Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 95 Zhang Cang and Xiao He's Choice!

Chapter 95 Zhang Cang and Xiao He's Choice!

"So what about being called a child, this is not my pursuit!"

Qin Ge is not a fool, he naturally knows that only those who have reached the extreme in one aspect can be called sons.

My sons!

Laozi, Zhuangzi, Mozi, Mencius, Xunzi, etc., almost everyone is a peerless talent, even Qin Ge has to admit that these people are uniquely blessed.

It is an existence that is beyond reach.

However, he is not interested in being called a son, he just wants this empire to become stronger, so that the second generation will not perish.

As for the title, he knew he was not qualified.

Compared with Confucius, Han Feizi and others, he is a steal.

With their academic and knowledge, Qin Ge only felt ashamed, not honored.

Sometimes, anything can be broken, but inheritance cannot be broken. This is a very serious problem.

Those who seal the son are all great talents in heaven and earth.

Even if Qin Ge looked down on Confucianists, he just looked down on Confucian scholars, not Confucian classics. There is still a big difference in this point.

"Clean up, let's study ink!"

After ordering, Qin Ge continued to copy the great cause.


Nodding in agreement, Mei Luo put down the parchment in her hand, suppressed the horror in her heart, and then calmly studied the ink.

At this moment, in Mei Luo's heart, Qin Ge's image had already changed drastically.

become more majestic.

No matter what era it is in, knowledge is extremely awe-inspiring, and there is no doubt about this.

Even the first emperor was the same. He highly respected culture and knowledge, and he didn't look like a tyrant in the legend.

The great cause of copying continued until the fourth watch.

Then Qin Ge didn't go to sleep, but bound them one by one with Mei Luo and put them on the long case.

These things are treasures to rewrite a history, and they are also the most scarce in the Great Qin Empire at this stage, and Qin Ge's move is also for the preparation of the Education Department.

Once the Education Department is opened and these things are released, they will surely shine brightly, attracting the attention of the whole world in an instant.

After tidying up, Qin Ge went to sleep with his clothes on.

At noon the next day, Qin Ge got up from the bed, washed up, and did some exercise in an instant.

Although Qin Ge wanted to become a strong man, there had never been such an urgency at this moment. From the news Qin Ge got, it could be seen that the First Emperor had already become interested in the southern places.

Once the army goes south, and Qin Ge has so many political enemies, it may not be that he will not be forced to go out.

Because of this, Qin Ge had to plan ahead. Only by becoming stronger could he gain a foothold in this barbaric world.This point was clear to Qin Ge from the very beginning.

"My lord, Zhang Cang and Xiao He are here, and they are in the Education Department right now."

Han Tan's voice interrupted Qin Ge's thoughts. At this moment, Qin Ge put down the wine cup in his hand, stood up, and said, "Prepare the car and go to the Education Department. I will go meet these two subordinates for a while."


To Qin Ge, both Xiao He and Zhang Cang were famous, but he had never seen them with his own eyes after all, and he had activated them in advance.

Sometimes, lack of necessary tempering will turn a great talent into a fool.

The environment is extremely important to the influence of a person.

As for the establishment of the Education Department, Xiao He and Zhang Cang were specially selected talents by him. Otherwise, if he was allowed to manage the Education Department alone, Qin Ge would get bored within three days.


The car was rumbling, heading north, and rushed along the street towards the Education Department.

The May Dynasty is approaching, and he needs to be busy with other things. At this time, the affairs of the Education Department can only be explained and let the people below handle them.

Otherwise, he is completely useless.

"My lord, the Education Department is here!"

"Let's go!"

The Education Department is its own territory, so naturally there is no need to care too much, and the car goes straight to the Education Department.

"Subordinate Xiao He, Zhang Cang has seen the sacrificial wine!"

"Go in and talk!"

After giving an order, Qin Ge got off the carriage and walked into the hall together with Xiao He and others.

Regarding the Education Department, he has too many thoughts in his heart, and he also has greater expectations. Because of this, he does almost everything by himself.

"sit down!"

After waving his hand to signal Xiao He and others to sit down, Qin Ge turned to Han and said, "Heat a pot of rice wine and prepare some snacks."



When Xiao He and Zhang Cang were seated, Qin Ge glanced at them, and said bluntly, "This time, I selected two officials from the whole country to serve the Education Department."

"And the Education Department exists for the purpose of evangelizing Daqin. Regarding this point, there is an explanation under the long case. After you two read it, burn it."

"Similarly, with the arrival of the two of you, I have also transferred people from all counties and counties in the world to enrich the Education Department. When the May Dynasty is over, the Education Department will open the department."

"Let's take a look, both of you. If you have any doubts, you can ask me..."

"Even after reading it, you two can decide to stay or stay. If you don't want to shine in the Education Department, I will order the two officials to return to their original posts."

"At this point, you two don't have to worry!"



Nodding in agreement, Xiao He and Zhang Cang picked up the parchment on the long case and began to look through it. They only understood half of what Qin Ge said just now.

Moreover, since they stepped into Xianyang City, they also have some understanding of the specific situation, and they are even more aware of the major projects built in the north of the city.

Similarly, they also have some understanding of the edification department's sacrificial wine, and it is because of this that they are worried.

Qin Ge is different from other people. He is the son-in-law of the Great Qin, and his name is recorded in the family tree of the surname Ying. This means that Qin Ge has the right to inherit the great empire.

Although unlikely, it is possible.

And the most important thing is that the current Qin Ge has already been involved in the fight for the heir apparent. Once they enter the Education Department, they will be labeled as Qin Ge from now on.

It's just that they knew that if Qin Ge hadn't transferred them this time, maybe they and others would still be struggling at the bottom for the rest of their lives.

No matter what Qin Ge's purpose was, they were vested interests after all. Not only did they get promoted and get rich, but they also reached the sky in one step, from the local government to the central government.

Thoughts flickered in their hearts, Zhang Cang and Xiao He looked at it more and more slowly. This is a choice, a choice about their own future, and once they make a choice, it is difficult to get off.

The atmosphere in the hall became more and more dignified. Xiao He and Zhang Cang put down the parchment in their hands, looked at each other, and said to Qin Ge.

"Xiao He, Zhang Cang, pay homage to Jijiu, and ask Jijiu for advice on what to do in the future!"


(End of this chapter)

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