Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 94 With the above in the long case, the son can be called Qin Zi.

Chapter 94 With the above in the long case, the son can be called Qin Zi.

stay up!

For an enterprising person, this is commonplace.

The book says: There is no random success in this world, and no one who succeeds goes to bed early and gets up early. Such a person can only live a long life.

In the previous life, it was common for Qin Ge to stay up late.

And this life, it's better.

Because he only knew that this was a teenager, and staying up late would cause too much trauma to his body. Even if he practiced Chinese martial arts and refined his qi and blood, he would not dare to take it lightly.

Apart from the large number of women, the biggest reason why the emperors of all dynasties were short-lived was that they stayed up late due to busy state affairs. This point has long been recognized by the world.

"My lord, the rice wine has been warmed up, and the yellow mutton and white cake are ready!"

After a while, Mei Luo walked into the study with a copper plate and put it on the long case.


After staying up all night, Qin Ge was also tired and even hungry.

His age was the age at which consumption was the fastest, and Qin Ge had been practicing Chinese martial arts so hard recently that he was easily hungry, even if there was meat in every meal.

The completion of Xiaozhuan Pinyin made Qin Ge more confident in the establishment of the Education Department.

After all, as long as the situation is opened up and the first emperor realizes the importance of the Education Department, there will naturally be a big chain reaction. Regarding this point, Qin Ge is only responsible for releasing the butterflies, not caring about the big storm that is caused by it.

In the early morning of the next day, Qin Ge tidied up and waited for the emperor's edict to arrive. The Education Department has been repaired, and only Zhang Cang and others need to arrive and start working.

"Han Tan, take someone there and clean up the Education Department!"


After walking around in the back garden, Qin Ge walked into the study again.

This time, he wanted to transform the memory in his mind into reality. The Daqin Confucian Academy needed textbooks, as did all Daqin University Palaces.

More enlightenment is needed.

For the book of enlightenment, Qin Ge naturally had a choice, but all of these needed to be approved by the first emperor.

Only outstanding people can write books.

For example, Shang Jun wrote "Shang Junshu", Han Fei wrote "Han Feizi" and so on.

The moment Qin Ge walked into the study, he made a decision. The book he chose this time was the most accessible "Three Character Classic".

Even if there was no "Complete Book of the Way of Heaven", Qin Ge could write it silently. He was born in a scholarly family, so he naturally had a deep understanding of Chinese studies.

Lightly rubbed the ink, then picked up the pen and wrote three large characters on the parchment.

Three Character Classic.

"San Zi Jing" is a traditional Chinese enlightenment textbook.

Among countless ancient classics, "San Zi Jing" is one of the most easy-to-understand readers.

And the most important thing is that the "Three Character Classic" draws examples, including literature, history, philosophy, astronomy, geography, human ethics, loyalty, filial piety and so on of Chinese traditional culture.

The core idea includes "benevolence, righteousness, sincerity, respect, and filial piety."

From Qin Ge's point of view, it is necessary to promote such an idea. With Qin Fa clearly in evidence, moral construction is imminent. The reason why the Great Qin Empire collapsed in half is because Qin Fa lacked a layer of protection. Clothes.

And morality is the skin of the law, and it is also the greatest protective color.

At this moment, Qin Ge wrote with divine help, and in just half an hour, he was from the beginning of a human being, with a good nature.It has been written until the study of calligraphy, and everyone abides by it. As for the latter things, most of them are not suitable for this era, and were rejected by Qin Ge.

After the simplified version of the "Three Character Classic", Qin Ge was silent for a while, and wrote the "Disciple Regulations".

Of course, this "Disciple Regulations" is also a simplified version by Qin Ge, as long as it runs counter to the thinking of the Great Qin Empire, Qin Ge will give up.

When "Disciple Regulations" was finished, two hours had passed, Qin Ge rested on the recliner for a while, and once again picked up his pen, and in a short moment, "Thousand Characters" jumped up.

From the Xuanhuang of heaven and earth, the prehistoric universe, all the way to Yuji of Kyushu, the merger of hundreds of counties and Qin Dynasty, everything after that was subconsciously erased by Qin Ge.

Of the three books, Qin Ge valued the Thousand Characters the most.

Because the full text is a four-character sentence, the antithesis is neat, clear, and brilliant.The most important thing is that these are the only three articles in Qin Ge's memory, and "Hundred Family Surnames" is more difficult and not suitable for today's world.

At this time, a touch of gold appeared in the depths of Qin Ge's eyes. Books appeared in Qin Ge's memory one after another, even with annotations and explanations, and they were all lonely copies lost in later generations.

From "Cangjie Pian" and "Yanli Pian" that appeared during the Qin Empire, "Fan Jiang Pian" during the Han Dynasty, "Pang Xi Pian" by Jia Bing, "Encouraging Learning" by Cai Yong, Shi You's "Jijiuzhang", "Picang", "Guangcang", "Shixuepian" and so on in the Three Kingdoms period.

Even at the end, Qin Ge saw the textbooks of the first three grades of elementary school in later generations.

When Qin Ge saw the primary school textbooks of the later generations, his heart was greatly moved, but when he thought that the Education Department in the Great Qin Empire had just been established, and the university palaces had not yet been built, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

"Mei Luo, bring more parchment, and tidy up at the same time, the notes on the long case—!"

Seeing that there was only a piece of parchment left, Qin Ge raised his head and gave instructions, and then continued the great business of copying books. At this moment, Qin Ge was excited.

From the beginning to the end, he never thought that these books would be born in his hands, and they would affect the whole world.


Nodding in agreement, Mei Luo walked in, put a stack of parchment on Qin Ge's long case, and then began to sort out the notes on the long case.

"Young master, did you write this?"

After a while, Mei Luo's eyes were full of astonishment, and even panicked.

She was born extraordinary, so she is naturally literate, and she is also aware of the simplification of Dazhuan to Xiaozhuan. Everyone in Qin Ge's residence knows Xiaozhuan like the back of their hands.

Because of this, Mei Luo could understand the words written on the parchment, but the more she read it, the more shocked she felt.

"Of course, there's only me and you here, could it be that you wrote it?"

With a chuckle, Qin Ge continued to bury his head. Qin Ge understood the value of these books, but after all, he had seen these things. Regulations", "Thousand Characters" and so on.

These things can change an era and an empire.

Mei Luo's beautiful eyes were full of shock, and her gaze towards Qin Ge turned into awe, and a voice like an oriole resounded: "With these books, you can stand shoulder to shoulder with Confucius, Mencius and others, and call him Qin Zi!"

(End of this chapter)

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