, he would not hesitate.

"What's the meaning of this?"

The First Emperor frowned. At this moment, he unconsciously sat up straight, his eyes full of solemnity.

"Father, the Great Qin has the Qin Law to follow. Even if there is a faint king, it can guarantee the operation of the court and will not cause the Great Qin Empire to collapse. In the former Qin Kingdom, the Qin Law was extremely powerful. Under the severe punishment and strict law, let the people of the country fight with one heart and one mind."

"And at that time, on the land of the Central Plains, all six countries existed, and the strong external environment made it impossible for Qin's monarch, ministers, people, and people to put all their strength on the national war."

"But the current environment is very different. Under the powerful means of the father, the six kingdoms of Shandong were wiped out, and only one big empire remained on the Central Plains."

"At this time, without powerful external enemies, the Great Qin Empire lost its terrifying pressure. Without war, it means that the soldiers of the three armies have no place to make contributions."

"The country wants to settle down, the country needs peace, and the people of the country just want to live a good life. At this time, the Qin law that was once suitable seems a bit harsh."

"Anything is the best only if it is suitable for the moment. Therefore, in my son's view, it is only a matter of time before the Qin law is amended. Now, it is just that the time is not ripe."

"Only when it suits the moment is the best?"

Ying Zheng's eyes flashed, and he stared at Qin Ge firmly, without saying a word for a long time.

At this moment, Qin Ge stood up straight, smiled slightly at Ying Zheng, and said, "Father, if you are familiar with the "Book of Shang Jun", you should know the five skills of controlling the people. My son thinks that the words of the Shang Jun are to control the people of the country. Core."

"And only if the people of the country are squeezed to a critical point, and then they are given a bite to eat, they will also be grateful to the father and the empire."

"Of course, this refers to the rest of the people, not the Qin people—!"

 happy New Year.

(End of this chapter)

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