Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 90 Followers of "Lu Shi Chunqiu"!

Chapter 90 Followers of "Lu Shi Chunqiu"!
After returning from Xianyang Palace, Qin Ge went to the Prime Minister's Mansion.

He didn't go to find Feng Quji, but Wang Wan. His family knew about his family affairs, so Qin Ge naturally knew that in Xianyang City, the only one who could help him was Wang Wan, who was in charge of officials in the counties and counties of Daqin. .

After all, there are not many people who understand the officials at all levels in Daqin and can dispatch them calmly.

And Wang Wan was the best among all the people, and among the people Qin Ge knew, he was not so disgusted with him.

Therefore, Qin Ge set his target on Wang Wan. After all, this person is the prime minister of the Great Qin Empire, a truly powerful minister.


"Old man, please tell Prime Minister Wang that Qin Ge is asking to see him. He has some important matters, and he still wants to see him—!" Standing in front of Wang Wan's mansion, Qin Ge didn't care to avoid suspicion at this moment.

After this incident in the study room, Qin Ge completely stopped shrinking from Fusu and the others, because he knew that facing the throne and power, he had no way out at all. Only by going forward bravely could he be worthy of the people behind him .

With this in mind, Qin Ge's heart became more determined, and he no longer had the heart to back down.

"After the ceremony, I will report to the master—!"

Nodding to the old man, Qin Ge stood at the door and waited quietly. Qin Ge didn't want to make things difficult for these lowly people, their lives were already difficult.

"My lord, I'm paying a visit to offer wine, and I'm outside the door right now—!"

Wang Wan, who was thinking under the stone pavilion, was awakened. Hearing the old man's words, his expression changed from indifferent to serious almost instantly.

Today's Qin Ge has a strong momentum.

He has become the leader of the youngest generation in Daqin, and his momentum is like a rainbow. Even the eldest son Fusu was suppressed, let alone other people.

And today in the court hall, after some confrontation, Feng Quji and Fusu bowed their heads and apologized, and Qin Ge won a big victory.

Thoughts flickered in her mind, for a moment Wang Wan couldn't think of what Qin Ge was looking for at this moment.

After all, he is an imperial party!

No matter what, it is impossible to fall to him.

"please come in!"

After a while, Wang Wan nodded towards the old man. Now that Qin Ge has come to the door, it is impossible for him to refuse the door. After all, the current Qin Ge is dazzling.


Wang Wan was puzzled, and watched the old man leave in a hurry. He had contact with Qin Ge before, but the two of them were just acquaintances and never had a deep friendship.

Therefore, this time when Qin Ge came to the door, he couldn't think of the other party's request for a while.


"Qin Ge has met Wang Xiang!"

It's a big taboo to talk shallowly and deeply. Facing a politician like Wang Wan, Qin Ge didn't say that he had been friends with him for a long time, nor did he say that he was famous.

For these people, sometimes excessive greetings and enthusiasm are not a good thing.

"I'm here to offer wine, what advice do you have?" Wang Wan glanced at Qin Ge, and he was straightforward. Instead of inviting Qin Ge to a seat, he asked a question directly.

Hearing this, Qin Ge's eyes narrowed, he saw Wang Wan's thoughts from Wang Wan's attitude and these words, he couldn't help but chuckled, and said.

"Father asked Qin Ge to look for Wang Xiang, and called Xiao He from Pei County, and Zhang Cang from Shang County. He immediately put down his work and rushed to Xianyang."

"The document went to the prime minister's mansion..."


After hearing Qin Ge's words, Wang Wan's eyes flashed brightly, and she couldn't help but said, "I've heard about Zhang Cang before, and he's a talent."

"But who is this Xiao He, the old man has never heard of it?"


Hearing this, Qin Ge smiled lightly.

It is extremely difficult to recruit people from the bottom, especially if Qin Ge has no governance right at this moment.It can be said that it is even more difficult to mobilize manpower from the counties and counties of the Central Plains.

Because of this, he went to find the prime minister, Wang Wan. This man who walked out of Lu Buwei's mansion and finally jumped up to become the prime minister of the Great Qin Empire, has only believed in "Lu's Spring and Autumn" all his life.

Instead of "Book of Shang Jun"!
It is also because of this that it is possible for him to help himself achieve this goal.

"The matter of setting up the Education Department is too cumbersome, and it cannot be accomplished by Qin Ge alone. So I asked my father to remove the backbone from all the officials in the world."

Qin Ge smiled at Wang Wan, took out a piece of parchment from his cuff, and said, "The detailed list is here, please help me, Mr. Wang."

Taking the parchment from Qin Ge's hand, Wang Wan was silent for a while, then nodded to Qin Ge, and said, "This is of course possible."

"The sacrificial wine is waiting in the mansion. There will be no shortage of people on this piece of parchment!"

"Thank you so much, Wang Xiang!"


After agreeing to the business, Wang Wan waved her hand: "Prepare the food and drink, the old man will be here, and feast and sacrificial wine—!"


Nodding in agreement, the elder turned around and left.

At this moment, Wang Wan looked at Qin Ge with slightly complicated eyes, and said: "This old man is no better than Jijiu Mansion. The case of simple tea and light food, please don't dislike Jijiu."

In the entire Xianyang, no one underestimated the ability of Tianxing Capital to attract money, and naturally no one doubted the amount of money in Qin Ge's house.

Although Wang Wan is the prime minister, he is just an official, and the situation in the house is far worse than that of Qin Ge.


Hearing this, Qin Ge laughed loudly, shook his head at Wang Wan, and said, "One Wang Xiang is under one man and above ten thousand, it is enough to invite Qin Ge to have a simple meal."

"Actually, although Tianxing Capital belongs to Qin Ge, the income from it has not entered my residence!"

"Speaking of which, Qin Ge is the same as Wang Xiang. All the expenses in the mansion depend on the imperial court's salary..."


Hearing what Qin Ge said, Wang Wan's expression suddenly changed, and she couldn't help but turned to Qin Ge: "Why do you need to sacrifice wine like this?"

"Wang Xiang, except for the expansion of Tianxing Capital, almost all of the income of Tianxing Capital is used for the construction of the north of the city."

At this moment, Qin Ge smiled wryly, and said, "Actually, even if Qin Ge wants to spend a lot of money, he still can't get enough money...!"

"Evangelizing Great Qin, such a grand plan requires extremely terrifying funds. It may not be possible for just a Tianxing Capital. At this time, how dare Qin Ge spend it randomly..."

Wang Wan was very clear about the plan to evangelize Daqin, but Qin Ge was the person in charge, so he didn't care at first.

So, the cost was never calculated.

Now that Qin Ge mentioned it, Wang Wan just realized that this matter was basically using the terrorist funds of Tianxing Capital to support the cultural prosperity of the Great Qin Empire.

However, the family headed by the eldest son has been looking for trouble. At this moment, Wang Wan's face was also slightly gloomy: "I know a little bit about Daqin's plan."

"Other things, I can't help you, but on this matter, you can come to me if you need..."


 Happy New Year everyone, stay safe.Drunk yesterday, today, two more.

(End of this chapter)

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