Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 91 The prosperity of the world is also the wish of the old man.

Chapter 91 The prosperity of the world is also the wish of the old man.

Wang Wan is a mature person, almost a person who lives a transparent life.

He knew in his heart that Qin Ge's whole body was involved in the competition for the reserve position. He was already old, and he didn't want to have too many disturbances in his life, so he just settled the conclusion like this.

Getting to know Qin Ge means making friends with the eldest son, Fusu. He is not Li Si, he is in his prime, full of passion, and wants to change this era.

However, the prosperity of the world is also Wang Wan's lifelong wish.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have believed in "Lu's Spring and Autumn Annals" for decades without changing it.

What he said meant that he was preaching about the Great Qin, and he could ask for anything from Qin Ge, but he could do nothing about seizing the heir.

Hearing this, Qin Ge was very moved. These people still had ideals in their hearts. Compared with Wang Wan and others, he was not worthy of being a scholar. He didn't have that kind of integrity.

There is no such pure ideal.

After experiencing the prosperity of the world, Qin Ge's heart is full of interests and filth, and he always wants to plot against the other party in order to achieve his own goals.

"So, Qin Ge thanked Wang Xiang right here—!"

At this moment, Qin Ge held up the cup with smiles in his eyes.

An old owl who has been in the officialdom, and has become the prime minister of the Great Qin for decades, such a person can be said to have hollow eyelashes.

The prime minister of a country, unless it is at the time of the death of the emperor, or is married, will never end easily.

The prime minister of a country involves the peace of the country.

It is easy to get out of the game, and it is easy to be purged by the emperor. The prince and the prime minister, such a powerful force, have already threatened the power of the emperor.

From the beginning to the end, Qin Ge never thought of pulling Wang Wan into the water.

Cooperating with Li Si has advantages and no disadvantages, but if cooperating with Wang Wan, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Qin Ge knew this very well.

Unless it was absolutely necessary, Qin Ge would never provoke these courtiers who are related to the power of the emperor. Youdao works from the bottom up, and sometimes it can often have unpredictable results.

"This cup of wine, the old man will offer a sacrificial offering to Daqin student—!"

Wang Wan raised the cup with an extremely solemn expression. He was old and powerless about the governance of the world and the prosperity of the Great Qin culture that he wanted. He saw hope in Qin Ge.

Evangelizing Daqin, this is a peerless plan.

If the plan is successful, after all, Qin Ge will stand shoulder to shoulder with Confucius in Wendao and become one of the two saints of the Great Qin Dynasty.

"Wang Xiang, in this majestic Qin Dynasty, there are thousands of people in the country, and there is always a need for someone to go forward alone. Since Qin Ge happened to meet him, then Qin Ge will never look back!"

It can be said that evangelizing Daqin is one of Qin Ge's goals in life.

After drinking the wine in the wine cup, Qin Ge said goodbye and left.

After all, Wang Wan is the Prime Minister of Great Qin, and he doesn't want to cause unnecessary trouble, whether it's for himself or Wang Wan.

It was a surprise that he was able to help himself.

"Xiangfu Sword, go back to the residence!"


Nodding in agreement, the car rumbled towards the mansion.

The wind blew gently, making Qin Ge's heart calmer. He knew in his heart that the plan of evangelizing the Great Qin was firstly affirmed by the First Emperor, and secondly was the construction of the Confucius Academy and the cultivation of enough masters.

On the car, Qin Ge was thinking about the book of enlightenment.

In this era, reading is monopolized. If you want to study, you must pay a high price.

This is an era when classes are relatively solidified. Apart from killing the enemy and doing meritorious deeds to change their destiny, the poor have almost no chance of success.

Reading and literacy are basically all controlled by the aristocratic family and have become their patent.

And if you want to preach the Great Qin Dynasty, you need to build a Confucius Academy to break this cultural monopoly, so that the poor can have the opportunity to read and write, and also have the opportunity to change their destiny.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Qin Ge only felt that the pressure was enormous.

Especially after getting to know the Great Qin Empire better, this sense of powerlessness and pressure became stronger.

During the nearly 2000 years of Xia, Shang, Western Zhou, Spring and Autumn and Warring States, all the way to the Great Qin Empire, the whole world was ruled by nobles.

It can be seen from this that the aristocratic forces are deeply rooted and extremely powerful.

And Qin Ge wanted to preach about the Great Qin, the essence of which was to challenge the rule of the aristocracy and completely bury this class in the torrent of history.

Thus taking the opportunity to give rise to bureaucratic politics.

On the land of the Central Plains, bureaucracy was born during the Sui and Tang Dynasties and matured during the Song, Ming and Qing Dynasties.

But at this moment, when all systems are barbaric, it is the peak of the aristocratic system, and the Great Qin Empire is the last glory of the aristocratic system.

It is extremely difficult to create a bureaucratic system thousands of years in advance.

Before that, Qin Ge's establishment of the Great Qin Academy was nothing more than an enemy of the three major classes, but at this moment, Qin Ge realized that it was simply his own strength against the entire era.

In this battle, either aristocratic politics will end, bureaucratic politics will rise, and the Great Qin Empire will prosper forever.

Or, under the mighty torrent of the times, Qin Ge was crushed until there was not even ashes left.

Fighting against the entire era with one's own strength is tantamount to blocking a car with one's arms, but Qin Ge has no complaints or regrets.

If you can't change anything when you come to this majestic world, wouldn't it be a waste of time.

What's more, as a seven-foot man, who doesn't have a little bloody dream, and who can not want to be the most dazzling person in an era, making future generations crazy about it.

Qin Ge thought too.

In other words, it was his only thought to come to this world.

Aristocratic rule generally refers to the form of government in which a feudal country is represented by a small number of upper-class nobles as rulers.It is divided into two types: one is the aristocratic republic that exists in slavery countries; the other is aristocratic monarchy that exists in feudal countries.

At present, the Great Qin Empire is an aristocratic monarchy system in a feudal country!
Bureaucracy means that all large and medium-sized bureaucracies are composed of trained and full-time personnel to govern the country. All officials only have the right to govern and have no ownership.

A well-developed bureaucracy is a rigorous functional system that implements organizational management. It turns the entire society into a huge impersonal machine, making all social actions based on the relationship of functional efficiency, so as to ensure that social organizations can maximize their benefits. benefit.

The purpose of Qin Ge is to turn the aristocratic system into a bureaucratic rule, so that the ownership of the Great Qin Empire will always belong to the Great Qin Royal Family, weakening the noble class, so that no force in the Great Qin Empire can compete with the Royal Family.

Preach Daqin!

It seems to be an aboveboard event, and it is the only dream of all generations, but only Ying Zheng and Qin Ge know that the most fundamental meaning of evangelizing the Great Qin is to make it easier for the Great Qin imperial family to control the empire.

The influence of the nobles of the Great Qin, the nobles of the Great Qin, and the major clans will continue to decline. This cannot be said to others, otherwise, the world's counterattack against Qin Ge will be like a mighty torrent.

Never die!

(End of this chapter)

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