Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 93 Xiaozhuan pinyin will be Qin Ge's stepping stone!

Chapter 93 Xiaozhuan pinyin will be Qin Ge's stepping stone!
In the reception room, the atmosphere was dignified. Han Shangyan felt the aura of the two people at the side. He didn't feel the pressure for a while, and was quite restless.

Those who are in the top position have momentum after all.

Especially one who has been the head of the family for many years, and after a long period of time, naturally has a lot of power, and Qin Ge is young and vigorous, and his momentum is even more sharp.

At this moment, the momentum of Hanshangyan has not yet taken shape. Compared with Bajiao, it is easy to be crushed. This is one of the reasons why Qin Ge insisted on being close.

After all, in negotiations, it is best to be evenly matched.

However, Qin Ge believes that with the continuous growth of Tianxing Capital, Hanshangyan will definitely become better and better, and Hanshangyan will definitely have more momentum at that time.

At that time, he doesn't have to worry, Han Shangyan can't talk about any negotiations.

It's just that Han Shangyan is still a bronze at the moment, and he needs him as a king, otherwise he can't do the silver of Bajiao.


"I don't care about all the business of the Ba family, but I want [-]% of it!" Qin Ge's eyes were like a torch, and his whole body was as sharp as Qin Jian: "In the future, the Ba family will advance and retreat with me."

Qin Ge didn't trust Bajiao. After all, everyone was a businessman, and they already knew what kind of people they were.

He needs an ally to advance and retreat together, otherwise he would never agree to Bajiao's conditions. As long as he holds white sugar and brown sugar, Tianxing Capital is enough to make merchants all over the world go crazy.

If Ba didn't hand over enough bargaining chips, it was impossible for Qin Ge to benefit others. After all, there were as many places where he wanted to spend money, and each of them was a big hole.

Rather than letting Libashi go, it's better to hand it over to the First Emperor. In this way, he can walk sideways in the Great Qin Empire, even Fusu and others will not avoid it.

After all, Qin Ge stopped paying attention to Bajiao. What he wanted was not the process but the result. Holding up the wine cup, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

At this moment, Bajiao was full of thoughts. He was constantly calculating the pros and cons of cooperating with Qin Ge.

He knew in his heart that there were not many opportunities for such cooperation. If Qin Ge gave him a chance this time, he might reject him next time.

But four-tenths of the huge size of the entire Bashu Ba family, this is a terrifying amount, although the cooperation with Tianxing Capital will definitely be able to make up for it.

Even as far as four tenths!

What really made Bajiao hesitate was that since then, the Ba family and Tianxing Capital have advanced and retreated together. If Qin Ge was just offering wine to the Education Department, he would naturally advance and retreat happily.

After all, as a scholar, farmer, businessman, Qin Ge belongs to the first rank, and he belongs to the fourth rank, almost at the bottom of this world.

However, as the Patriarch of the Ba family, he is naturally very well-informed. He knows in his heart that the young man in front of him is involved in the struggle for the heir apparent.

Although Bajiao has never engaged in political struggles, he knows in his heart that the fight for the heir apparent is definitely [-] times more cruel than the fight for the Patriarch of the Ba family.

Victory, soaring to the sky, from now on, the Ba family will definitely change its appearance and get rid of the shackles of class.

If Qin Ge fails, perhaps the entire Ba family will be buried with him.

It's a big gamble!
Bet the wealth and lives of the entire family in exchange for a fortune.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, the more Bajiao thought about it, the more pressure he felt, and his whole face became more serious: "Yes, I will go crazy with you, I hope you will win!"


With a big laugh, Qin Ge nodded: "Patriarch Ba, this is the most correct choice you have made, bar none!"

"I still have something to do, so I won't accompany Patriarch Ba. You can negotiate with Han Shangyan for the rest of the specific details. In Tianxing Capital, he can fully represent me."

"Young master, go slowly!"


Watching Qin Ge walk away, Bajiao breathed a sigh of relief, the huge pressure on his body was relieved at this moment.

This cooperation has been separated from the beginning, and they are at a disadvantage.However, Bajiao knew that there was no way to do it.

Qin Ge is an official, so he already has all the opportunities, and the things produced by Tianxing Capital are unique and hard to find in the world.

With a thought in his heart, Bajiao let out a long sigh: "My lord, you are as imposing as a dragon, and the future is immeasurable—!"


"Have you finished talking with Ba, son?"

Seeing Qin Ge, Xiangfu Jian and others coming out, Han Tan jumped out of the car, greeted them, and said.

"It's roughly finalized, and I'll hand over the remaining details to Han Shangyan!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Ge boarded the car: "Go home—!"



In the study room, Qin Ge looked solemn. He knew in his heart that it was not enough to unify the characters and simplify the seal script. The official pronunciation must be included in the same script.

In today's Great Qin Empire, the pronunciation varies from place to place, Chu, Qi, Wei, Zhao, Han, Yan, almost every place has a different pronunciation.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Qin Ge knew it well, and a unified pronunciation was conducive to unification and the operation of Daqin.

At this moment, a touch of gold appeared in Qin Ge's eyes, and the speed was so fast that even Qin Ge himself did not notice it. At the same time, a message spread in his mind.

"Simplify Dazhuan, promote Qinyan, formulate and implement Xiaozhuan pinyin!"

At this moment, a lot of knowledge about pinyin had emerged in Qin Ge's mind, but today's Xiaozhuan is different from Simplified after all.

He knew in his heart that he couldn't copy it mechanically!

So, leaning over the long case, Qin Ge recorded all the things about pinyin one by one, and then revised them one by one to make it more suitable for Xiaozhuan.

He knew in his heart that once Xiaozhuan pinyin was implemented, it would be a sharp edge for Xiaozhuan to open up the situation. In this way, the majestic Qin Dynasty and the prosperous age will inevitably come.

There were many thoughts in his mind, but this did not affect Qin Ge's writing. After a long time, the ink stopped writing, and Qin Ge watched the writing on the parchment dry one by one.

It's just that after it dried, Qin Ge put it at the bottom of the long case, and was suppressed by a pile of bamboo slips.

After staying in the court for so long, Qin Ge naturally knows how to hide his clumsiness at all times, so that he can make a decisive blow at the critical moment and reverse the situation.

But now is not the best time to introduce Xiaozhuan Pinyin, the Education Department has not yet been established, and the Great Qin Empire has not yet been established in a real sense, so there is no rush.

From Qin Ge's point of view, Xiaozhuan pinyin will be the stepping stone for him to open up the situation.


"My lord, it's late at night, it's time to rest!"

Han Tan appeared at the door of the study with a worried look on his face. Ever since Qin Ge returned to the mansion, he had been staying in the study and never came out.

He didn't even eat dinner, so six hours passed without knowing it.

"Han Tan, I'm a little hungry, you go prepare food and warm up a pot of rice wine!" Qin Ge felt the emptiness in his stomach, raised his head and ordered to Han Tan.



(End of this chapter)

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