Daqin started as a son-in-law

Chapter 97 The light in Qin Ge's eyes.

Chapter 97 The light in Qin Ge's eyes.


It is equivalent to the kindergarten and the curriculum before the fifth grade of elementary school in later generations. From the beginning to the end, Qin Ge never thought of opening a kindergarten in Daqin.

In his design, he adopts the pre-education method of later generations, replacing primary schools with elementary school, then establishes county schools to replace high schools, and replaces universities with Daqin Academy and others.

He knew in his heart that this was a long and far-reaching event, and it would take a long time to complete this grand vision.

But knowing that education is the capital for the revival of a country and the rise of a nation, even if there are many difficulties and dangers, Qin Ge will not regret it.

It was precisely because of this that Qin Ge would risk his life to fight, because he knew in his heart how difficult the situation he was facing was that he might die at any time.


"Establish Mengxue, establish Daqin Academy, Qin Ge tell me your plan, or your thoughts?" Ying Zheng's eyes were burning, and he saw ambition in Qin Ge's words.

That is not the ambition to steal the throne, but a ray of light to make Great Qin Wanshi's ambition.

It was because of this that Ying Zheng's introduction was shocking, and he supported Qin Ge so much.

But he always felt that he didn't know anything about Qin Ge's plan, and he wanted to get the answer today. Only in this way could he determine how much he would support Qin Ge.

Hearing this, Qin Ge's heart moved. At this moment, he also understood Ying Zheng's thoughts: "Father, do you have a pen and paper here?"


Stretching out his finger to the pen, ink, paper and inkstone on the long case, Ying Zheng was a little puzzled: "What do you want to do with the pen and paper? Do you want to write..."

"Father, these things involve too much, and I can't explain it clearly in a while!"

Qin Ge walked over, spread out a piece of parchment on the long case, smiled, and said, "Father, look..."

Seeing the first emperor approaching, Qin Ge said, "Father, my son's plan is to build a school of elementary school, which can cultivate people's literacy and understand the truth, so that they will love the Great Qin and be loyal to the empire."

"Only those who have gone through the assessment and succeeded in being outstanding are eligible to enter the next stage, which is the county school that has not yet been proposed."

"Among them, due to the shortage of manpower at this stage, the school is divided into three years for crash training."

"In the later period, the number of talents in Daqin gradually increased. My son's plan is to have a five-year education system. After five years, he must either pass the assessment and enter the county school, or repeat his studies."

"Among them, the county school has a three-year system. After three years, they pass the unified assessment and selection, and then enter the Daqin Academy for further studies, so as to cultivate usable talents for Daqin."

"At present, our Great Qin lacks talents, and the Great Qin Academy is also divided into a three-year system. In the future, it will be converted to a four-year system, or even a five-year system."

"In this way, my Daqin starts from the elementary school, conducts the enlightenment of children, and then goes through the training of the county school, and the Daqin Academy and other places, which is enough to be a great responsibility."

"When this step is completely completed, our Daqin court will have a steady stream of talents pouring in. At that time, the family, the family, etc. will be nothing more than chickens and dogs."

"Wait until the school system is complete and training begins, then improve Daqin's promotion system, adopt an assessment system, and select the best talents to serve the empire."

"In this way, holding the people of the world in your hands, coupled with the fact that Tianxing Capital holds the gold in the world, and the emperor father holds the army in the world, my Daqin Wanshi will no longer be a fantasy."

Speaking of this, Qin Ge's eyes sparkled: "Father, this matter is equivalent to making enemies with all the major classes in the entire Great Qin, and it must be carried out step by step."

"So, apart from my father, my son has never told anyone else, and I ask my father to keep it a secret, otherwise not only my son will not be able to carry it out, but my life will be in danger."


At this moment, Ying Zheng's heart was full of emotion, and it was also extremely shocking.

He didn't expect Qin Ge's plot to be so big!
Before this, he had guessed and thought about it, but he only saw part of it. Today, Qin Ge bluntly said that he saw the hope of the Great Qin Dynasty, and also saw Qin Ge's difficulties.

To be an enemy of the world requires a strong courage and an indomitable belief.

Thoughts flickered in his mind, Ying Zheng said in a low tone, "Qin Ge, you should be aware of the danger of doing this, just like I established the Great Qin Empire, the emergence of a new thing must mean bloodshed and sacrifice."

"You are too thin now, anyone has the ability to put you to death..."

Hearing this, Qin Ge's eyes were deep, and he was silent for a long time before he smiled wryly at Ying Zheng: "Father, my son naturally knows what I'm facing."

"In the beginning, I really just wanted to build Tianxing Capital and live a more comfortable life. With my father as the backer, no one in the Great Qin would come to make things difficult for Erchen, and no one would come to make things difficult for Tianxing Capital."

"Compared to dominating the world with power, compared to inheriting the sage's unique knowledge and bringing peace to all generations, my son is more inclined to be a dandy."

"Every day I sleep until I wake up naturally, and then I bring a group of scumbags to bully men and women in Xianyang City, and molested women from good families."

"Then there will be more money to spend, and then one or two wives and concubines, and live like this for the rest of my life."


Hearing Qin Ge's words, Ying Zheng was taken aback for a moment. He didn't expect Qin Ge to have such an ambition. His eyes were burning like a torch: "Then why did you change?"

Looking up at Ying Zheng, Qin Ge paused every word, and said, "Because on that day, I saw that the waiter in Father Emperor's study hadn't been turned off yet."

"Because on that day, my son saw his eyes full of sadness, and heard that although the world was merged with Qin, there were undercurrents surging, and the world was not at peace."

"Because on that day, my son saw that the boundless world was not a prosperous and peaceful world, but a mess..."


"So, the emperor wanted to cultivate an heir, and asked his son to be a bait. The son knew that once he stepped into it, he would not end well, but he didn't refuse."

"My son is willing to settle everything in the world, just to fulfill my father's ambition. If my father's sad face is a family, then I will design to destroy the family. If my father's study is not destroyed, for the sake of the people of the world, I will personally build a family. Peace and prosperity."

"If the father is not angry about the border, the ministers are willing to wear battle armor, destroy the country and return, and lead the way for the father, and break through the capital of the enemy's country."

"In this world, my son has only my father as a relative. As long as my father wants, my son will find it for my father even if the world is overthrown."

At this moment, Ying Zheng was inexplicably shocked when he heard Qin Ge's words. He didn't expect that Qin Ge would do this for himself.

With so many thoughts in his mind, Ying Zheng looked directly at Qin Ge and said, "What if you fight with Fu Su in the future?"

"If the elder brother has the talent to be an emperor, the son will guard the border for the rest of his life and never set foot in Xianyang."


(End of this chapter)

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